The History Of Palestine

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  • The History Of Palestine


    Expulsion of the
    Palestinians from their Homes

    It was aforementioned that Palestine lies at the west of
    Asia; at the southern part of the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and
    thus lies at the heart of the ancient world which made it a land bridge connecting
    between Asia and Africa, and between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. I
    have also indicated that Palestine totals 27.009 km² only, including Lake
    Tiberias and the province of Hawlah and half the area of the Dead Sea. This
    area is wholly inhabitable due to the presence of Lake Tiberias and half the
    area of the Dead Sea. The area of Palestine is very small and equals
    4% of
    Texas, which means that it is 25 times smaller than it. It also equals
    15.3 %  of Washington’s
    area and about 21
    %  of New York’s area,
    and it is hardly spacious enough for the Palestinians, so how things would be
    when these great multitudes immigrate to it form all over the world? 

    Zionist leaders who mastered the evacuation and immigration of the Jews to Palestine
    perfectly knew this fact, and perfectly knew that Palestine hardly contained
    its people, let alone if an exodus of Jews crept to it. Therefore, these
    Zionist leaders decided to evacuate Palestine from the largest possible number
    of its native people to be occupied by incomers from all over the world. This
    thinking was embodied in an article by the ex-Knesset member  in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot
    dated 1471972
    . The truth is that the Palestinian existence in Palestine is
    inherent in history and is as old as human existence in the Arab region and the
    proof is Ariha (Jericho), this Palestinian city, which is the most ancient city
    in history, more than 7000 years old. But the Israeli presence is only recent
    and the details of the exodus clearly exposes and bares this reality.

    just as the Zionists exercised terrorism against their own countrymen (in Iraq,
    Libya and Yemen) to convince them to go to Israel, after they loved their life
    in other countries that guarded their dignity and honor, they also exercised it
    against the Palestinians to force them to leave their land and evacuate it for
    the sake of the new incomers who caused the miseries and wars witnessed in the
    region to this day. These Zionist terrorist acts against the Palestinians since
    the beginning of the last century triggered horrible massacres. The Jewish
    Knesset member confessed to this fact in his article published by the Israeli
    newspaper Yediot Ahronot, in which he considered the evacuation of Palestine
    from its people as “an inevitable necessity”, in order to establish their own
    foreign and intrusive entity upon the region. The whole world should know how
    the Jews entered Palestine and dominated it, and how did Israel enter the Arab
    region and wage wars and inflict tragedies only known by the people of the
    region and a minority in the world, owing to its being marginalized by
    political parties and media systems connected with World Zionism. The British
    Colonial Secretary, Malcolm MacDonald, delivered in 23 November 1938 an
    important testimony in the House of Commons in which he explained the present
    situation in Palestine. This testimony under the title “Division Project”, is
    considered a momentous proof on the reality of the situation in Palestine at
    that time. The statement expressed his understanding of the Arab position and
    the soundness of the Arab views.

    crucial testimony stated by the British Colonial Secretary clearly reveals the
    drastic psychological state that the Palestinians lived when the Jews invaded
    their country, after they accepted in the beginning the peaceful entry of the
    Jews and treated them unguardedly because they trusted them, and for their
    simplicity and ignorance of what these intruders harbored. Today the whole
    world knows what the Jews harbored then while seeing a Palestinian population
    homeless, whose children are killed every day. The Jews betrayed the trust
    shown by the Palestinians, who one day welcomed them and accepted their
    presence in their land. But sorrowfully found themselves under the gun of these
    intruders who became the rulers of the capabilities and possessions of the
    Palestinians, mostly found themselves just foreign refugees in adjacent

