Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)

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  • Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)

  • Chapter 173
    Supplication if one Fears (Harm)

    981. Abu Musa Al-Ashari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), feared mischief from a people, he would supplicate: "Allahumma inna naj`aluka fi nuhurihim, wa na`udhu bika min shururihim (O Allah! We ask You to face them, and seek Your Protection against their evil.''
    [Abu Dawud and An-Nasa'i].

    Commentary:  Allah's Help, we are told, is a protection against all perils. Through this prayer we seek His Help with the conviction that the deceptions and designs of the infidels will turn back upon them.


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