The Islamic Openings

A Word about the Treaty of Hudaibiyah
When the Prophet ~ made a treaty with the Quraish in the year of Hudaibiyah which was 6 A.H., the agreement was based on a period of truce.
The one who would like to be allegiant to Muhammad is welcomed and the one who would like to be allegiant to the Quraish is free to do so. The one who goes to the Quraish from the supporters of the Prophet is not to be rejected by them, and the one who goes to the Prophet from the Quraish or from their allies is to be with the Prophet.
The members of the tribe of Kananah who were present stood up and said, "We will be with the Quraish and their agreement."
The tribe of Khuza'ah stood and said, "We will be on the side of Muhammad and his agreement."
There had been an old alliance between 'Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim, the Prophet's grandfather, and the tribe of Khuza'ah. Thus, `Amr ibn Salim ibn Hassirah of the Khuza'ah said, "It is not strange that I chose Muhammad, for it is the alliance set between my father and his grandfather."
Then a man of the Khuza'ah heard another man of the Kananah reciting a defamatory poem about the Prophet ~, the possessor of the most dignified merits. He attacked and injured him.
This incident kindled the hatred and fighting between the two tribes.
The Quraish sided with the Kananah and some of them went in disguise to take revenge. Among them were Safwan ibn Umaiyah, Huwaitib ibn 'Abdul 'Uzza, 'Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl, Shaibah ibn 'Uthman and Suhail ibn 'Amr. They pretended to have no knowledge of the accord.
They attacked the Khuza'ah at night while they were sleeping and killed many men in violation of the treaty.
Then `Amr ibn Salim of the Khuza'ah went to the Prophet ~ asking for his help. This forced the Prophet ~ to conquer Makkah.
The Quraish were afraid that the Prophet ~ would learn of their support of the tribe of Banu Bakr, for it was a clear breach of their treaty and could provoke the Muslims and cause them to invade Makkah.
Regretting what they had done, they sent Abu Sufyan ibn Harb to the Prophet ~ to renew the agreement and prolong the period of truce.
However, the Prophet ~ did not answer his plea.
The Prophet Orders the Muslims to Prepare
It was the habit of the Prophet ~ that whenever he wanted to raid somewhere, he would mention a destination other than the planned one.
So when he intended to fight the people of Makkah, he ordered the Muslims to prepare themselves for a battle and hid the destination from them.
He sent to the Bedouins and all the Muslims that were living in the surroundings: “He who believes in Allah and the Hereafter is to spend Ramadan in Madinah."
So the Arab tribes of Aslam, Ghifar, Muzainah, Ashja' and Juhainah complied and came to Madinah.
When the Muslims were ready, the Prophet ~ announced that he was heading to Makkah. Then he said, "O Allah, blind the Quraish from any spies or news till we take them by surprise in their ears and eyes so that they see us suddenly and hear us without any previous knowledge."
He assigned a group for every route to know who was passing by and he told them, "Don't let anyone that you don't know pass by you but send him back."
Hatib ibn Abi Balta'ah's Message to the Leaders of Makkah
The Companion Hatib ibn Abi Balta'ah thought that he had better send to the leaders of Makkah -Suhail ibn 'Amr, Sufyan ibn Umaiyah, 'Ikremah ibn Abi Jahl and Huwaitib ibn 'Abdul 'Uzza -a message that the Prophet ~ was marching towards Makkah. He told them, "Allah's Messenger has marched towards you in a huge army that advances as vigorously as a flood. He swore by the name of Allah that if he marched on it all by himself, Allah would grant him victory over you, for He will fulfill what He has promised the Prophet to do to you, for Almighty Allah is his Protector and Guardian. Hence, I preferred to do you a favor by writing to you."
Hatib ibn Abi Balta 'ah thought about the person through whom he could send the message to the chiefs of the Quraish. He remembered Sarah, a slave of some people of Banu 'Abdul Muttalib.
She was a singer in Makkah who came to Madinah asking the Prophet ~ for charity, for she complained of being needy. The Prophet of mercy~ urged Banu 'Abdul Muttalib to be benevolent to her, so they gave her clothes, money and provisions.
Hatib trusted Sarah, so he gave her the message and ten dinars, which contented her. She carried his message and headed to Makkah, happy with what she took from him and with an eye on the generous reward awaiting her when she delivered the message to the chiefs of the Quraish.