    attorney Wakim Wakim, Secretary of National Committee for the Defense of the
    Rights of the Uprooted in Israel, said in an article published for him on the
    site of Women’s Committee for Supporting the Palestinian’s Right of Return: “At
    the time of announcing the division resolution, number 181 dated 29111947,
    there lived in the regions under the Jewish State, in conformity with the
    division resolution, more than 243000 Arabs in 219 villages and four cities
    which are Haifa, Tiberias, Safad and Baysan. During the time between the
    division resolution and until June 1948, more than 239000 Arabs were driven out
    from this region and 180 Arab villages were evacuated and completely destroyed.
    Also the inhabitants of three big countries: Safad, Tiberias and Baysan were
    completely expelled, whereas 1950 Palestinians remained in Haifa. In the
    meantime the military Zionist organizations drove out about 122000 Arabs from
    the regions under the control of the Palestinian State and 70 villages were
    evacuated and completely destroyed. The people of Yafa and Akka were almost
    totally driven out. Furthermore, a very big part of the people of Al-Ladd and
    Ar-Ramlah were expelled. 


    people think that the expulsion of the Palestinians from their land concurred
    with the eruption of the military Zionist activities in 1948. But delving into
    the pages of history, which the Zionist media and ideology kept in the dark in
    a way unprecedented before in history, ascertains that the expulsion started,
    theoretically at least, with Herzl
    launching his book, “The Jewish State,”
    the Torah of Zionism. The base of establishing the Jewish state in our country
    Palestine meant the expulsion of all our people, or at least the majority, as
    the military Zionist organizations did and the state of Israel after it.

    first act of expulsion actually took place in 1905, when the Zionist settlers
    conspired with some
    feudatories from Lebanon to buy
    lands from the village that overlooks Al-Jalil Al-Ala (Upper Galilee) and expel
    the peasants, who molded its soil with their sweat and blood. One of the Jewish
    settlers wrote at that time about the deep attachment of the peasants to their
    lands, saying “even their animals cried” when they were forced to leave.

    the historical documents point to the expulsion of about 70 000 Palestinian
    peasants and the destruction of their villages before the eruption of war – the
    Disaster in 1948 – even before the final approval of the crime by the UN
    organization that sanctioned the resolution of dividing Palestine equally with
    the Jewish settlers. The total of the Palestinians who were expelled from their
    country exceeded 726 000 citizens, and there only remained in Palestine about
    156 000 Palestinians, 40000 among
    them have been dislodged inside Palestine and have resorted to the neighboring
    villages and countries, their number exceeds today 200 000 uprooted persons.
    They form in some of the villages they resorted to 50% from the inhabitants or
    even more. The huge numbers of those dislodged and homeless people inside and
    outside, indisputably prove the falsity of the Zionist claim alleging that the
    refugees where dislodged in compliance with the demand of their leaders, taking
    into consideration the short period that extended between 1121947 and the
    first of June when the terror of the armed Zionist organizations against the
    Palestinian inhabitants aggravated. The activity lately assumed by some new
    military Israeli historians, and in their lead “Benny Maurice”, proves the
    truthfulness of the Palestinian account that affirms that the forced expulsion
    operation took place in a systematic and planned method with the design of
    “ethnically cleansing” Palestine of its Arab inhabitants. For the forced
    expulsion operation was accompanied with intensive attacks of violence,
    terrorism and massacres that stood as one of the chief reasons behind the
    departure of the Arabs of Palestine. The military Israeli historian Prof.
    Ytzhak, the lecturer in Bar-llan University, estimated that the organized
    bloodbaths committed by the Israeli gangs exceeded ninety bloodbaths. These
    military operations were coupled with a policy of psychological warfare through
    leaking news about the massacres on a local scale so that the atrocities of
    genocide, rape, and destruction reach the hearing of the Palestinian
    inhabitants especially the conservative Palestinian countryside, with the aim
    of implanting in the souls of the inhabitants a state of horror and panic, thus
    they would evacuate their villages to save their souls, honor and possessions.

