The History Of Palestine

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  • The History Of Palestine



    The Division Project

    On the 7th
    of June 1937, the Royal Committee headed by Lord Bill issued a report that
    dealt with demonstrating the point of view of both the Arab and Jew leaders,
    the committee recommended that the Palestinian case could not be solved, except
    on the basis of the suggestion of dividing Palestine, the main terms of the
    division project were as follows:

    1.      Establishing
    a Jewish state that divides the northern and western part of Palestine, the
    state extends along the coast from Lebanon boundaries till the south of Jaffa,
    it includes Acre, Haifa, safad, Typerias, Nazarete and Tel Aviv. The state
    would will be linked with Britain by a friendship treaty and alliance.


    2.      The
    Sacred places are to be under the British Mandate including (Jerusalem and
    Bethlehem),  they will be linked
    with Jaffa through a passage including Allud, Al Ramla and Nazarete too, and
    the Mandate will be in charge of protecting such places.

    Palestinian lands will include (the southern and eastern parts of Palestine),
    including the city of Jaffa till east of Jordan, it will be linked with Britain
    by a friendship treaty and alliance.

    4.      The
    Jewish state is to pay a financial aid to the Arabic state, while Britain is to
    donate one million sterling to the Arab state.

    5.    A so-called
    exchange of people between the Arabic and Jewish states is to take place, where
    the Arabs who were 325 thousand are to be transmitted from the Jewish state to
    the Arabic state gradually, and a land is to be prepared for them in Beersheba
    after accomplishing the irrigation projects.

    6.      A Custom
    treaty is to be signed between the two states to unify taxes between them over
    most of the imported goods as much as possible.


    As for the Jewish settlement, the areas of lands that
    the Zionist institutions and individuals had obtained by the year 1936 amounted
    1.200.000 sq.m., and the number of settlements
    multiplied, its number was estimated to be 203 settlement, thus the number of
    settlers increased from 30 thousand in 1927 to reach 98 thousand in 1936.

    The Palestinian Arab reaction to the division
    resolution was to continue revolting. That resulted in the delay of passing the
    resolution of division. The revolution remained flared until the Second World
    War broke out.


    On 23rd, November A38 A.C., "Malcom Macdonald",
    the British Minister of Colonies, gave an important speech in the Council of
    Commons explaining the status quo in Palestine. The statement demonstrated an
    understanding of the Arab attitudes and their points of view when he said,
    "The problem of refugees in Mid-Europe will never be settled at the
    expense of  Palestine but should be
    solved in a wider field." He continued saying, "The Arab people have
    inhabited those countries several centuries ago, but their views were not taken
    into consideration when Balfour Promise was declared, nor when the Deed of
    Mandate was formulated. The Arabs, during the ensuing twenty years of the war,
    have been watching that pacific invasion, which foreign people are carrying
    out, and from time to time they present their belief with loud protest. They
    have become frightened that their destiny in their country will be submitted to
    the domination of this new active people in the fields of economy, politics and
    trade. If I were an Arab I would be horrified too."

    After this statement, the detainees were set free on
    27th, December 1938 A.C. in order to permit Palestine and the Arabs to take
    part in the next London Conference. Meanwhile, Some Arab delegates from Egypt,
    Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and East Jordan went to the conference. On 7th,
    February 1939, the Round Table Conference was inaugurated to be ended with
    disappointment, and on 17th, May 1939 A.C. the British Government issued what
    was known as "The White Book" including the following:

    1. Constitution:

    In the tenth term it stated that "The aim of His
    Majesty’s government  is to
    constitute, within ten years, an independent Palestinian government and be
    joined with the United Kingdom by a treaty.

    2. Immigration:

    The government of His Majesty ought to allow more expansion
    of the Jewish national homeland through immigration making such immigration
    conditional on the Arabs’ approval.

    3. Territories:

    Term 16 in the "White Book" stated
    that, "The country is to be divided into areas. In one part, land
    transference from Arabs to Jews is forbidden. In another part it is specified
    while in the third part it is open.

    After the end of the Second World War, the
    Zionist world  found out that
    Britain was a powerless state after war, but it had a worldly position in USA,
    which maintained its power and had its interests in the Middle East. So, the
    Zionist world  doubled its
    political activities on the upper American levels taking into account that it
    was the only power capable to exercise pressure on the British government to yield
    for the Zionist requests. It adopted many means; the most important was the
    diplomatic as it depended on continuous stress by the Jewish Agency in Britain.
    The second means was to carry out the set strategy based on the American
    pressure on the British government. Thirdly it practiced stress by terrorism
    tactics through the escalation of terrorist operations and the infliction of
    painful strikes on the Mandate administration.