However, the divine inspiration told the Prophet ~ about Hatib's message before Sarah's camel reached Makkah. The Prophet ~ told `Ali ibn Abi Talib, Al-Zubair ibn Al-'Awwam and Al-Miqdad ibn 'Amr, "Go ahead till you reach the garden of Khakh (a place between Makkah and Madinah). You will find a woman on a camel who has a message from Hatib ibn Abi Balta' ah to the unbelievers warning them of our arrangements to attack them. Take the message from her and set her free, but if she refuses (to give the message), kill her."
They went on their way and reached the place where Sarah was.
They said to her, "Where's the message?"
She said, "I have no message."
"Either you bring it out or throw the baggage off the camel."
She swore by the name of Allah that she had no message. They brought her down from her mount and searched her and her baggage, but they did not find anything. 'Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "By Allah, Allah's Prophet never told a lie, nor did we ~ay a false thing. Bring out the message or we will strip you or kill you."
When `Ali turned his back, she loosened the braids of her hair and brought the message out from them. He took the message and returned to Madinah followed by Al-Zubair and Al-Miqdad.
When `Ali delivered-the message to the Prophet ~, he sent to Hatib ibn Balta'ah and asked him, "What is this, Hatib?"
Hatib said, "Don't be quick to judge me, Messenger of Allah!"
"Why did you do this, Hatib?”
“Messenger of Allah, I'm a stranger to the Quraish and not of their kin, while the Muhajirun (Immigrants) who accompany you have relations by which they protect their relatives and wealth in Makkah. So I thought that since I don't have any kinship with the Quraish, I could do them a favor so that they would have a reason to protect my family.
"I did this neither out of disbelief nor apostasy, nor did I accept disbelief."
The Prophet ~ said, "He spoke the truth."
'Umar ibn Al-Khattab said, "Messenger of Allah, allow me to kill this hypocrite."
The Prophet said, "He has witnessed the Battle of Badr. Who knows? Perhaps Allah has overlooked the wrongs of the people who fought in Badr and said, 'Do whatever you like for I have forgiven you. You are destined to Paradise."’
Then the verse was revealed to the Prophet:
{"O you who believe! Do not take My enemies and yours for friends, offering them friendship, while they have rejected the Truth that has come to you, and expelling the Messenger and you only because you believe in Allah your Lord. If you go forth to strive in My cause and seeking My good pleasure, (take them not as friends) holding secret converse of friendship with them, while I am best aware of what you hide and what you reveal, and whoever of you does that, has truly gone astray from the Right Path." If they have the upper hand over you, they will be your enemies, and will stretch out their hands and their tongues towards you with evil intent, and they wish that you may disbelieve.}(Al-Mumtahanah 60:1 -2)
The Islam of Abu Sufyan ibn AI-Harith
The Prophet who was sent to all humanity ~ marched with his army from Madinah on 10 Ramadan 8 A.H. with ten thousand Muslim men. He left Abarahum Kultum ibn Al-Hassin ibn Khalaf Al-Ghifari in charge of Madinah. They were fasting, but on their way, the Prophet of mercy ~ ordered his companions to break their fast to make things easier and to relieve them.
On their way to Makkah, the Prophet ~ met his uncle Al-'Abbas ibn 'Abdul Muttalib. "You are the last of the Muhajirun and I am the last Prophet," he said to his uncle. Then the Prophet ~ ordered him to send his baggage to Madinah and to accompany him to Makkah.
The Muslim army was intercepted by Abu Sufyan ibn Al-Harith, who used to harm the Prophet with his poetry and his sword. With him were his son Ja'far and `Abdullah ibn Abi Umaiyah ibn Al-Mughirah, the son of the Prophet's aunt `Atikah bint 'Abdul Muttalib and the brother of the Mother of the Believers Umm Salamah.
`Abdullah ibn Abi Umaiyah went to his sister Umm Salamah and said to her, "O Mother of the Believers, ask the Prophet to pardon us." So she said to the Prophet ~, "O Messenger of Allah, your uncle's son and your aunt's son and your brother-in-law should not be wretched though they are your relatives." The Prophet ~ turned away from them and said, "I'm in no need of them, for my uncle's son disgraced me, and my aunt's son and brother-in-law is the one who has said such nonsense in Makkah."