    is also many testimonies that affirm that most of the Palestinian border
    villages were besieged from three directions and bombed to force the
    inhabitants to escape from the fourth direction which in most cases was towards
    Lebanon, Syria or Jordan. The Zionist false claim that the Palestinians left
    their lands in 1948 in compliance with the commands of their leaders was among
    the Zionist false propaganda to diminish worldwide solicitude for the
    Palestinian people especially the refugees. The writer, Tzvi
    , said,
    descendant knows that had it not been for the collective escape in 1948 the
    Israeli State would not have been established, even inside the division borders
    specified by the UN in 1947, the more so within the truce expanded borders
    specified at the end of the liberation war.”
    As for Count Folke
    Bernadotte , the UN Mediator, he examined the status of two specific villages
    that were subjected to the unjustifiable attack of Zionist organizations and
    how the inhabitants were forced to evacuate the villages then they were
    destroyed, as stated in his report submitted to the general assembly. Also, in
    a study by Prof. Israel Shahak
    about the evacuated villages, he said, “The truth
    concerning the Arab villages that existed before 1948, among the lands on which
    the Israeli State was established, is one of the most hidden secrets in the
    Israeli life, for there is hardly a report or a book or a pamphlet that
    discusses their number or location, which is a deliberate matter in order for
    it to be the accepted official myth, that talks about an empty country,
    educable in Israeli schools and can be related to visitors and tourists.” Prof.
    Israel Shahak has presented a list including the names of 385 villages that
    were destroyed and completely erased by Israel from among 475 villages that
    existed before 1948. During the last years many realties and documents from the
    Israeli army archives began to be disclosed to prove that hundreds of massacres
    were perpetrated and innocent Palestinians were murdered in cold blood. Prof.
    Ytzhak”, the lecturer in Bar-llan
    University and the
    Military History Expert, has published his data and
    researches concerning more than ninety massacres perpetrated in
    Palestinian villages, among them
    are: Sa‘sa‘ village – destruction of 20 houses over their
    inhabitants and the murder of 60 persons; Hawsan village –slaughter of 12 men
    without any cause or resistance; Al-Dawayima village –murder and slaughter of
    80 persons (Al-Khalil (Hebron) Mount);
    Ailbon village – shooting 12 youths under the eyes of a crowd of the
    surrendered inhabitants (in Al-Jalil) and another 17 youths from the Bedouins
    and the village inhabitants that were dispersed at different parts, it seems as
    if they were resisting; Majd Al-Kurum village – shooting 5 youths (in
    Al-Jalil); Ba‘nah and Deir Al-Asad villages – summoning the inhabitants then
    picking from them 4 youths, who were shot in front of everybody; Safsaf village

    murder of 56 men after tying them and casting them into a well, rape of three
    women and a young girl 14 years old
    ; Saliha village – killing 94 persons by knocking
    down their houses over them; Ayn Al-Zaytun village – murder of 32
    persons then their watches were taken from their hands;
    Qisarya village
    – murder of whoever failed to escape; Al-Kabri village – the village was
    occupied and 7 youths were murdered and the rest of the inhabitants fled.

    There is not the least doubt that the bloodbaths and
    massacres perpetrated by the Zionist organizations came within a programmed
    plan for expulsion. Shortly ago a document was published by the Israeli army
    intelligence agency in June 1948 that analyzes “The reasons behind the Arabs’
    exit from Palestine”, which absolutely refutes the Zionist propaganda and
    states some of the reasons that were behind the Arabs’ exit from Palestine:

    hostile Jewish acts directly targeting the villages, the Arab cities, and the
    downfall of the big villages and the main cities constitute 55% from the
    reasons that resulted in the exit.

    2-Operations carried by Jewish terrorist groups, like
    Etzel and Lehi, that were involved in terrorist acts in Yafa and Al-Jalil
    (Galilee), the city center and Al-Qods region and executed the “Deir-Yassin
    Massacre”. The influence they exercised constitute 15%.

    3-Evil Insinuations and Psychological warfare and
    their influence played 2%.