    The Zionist establishment and the Jewish agency
    effectively persisted in carrying out what they desired. So they tried to win
    the American Leadership including the American President "Hary
    Truman" who no sooner had he resided in the White House than he dispatched
    a message to the British Prime Minister "Churchil" on 24th July 1945.
    Also, the new British Prime Minister "Atly" was requested in a
    message forwarded to him on 31st August 1945, to let (100.000) Jews enter

    In reply to the American message, Britain proposed on
    19th October 1945 A.C. that U.S.A. would share with it the responsibility of
    planning Palestine Policy through the formation of An Anglo-American Inquiry
    Committee to study the Palestinian problem.

    The Division Resolution:

    In September 1947, A.C, a UN Committee was formed
    based on a request by the British government, called "UNSCOP" UNITED
    NATIONS SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON PALESTINE. The committee comprised eleven members
    excluding the permanent five great states in Security Council alleging that
    their participation would lead to a biased report. The eleven members were
    selected from Australia, Sweden, Canada, India, Czechoslovakia, Iran, Holland,
    Guatemala, Peru, Uruguay and Yugoslavia. The Swedish judge, "Imil
    Sandostrome" was appointed a chairman of it. He had to submit, in
    September, a comprehensive report to solve the problem according to the
    committee's proposals.

    The Arabs protested on sending another committee to
    Palestine, so, they voted against the resolution. The formation of the
    committee was apparently biased against Arabs because some of its members were
    either pro-Zionist or subordinates to American influence.

    The committee finalized its report on 31st, August
    1947 A.C. and forwarded it to the UN General Assembly. The report contained
    eleven recommendations.

    The division resolution calls for:

    Dividing Palestine into an Arab state and a Jewish
    one. A part of it will be under the international mandate, administered by the
    United Nations. About 56% of it, should be to the Jews.

    The two states will be independent after a two-year
    interim period, starting on the first of September 1947 A.C., approving the
    constitution for each of them, signing an economical treaty, establishing an
    economic union, unifying the customs tariffs and the currency.

    Also, the division resolution stipulates the organization
    of the Jewish immigration.

    After exposing those recommendations, the High Arab
    board had already declared its refusal of those plans. The next day of
    publishing the report, "Golda Mayerson", the representative of the
    Jewish Agency expressed implicitly her acceptance of the most major parts of
    the project.

    Arabs, in general and Palestinians in particular
    expressed their absolute resentment of this project. All Arab peoples expressed
    their resentment by staging demonstrations in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon and in
    most Arab countries.

    Accordingly, the political committee of the Arab
    league decided to meet in Soufar in Lebanon on 6th, September so that they
    would study the context of the committee's report and subsequently, take a
    unified Arab political action.

    As a result of the meeting, the following decisions
    were taken:

    political committee maintained that the execution of those proposals
    constituted an actual danger, which threatened peace and security in Palestine
    and the Arab countries. Therefore, it had decided to resist, by all effective
    means, so as to prevent the execution of those proposals.

    political committee maintained that it should disclose to all Arab people the
    real dangers facing the case of Palestine. Therefore, it called upon every Arab
    to offer all that he can from help and sacrifice.

    political committee had decided to notify the governments of USA and Britain,
    that any decision taken, regarding Palestine Problem, without stating the
    establishment of an independent Arab State, would prognosticate dangerous
    disorders in the Middle East.

    committee had decided to request the states of the league to offer the most
    urgent possible aid for the Palestinians, like money, arms and men.

    ·       Due to the division resolution, Palestinian Arabs
    started resisting the Zionist settling activities, with the Arab support. This
    resistance extended to spread all over the country, where severe battles broke
    out during which all weapons were used, thus claiming many lives.

    ·     Due to those dangerous turmoil, the international
    Security Council met on 19th, March to study the serious status in Palestine.
    It became evident that the division plan could never be peacefully executed. So
    the Jews decided to thwart any attempt by the Security Council that might
    invalidate the division resolution. To impose the status quo policy on the
    United Nations, the Jewish assault in Nakhshoun' enabled them to seize the Arab
    Qastal village in Jerusalem province.