On hearing these words of the Prophet, Abu Sufyan said, "By Allah, if he does not give me permission to see him, I will take my son and go away so that he can't know where I am." And then Abu Sufyan ibn Al-Harith saw `Ali ibn Abi Talib who, also being his cousin, told him, "Go to the Messenger of Allah and stand in front of his face and tell him what the brothers of Yusuf said to him. They said, {‘By Allah now Allah has certainly preferred you above us, and we certainly have been guilty of sin.’} (Yusuf 12: 91)"
Abu Sufyan went to the Prophet accompanied by his son Ja'far and `Abdullah ibn Abi Umaiyah. The Prophet ~ turned his face away from them. On seeing this, Abu Sufyan ibn AlHarith changed his position to face the Prophet at the other side, but the Prophet turned his face away again, so Abu Sufyan recited verse 91 from Surah Yusuf. Then the Prophet who was sent with mercy to all humanity ~ was moved and recited from the verse after it: {... "No reproach shall this day be upon you, and Allah will forgive you, He is the Most Merciful of those who have mercy."} (Yusuf 12: 92)
Abu Sufyan, his son Ja'far and `Abdullah ibn Umaiyah said, "We bear witness that there is no god but Allah and we bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."
And then Abu Sufyan recited a couple of his poetic verses in which he said that the day be held a banner of war so that the armies of the pagans would defeat those of Muhammad be was bewildered in darkness. But now be is guided to the truth by someone who changed his soul and directed him to the truth although be bad coerced and opposed him severely.
The Prophet ~ tapped his chest and said, "You drove me out." Abu Sufyan lowered his bead in embarrassment, feeling guilty. The Prophet ~ said, '" Ali, teach your cousin bow to make ablution and let him know what the Sunnah is, then bring him back to me."
Then 'Ali ibn Abi Talib went out with his cousin Abu Sufyan ibn Al-Harith. The Prophet ~ called to 'Ali, "Announce to the people that Allah's Prophet is pleased with Abu Sufyan ibn Al-Harith, so they should be pleased with him as well."
The Islam of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb
In the city of Qadid, the Prophet arranged the troops and assigned the standards, dividing them among the tribes.
When he camped at Murr Al-Dhahran, he ordered his companions to kindle ten thousand fires and charged 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab to guard them. The Quraish had no news of the Prophet's approach, so he ~ said, "In Makkah, there are four persons of the Quraish whom I hate to see in disbelief, and I want them in Islam. They are 'Itab ibn Usaid, Jubair ibn Mut'am, Hakim ibn Hizam and Suhail ibn 'Amr."
Al-'Abbas ibn 'Abdul Muttalib felt sorry for the people of Makkah and said to himself, "What a miserable morning awaits the Quraish! By Allah, if Allah's Messenger enters Makkah by force before they come to negotiate with him, it will be fatal for the Quraish for ever after."
He rode the Prophet's white mule and moved on in the light of the flickering fires till he reached a vast area before Makkah where the Arak plant grows. He said, "Perhaps I can find some woodcutters or dairymen or anyone running an errand who can go to Makkah and tell them where the Prophet's camp is so they can go to him and settle a treaty of safety with him before he enters by force."
However, the Quraish knew about the Prophet's approach, though they did not know from which direction. They were shaking with fear after violating toe treaty and after the failure of Abu Sufyan ibn Harb to prolong the truce and renew the agreement not to invade them.
They sent Abu Sufyan ibn Harb to see what was going on, and they said to him, "If you meet Muhammad, take a word of safety from him for us.”
Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, Hakim ibn Hizam and Badil ibn Warqa' Al-Khuza'i set on their way aiming to bring news about the Prophet from a distance. They saw the flames and heard the neighing of horses.
Astonished, Abu Sufyan ibn Harb said, "I've never seen such fire or armies. This is the fire of the tribe of Arafah."
Hakim ibn Hizam said, "By Allah, this must be the Khuza'ah enraged by war."
Astonished as he was, Abu Sufyan replied, “The Khuza'ah are more humble and less in number to have such fires and armies.."
Suddenly, a loud voice broke the calmness of the night saying, "O Abu Hanzhalah!" Abu Sufyan turned towards the direction of the voice, which was that of his friend and comrade Al`Abbas ibn 'Abdul Muttalib.