    4-The orders and warnings
    given to the inhabitants to evacuate the villages and desert them in order to
    enable the Arab forces to retrieve them. Its influence is 5%.

    panic and distrust of the power of the Arab forces. Its influence is 11%.

    Concerning the huge dislocation, expulsion and destruction project
    committed against the Palestinian villages during the Six Day War and after it,
    we must point to the fact that Al-Jalil and the northern region were afflicted
    with the lion’s share in this project, as the writer Charles Caiman emphasizes
    the following facts in his article, “After the Disaster
    – the
    Arabs in the Israeli State – 1948 – 1950”:

    1.     Among
    73 villages under the jurisdiction of Safad 68 villages were destroyed.  

    2.      Among 51 villages under the
    jurisdiction of Akka 21 villages were destroyed.

    3.    Among 23 villages under the
    jurisdiction of
    Tiberias 20 villages were destroyed.

    4.      Among 19 villages under the
    jurisdiction of Baysan 17 villages were destroyed.

    5.   Among 40 villages under the
    jurisdiction of Haifa 32 villages were destroyed.

    6.     Among
    23 villages under the jurisdiction of Nazareth 4 villages were destroyed.    


    Accordingly, the final outcome is that 162 Arab
    villages (and three Arab cities) were destroyed from among 229 villages under
    the above-mentioned judicial authorities alone.


    resumed the expulsion policy of the Arab from their villages even after its
    establishment and the domination of Zionist organizations and their gangs over
    the Arab villages and communities. The Iqrit and Bir‘im case, which is
    still interacting within the lobbies of the Israeli Knesset, is a clear
    condemnation of the methods employed by the Israeli chiefs against the Arab
    inhabitants. It also embodies the depth of the Zionist–Israeli desire to
    ethnically cleanse the land from its Arab inhabitants. Facts show that the
    forced expulsion operations against the Palestinians continued even after
    signing the truce agreements in 1949 between “Israel” and the adjacent Arab countries.
    For the inhabitants of Al-Ghabisiyya were expelled in 1950, and it was
    proclaimed as a closed militarily Zone, and the same in Amqa, Kafr ‘Inan and
    inhabitants were driven out in 1953. Also, the inhabitants of the two villages
    Kirad Al-Baqqara and Kirad Al-Ghannama in Hawla plain were expelled many times
    during 1948, 1951 and 1956. Arab An-Naqb were expelled and gathered in Sayaj
    region in 1957. In 1974, Israel expelled Arab Al Mafjar from their village near
    Khadirah and established on their lands a 
    power plant. In 1981, and after concluding the Camp David Accord between
    Israel and the Egyptian regime, thousands of Arabs were expelled from “Tall
    Al-Malh” region in An-Naqb (Negev) to the city center: to Al-Ladd
    , Ar-Ramlah and Al-Muthalth to
    construct military airports instead of the evacuated airports in Sinai. In
    1987, the Israeli government instituted a committee to examine the “unlicensed”
    building in the Arab Palestinian environment, known as Marcovitch committee,
    which recommended in 1989 that it was necessary to demolish 11000 houses owned
    by Arabs under the pretext of “unlicensed” building.

    houses are distributed over 100 Arab communities “unacknowledged” by the
    Israeli authorities, and these authorities aim at dislodging its inhabitants.
    In 1995, the Israeli minister of Construction and Housing issued his orders of
    evacuating – expelling – the inhabitants of “Al-Hawashlah” village in An-Naqb
    and also Arab Al-Jahileen.” End of the article by the lawyer Wakim Wakim,
    Secretary of National Committee for the Defense of the Rights of the Uprooted
    in Israel.


    also resorted to enforce jural and civic procedures against the
    dislodged people and their villages; thus even after the stability of the
    military situations the authorities continued the adoption of all the practical
    jural measures – legislative and civic – to consolidate the actual state of
    their seizure of the evacuated Arab lands and villages, pushed to this course
    by the obsessive fear of the return of the uprooted Arabs to their villages.
    For this reason, the Israeli authorities enforced laws and regulations that
    indirectly dealt with the dislodged people and directly dealt with the
    evacuated lands and villages. It also activated the mandatory emergency systems,
    as the closure of zones militarily. On the other side, the Israeli authorities
    carried out their civic plans and established hundreds of Jewish settlements on
    the Arab lands and consequently the acceleration of the process of destroying
    the Arab villages in a desperate attempt to wipe them out of history and from
    the minds of their children who resorted to the neighboring Arab villages.