    ·       On 9th, April Abdel Qader Al Hosaini, succeeded in a
    strong military battle in expelling the Jews out of Qastal. He was martyred
    there, but soon the Jews returned after hours, taking advantage of the
    citizens’ preoccupation in bidding farewell to their leader. Hence they
    occupied the village and completely destroyed it. Under such blood thirst
    assailing policy, the Zionists committed "Deir Yasin" massacre, at
    the outskirts of Jerusalem. They broke into the village with heavy arms,
    slaughtered and mutilated the inhabitants. They murdered (250) Arabs, mostly
    women and children. The Jewish writer "John Kimy" described this
    horrible massacre as the most atrocious stigma in the history of Jews". He
    did not know then that the Jews would commit what is far more heinous.

    The English were of great help to the Jews in
    realizing their aims. They trained them during the mandate period and provided
    them with arms. Moreover, when the English withdrew from any area in 1948, they
    handed it over to the Jews. This phase of the year 1948, ended, and it was given
    the name of the Catastrophe of 1948, which marked the Jews occupation of most
    lands of Palestine and expelling its citizens except in Gaza, West Bank and
    East Jerusalem. Meanwhile, the "White House" had already summoned the
    representative of the Jewish agency in Washington "Ilyaho Eishtein"
    notifying him that USA had resolved to actually recognize the independence of
    Israel provided that Washington should receive a request regarding this

    On the 14th May, at six o'clock exactly,
    according to Washington time, the end of the British Mandate over Palestine was
    declared. At one minute past six, the establishment of the State of Israel was
    declared. At eleven minutes past six, the USA recognized the State of Israel.

    Today Palestine suffers under the Zionist occupation,
    which deceived the world with its right in the Arabic Palestinian land, and
    some of the democratic countries of the world had partaken in this deception
    through participating in a conference, which was known as “San Remo conference”,
    which took place in the year 1920, where these countries decided to place
    Palestine under British Mandate, thus within two years Palestine became
    effectually under the British authority, which sent Herbert Samuel, who was a
    Zionist leader, as its first High Commissioner in Palestine. Hence this High
    Commissioner was the representative of Britain in Palestine, and at the same
    time, a representative of the Jews. The League of Nations issued the decree of
    British Mandate over Palestine in 1922, whereby the British started by this
    decree building a national home to the Jews in Palestine. This occurred with no
    consideration to the original people of this land, it happened despite them and
    without consulting them. Or rather it happened against their will, such was
    really the phony democracy, of which the colonizer brags.

    Ironically, the promoter of the idea of establishing a
    state to the Jewish people, Theodor Herzl, who was Austrian, wrote a book
    called “The Jewish State” in 1896, where he suggested establishing such state
    in one of two places: either Argentina, or Palestine! Then he placed Uganda,
    the African country, as another suggestion, in addition to other countries,
    like Pakistan!!. This  is not all,
    for even before Herzl, the Jewish leaders, used to hold there meetings around a
    table over which Uganda’s map was drawn. This African black country, which had
    nothing to do with the Jews, but nevertheless, it was once a target to the
    Zionist’s schemes.

     The following track of events reveals
    some facts that no one can gainsay, which clearly betrays the Zionists’
    hesitation in choosing between Argentine and Palestine. This information is
    available to any researcher on the history of Zionist movement and its
    conferences that were held several times:

    ·   In the year 1896 and after the appearance of
    anti-Semitism notions in Europe, Theodor Herzl suggested a solution to this
    problem in his book “The Jewish State”, where he Suggested founding a national
    home to the Jews in Argentina or Palestine.

    ·      In the year 1897, the first conference for the Zionist
    movement was held in Switzerland, which declared in its conclusion “Basel
    program” for occupying Palestine and establishing the International Zionist

    ·       In the year 1904, the fourth conference for the
    Zionist Movement was held, where it decided establishing a national home for
    the Jews in Argentina.

    ·       In the year 1906, the parliament of Zionist Movement
    decided to make the Jewish national home in Palestine.

    ·       In the year 1914, with the beginning of World War One,
    Britain promised the Arabs to help them gain their independence from the
    Ottoman rule, provided that they sided with Britain in its war against the
    Ottoman state. Hence Britain entered into Palestine as a liberating force, but
    such was the biggest fraud that the Palestinians were subject to in their
    history, because it had changed their future indefinitely.

    ·       In the year 1916, The “Sykes-Picot Agreement” was
    signed between France and Britain, where they agreed on dividing the Arab
    region into spheres of control  and
    influence. Accordingly, it was decided to place Lebanon and Syria under the
    French control, while Jordan and Iraq under the British control, provided that
    Palestine remained a small country.