"Is that you, Abul Fadl?"
"Yes!" replied Al-'Abbas.
Abu Hanzhalah said, "What's wrong, my most beloved friend?"
"By Allah, this is Allah's Prophet together with many people and he has decided on things that you cannot endure."
Abu Sufyan said desperately, "Oh, what a doomed morning is waiting for the Quraish! What shall we do?"
"Certainly, if he seizes power over you he will kill you. Get on the back of this mule till I take you to Allah's Messenger, where I can ask him to secure you."
The chief of the Quraish rode behind the Prophet's uncle while Hakim ibn Hizam and Badil ibn Warqa' Al-Khuza'i returned to Makkah.
Abul Fadl brought Abu Sufyan, and whenever they passed by one of the fires, the Muslims said on seeing them, "The uncle of the Prophet is on his mule." When they passed by the fire of 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab, who was on guard, he asked, "Who's there?" Then he approached Al, Abbas and when he saw Abu Sufyan ibn Harb on the back of the mule, he said, "Abu Sufyan! The enemy of Allah! All praise to Allah Who gave us power over you with no treaty or covenant."
Then 'Umar dragged Abu Sufyan to where the Prophet ~ was. The mule ran fast ahead of 'Umar. Al-'Abbas was racing with 'Umar to reach the Prophet first, for 'Umar was aiming to take the Prophet's permission to kill Allah's enemy, Abu Sufyan ibn Harb.
Al-'Abbas entered upon the Prophet followed by 'Umar Al-Faruq, who said breathlessly, "This is Abu Sufyan, whom Allah has given us power over without a treaty or covenant, so allow me to kill him."
Al-'Abbas looked at 'Umar disapprovingly then turned towards the Messenger of Allah and said, "Messenger of Allah, I promised him safety." Then he sat down.
`Umar repeated his demand, "Let me behead him."
Abul Fadl said angrily, "Wait 'Umar, for, by Allah, if he were one of the men of 'Udai ibn Ka'b, you would not have said that. However, you know that he belongs to the tribe of 'Abdul Manaf "
'Umar said, "Take it easy, 'Abbas. By Allah, your embrace of Islam the day you announced it was more precious to me than the Islam of Al-Khattab if he had ever embraced it because I knew that your embrace of Islam was more precious to Allah's Messenger ~ than the Islam of Al-Khattab, if he had ever embraced it."
The Prophet ~ said, "Take him to your tent, 'Abbas, and when it is morning, bring him to me."
Al-'Abbas returned to his tent and the next morning the Prophet ~ and his Companions made ablution.
Abu Hanzhalah said, "Oh 'Abbas! I've never seen such sovereignty before, not even the sovereignty of Persia or Byzantine."
When the Companions of the Prophet gathered to pray, Abu Sufyan wondered, "What are they up to? Were they ordered to do something?"
Al-'Abbas answered him, "They heard the adhan for prayer. That's why they're gathering."
On seeing the Muslims bow and prostrate like the Prophet, Abu Sufyan said, "`Abbas! They do whatever he orders them to do."
"Certainly, and by Allah, if he orders them to abstain from food and drink they will Comply."
Al-'Abbas then took Abu Hanzhalah to the Prophet of mercy ~, who said, "Woe to you, Abu Sufyan! Isn't it high time that you knew that there is no god but Allah?" Abu Sufyan ibn Harb said, "You are worth my father and mother to me, for you are so patient, so generous, and so merciful. I thought that if there were another god with Allah I would not be in need of anything."
The Prophet ~ asked him, "Woe to you, Abu Sufyan! Isn't it high time that you knew I am the messenger of Allah?"
If Abu Hanzhalah admitted his belief in the Prophet, he would lose the leadership and authority that he had struggled for years to gain. He said, "I still have doubts in my soul about that."
Abu Sufyan sought to postpone his admission of the Prophet's prophethood, for he realized how patient and tolerant he was. Abu Sufyan thought that no one could foretell the future. Perhaps one day, circumstances would overthrow Islam and the Muslims, and then he would be able to enjoy his supremacy over his people and save his dignity among them.
Noticing the glances of 'Umar ibn Khattab, Abul Fadl said to his friend and comrade, "Woe to you! Declare your faith and admit that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger before your head is cut off."
His head was more precious to him than all honors and leadership, and 'Umar was determined to cut it off.
Abu Sufyan said in a broken voice full of sorrow, "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger."
Thus, Abu Sufyan's declaration of Islam was a factor that spread peace so that the Muslim army could enter Makkah without resistance.
Allah's Armies Pass before Abu Sufyan
The Muslims prepared to enter Makkah, "The Mother of the Towns". The Prophet ~ said to his uncle `Abbas, "Go and hold Abu Sufyan at the narrow path of the valley so that the army of Allah passes by him and he can see them." Al`Abbas had a good wit and diplomatic speech, so he said, "Messenger of Allah, Abu Sufyan is proud, so give him a privilege over his people."
So the Messenger ~, who had a good understanding of the hearts and souls, said, "He who enters the house of Abu Sufyan is safe. He who enters the house of Hakim ibn Hizam is safe.
He who enters the Sacred Mosque is safe, and he who keeps himself indoors is safe."
Al-'Abbas "Abul Fadl" took Abu Sufyan "Abu Hanzhalah" and confined him at the narrow path of the mountain where the Prophet ordered. As the tribes passed by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, he wondered, "Who are these?"
Abul Fadl said to him, "Declare your faith."
Abu Sufyan said, "Why should I?" Then he repeated, "Who are these?"
"The tribe of Juhainah."
"What do I have to do with Juhainah?"
Then the tribe of Ghifar passed by and he asked the same question. Afterwards, Sa'd ibn Hadhim passed by, and Abu Sufyan exclaimed as before. Then a select, distinguished brigade passed by.
"Oh, Abul Fadl! Who are these?"
"This is the Messenger of Allah accompanied by the Ansar (Helpers of Madinah)."
"No one can defeat such a group."
He then looked at the green brigade and shook with fear for the Quraish. He was astonished by the great army mustered by the Prophet ~. He turned to Abul Fadl and said, "By Allah, Abul Fadl, your nephew's power has become great!"
"Oh, Abu Sufyan! It's the prophethood."
Sa'd ibn 'Ubadah carried the standard of the Prophet, and when he passed by Abu Sufyan, he said to him, "Abu Sufyan! Today is the day of the battle. Today Allah will humiliate the Quraish."
When the Prophet himself ~ passed by Abu Sufyan, the latter said, "Messenger of Allah, did you order the murder of your own kinsmen? Sa'd ibn 'Ubadah and his company said upon passing by me that he will kill us! Oh, Messenger of Allah! For the sake of Allah, I beg you to be merciful with your people, for you are the most beneficent, merciful and tender of them all."
'Uthman ibn 'Affan and `Abdul Rahman ibn 'Auf said, "Messenger of Allah, we do not guarantee that Sa'd will not attack the Quraish."
The Prophet ~ said, "Abu Sufyan, Sa'd lied. Today is the day of mercy and today Allah will honor the Quraish."
The Prophet of mercy ~ sent to Sa'd ibn 'Ubadah to have the standard taken from him and given to his son Qais ibn Sa'd ibn 'Ubadah. Sa'd refused to hand over the standard except by a clear indication from the Prophet.
The Prophet ~ sent him his turban, so Sa'd gave the standard over to his son Qais.
Abu Sufyan ibn Harb Advises His People
Al-' Abbas said to Abu Sufyan, "Advise your people to secure themselves."
Abu Sufyan mounted his horse and dashed to Makkah. On entering, he shouted loudly, "People of the Quraish! Muhammad is coming to you with a tremendous army that you cannot resist. Yet he who enters the house of Abu Sufyan is safe."
His wife Hind bint 'Utbah was furious with him. Blinded with rage, she grabbed his beard and cried, "Tribe of Ghalib! Kill the crazy old man!" Then she added, "You're the worst bearer of tidings." People rushed to her and she said, "Will you fight to defend yourselves and your city?"
Abu Sufyan said sharply, "Shut up and go in your house!" Then he looked at the people and said, "Woe to you! Don't be deceived by her. He has come with a mighty army that you cannot confront. He who enters the house of Abu Sufyan is safe, and he who enters the Sacred Mosque is safe and he who keeps himself indoors is safe."
The people then dispersed.