    ·       In
    November 1917, the British government issued “Balfour Declaration” in the form
    of a letter from its Minister of External Affairs “James Arthur Balfour” to the
    leader of the Zionist Movement. Whereby the Minister of External Affairs
    pledged that the Government of His Majesty would do its best for the sake of
    establishing a national home to the Jews in Palestine, following is the text of
    the Letter:


    The Balfour Declaration

    Dear Lord Rithchild,

    I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of
    His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish
    Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

    His Majesty's Government view with favor the
    establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will
    use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being
    clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and
    religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights
    and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

    I should be grateful if you would bring this
    declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

    Signed: Arthur James Balfour"

    This was the letter sent by the British Minister of
    External Affairs to the leader of the Zionist Movement; what attracts attention
    in the context of the letter is a sentence that constitutes a clear admission
    from this minister that this land belongs to the Palestinians alone, the
    sentence is:

    " His Majesty's Government view with favor the
    in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people"

    In this sentence the British minister promises to
    establish a new state to the Jews in Palestine!!! What more can be said to
    prove that Israel did not exist at that time, and that the Arabic land that is
    currently the center of conflict, belongs to the Palestinians and not the
    Israelis, who are actually intruders into this region, and who have nothing to
    bind them to this sacred land except their greed.


    There are many proofs that make those who attempt to
    conceal it look ridiculous. Among such simple and convincing proofs that
    disclose the fragility of the pretexts on which the Zionist entity is based,
    and expose the lie that Palestine is a Jewish land, is the rulers of this
    entity itself. Verily, the presidents of this intruding entity are themselves
    an evidence that Palestine is Arabic, and that the Israelis are outsiders and
    colonizers, who came to usurp this pure land. Since the establishment of Israel
    on 14th May 1948 till the year 1996, it was ruled by 26 governments,
    with 8 presidents, who were the oldest and the first to rule over Israel. The
    following table, whose data were compiled from different resources that deal
    with the autobiography of those governors, shows the real names, dates, and
    birthplaces, in addition to stating their ages when they first entered the land
    of Palestine:

    Prime Minister

    Birth Date


    Year of entering Palestine

    Age at entering Palestine


















    - Ukraine
























    table demonstrates how the Zionist entity was erected on a lie that the land of
    Palestine belongs for the Jews. The Zionist organizations had spread before the
    establishment of the state of Israel a famous racial phrase, which says “A land
    with no people, to people with no land”. Thus they implicitly admitted that
    they own no land by saying “people with no land”, but they lied when they said
    that “Palestine is a land with no people”, because it was and still is the land
    of strife, and a land that is imbued with the scent of history and
    civilization, it is the land of the Palestinians alone, they had never left it.
    History testifies that they had defended this land with their blood to ward off
    the invaders, like the Crusaders, Mongols, Tatar, and other colonizers. The
    previous table shows the ages of the Israeli presidents when they entered
    Palestine for the first time in their lives, the youngest among them was 11
    years old, who was “Shimon Perez”, who entered Palestine for the first time in
    1934, coming from Poland, where he lived there for 11 years, and got used to a
    different European style of living than that of the Arabic Palestine. As for
    Menachem Begin, he entered Palestine for the first time at the age of 29, thus
    he came with a different style of living than that of the Palestinians, he came
    from Russia to Palestine as a Jewish immigrant just like thousands of his sort,
    who came from all over the world.

    the question that strongly poses itself clearly is: how did the Zionists
    succeed in hiding the truth and filling Palestine with the Jews? How did the
    Jews arrive at Palestine from all over the world so easily, despite the strong
    Arabic objection? How did the Palestinian ownership of the land devolve from
    the real possessors to strangers, who gradually extended their dominion over
    the whole of Palestine, where they established a new state that is alien to the
    real inhabitants in all aspects?

    appears the dangerous and significant role that the Jewish emigration had
    played in manipulating the destinies of the Palestinian people and expelling
    them out of their land, and occupying it till this day. For this immigration
    was the first lethal weapon that the Jews used against the owner of the land,
    where they imposed on Palestine a demographic majority that consequently
    enabled them to dominate the country. Out of this concept, many of the
    Palestinian resisters regard that there is no such thing called Israeli
    civilians, they are all soldiers, who should be fought, and that by considering
    that the first weapon that the Jews used was the demographic one, by means of
    imposing a Jewish majority in Palestine.



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