The Messenger of Allah Enters Makkah
The Prophet ~ arrayed the army and its generals and troops and ordered them to meet at Mount Safa and not to fight unless they were attacked first.
The Prophet ~ entered Makkah from the north with his head lowered in awe to Allah while reciting Surat Al-Fath. He leaned his head on his camel in humbleness to Allah. He did not enter it as a triumphant blood-thirsty general who violates the people and plunders their property. He advanced with his group till he reached Hujun, where he ordered his standard to be fixed.
The left flank of the army did not face any resistance, but the right flank led by Khalid ibn Al-Walid was confronted by some young men of the Quraish. They clashed with Kba1id's men and threw spears at them, then fled to the mountains and roads. The Prophet ~ entered the Sacred Mosque and, starting from the Black Rock, circumambulated the Ka 'bah.
Purifying the Ka' bah of the Idols
Three hundred sixty idols -one for each tribe of the Arabs -Were set up in the Ka 'bah.
They were fixed by lead at the base. The Prophet ~ brought a rod and struck every idol till it fell on its face while he recited {And say, "Truth has Come and falsehood has vanished, indeed falsehood is bound to vanish."} (Isra' 1 7: 81)
The idol named Hubal remained inside the Ka'bah. When it was night, the Prophet ~ said to 'A1i ibn Abi Ta1ib, "Get on my shoulders and destroy the idol." 'Ali said, "Messenger of Allah, you get on me, for it is not honorable of me to be over you." The Prophet ~ said, "No! You mount."
So the Prophet ~ sat down and `Ali got up onto his shoulders. Then the Prophet ~ stood up, raising `Ali to the top of the Ka' bah. 'Ali managed to move the idol and throw it to the ground, where it broke into pieces.
Abu Sufyan was present and reported that the Prophet ~ recited the same verse of the Qur'an as earlier.
Al-Zubair ibn Al-'Awwam looked at Abu Sufyan and said, "So Hubal was destroyed, and on the day of Uhud you were arrogant when you claimed that it is a source of blessing."
Abu Sufyan said, "Leave me alone and don't rebuke me, for if there were another god with the God of Muhammad, things would have been otherwise."
The Messenger of Allah Enters the Ka'bah
After purifying the Ka 'bah of idols, pagans and filth, the Messenger of Allah ~ wanted to enter it. He sent Bilal ibn Rabah to 'Uthman ibn Abi Talhah to bring the key of the Ka 'bah.
Because it was crammed with idols, statues and pictures, the Prophet ~ did not enter it till it was emptied. When it was cleared, he entered and found remains of pictures on its walls. He ordered a bucket of water, threw the water and started to rub out the drawings with his honored hands saying, "May Allah fight the people who draw what they cannot create." (Narrated by Tiyalsi and Diya' from Usama ibn Zaid)
The Free
The Prophet ~ stood and said, "There is no god but Allah. He has no partner. He has fulfilled His promise, granted victory to His servant and defeated the allies alone.
"People of the Quraish, Allah has purified you from the arrogance of the Period of Ignorance and its flattering with ancestry. People are descended from Adam, and Adam was created out of mud." Then he recited
{O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Surely the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is the most pious of you. Indeed Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.} (Al-Hujurat 49: 13)
The Prophet ~ placed his hands on the doorknobs and said, "What do you think I will do to you?"
They said, "Good."
One of them said, "We say it is good and believe it to be good. You are a good brother and a good nephew, though you have power over us."
The Prophet ~ said, "I will say to you what my brother Yusuf said: {... "No reproach shall this day be upon you, and Allah will forgive you, He is the Most Merciful of those who have mercy."} (Yusuf 12: 92) Go, you are free."
Providing water for the pilgrims was the responsibility of the tribe of 'Abdul Muttalib, and Al-'Abbas ibn 'Abdul Mutalib was in charge of it. The Prophet ~ asked, "Where is 'Uthman ibn Abi Talhah?"
'Uthman replied, "At your service, Messenger of Allah!"
The Prophet said, "Take your key, 'Uthman, for today is a day of beneficence and fulfillment." Then he gave him the keys and said, "Take the keys, ibn Abi Talhah, for they will be your everlasting duty not to be taken except by a transgressor.
Then the responsibility of providing water was given to 'Abbas ibn ' Abdul Muttalib.