    UN defines those refugees in its documents as follows: “Every person who had
    his ordinary house in Palestine for two years before the conflict of 1948 and
    because of it he lost his house and the means of his living and restored in
    1948 to one of the countries where the UNRWA  (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian
    refugees in the Far East) presents its services and is registered in the
    regions of its activities.” Over the years of the twentieth century, the
    Palestinian population was subjected to numerous major surges of
    dislodgment  and collective uprooting,
    the foremost were in 1948-47 during the Zionist-Arab war, when approximately
    800 000 persons were uprooted. In 1967, during the Israeli-Arab war (about
    400000 persons), and in 1991 during the second Gulf war about 350000 persons.
    the administrative measures and policies imposed on the
    Palestinians in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948 and 1967 (as
    the expropriation of the
    lands, the destruction of the houses, confiscation of nationality rights,
    exile, in addition to the governmental policies and the armed conflicts in many
    of the dispersed Palestinian communities caused the dislodgment of thousands
    other Palestinians. For the majority of the Palestinian refugees are those who
    were uprooted from their homes in 1948 along with their grandchildren (more
    than five millions) and they nearly present one-third of the Palestinian
    population in its entirety.
    we added the refugees that were uprooted from their homes for the first time in
    1967 and these dislodged refugees inside the “Green-Line” i.e., inside Israel,
    then nearly three-quarter of the Palestinian people were uprooted from their
    homes over the last half-century. Based on this, the Palestinian refugees are
    the biggest and oldest refugee groups in the world. Most of these refugees live
    in the occupied West Bank including Al-Qods (Jerusalem), and Gaza Strip about
    100 miles away from their original homes and dwellings that are located at
    Israel, and they are forbidden to exercise their right of returning to them.
    The successive Israeli governments also oppose the return of the Palestinian
    refugees, for their desire to maintain and preserve Israel “as a Jewish State”
    with a landslide Jewish demography and a full Jewish mastery over the lands.

    1948 UN General Assembly has issued more than fifty resolutions that tackled
    “The Palestinian refugees problem”, the most important among them was
    resolution 194 issued in 11-12-1948, that was repeatedly indicated in the
    succeeding resolutions. This
    resolution says: “The refugees who
    wish to return to their country must be allowed to return, and to peacefully
    live with their neighbors on the nearest date possible. As for those who do not
    wish to return they must be compensated for their belongings and the
    destruction and wreckage that befell them, and this is according to the international
    law or the principles of justice, and responsible governments or authorities
    should be bound to do this.” On the basis of this resolution the International
    Conciliation Commission was instituted and was entrusted with facilitating the
    process of repatriation of refugees, safely settling them and paying them

    194 is considered the base for all the UN resolutions regarding the refugees.
    It is noteworthy that the UN acknowledgment of Israel as a nation is
    conditional upon Israel’s fulfillment of this resolution. But Israel has
    learned not to respect any of the resolutions issued by the international
    organizations unless they agree with its own interests and greed. When talking
    about the disaster that befell Palestine (the Six Day War) and the planned and
    organized expulsion of more than 80 % from the Palestinians of the occupied
    territories in 1948, we are talking about the worst disaster and calamity the
    ever afflicted a population in the universe during the second half of the last
    century. For occupation and expulsion were the outcome of a hostile activity of
    ideological racism, but only few do care. To know the international resolutions
    regarding Palestine, which Israel never respected, the Palestinian National
    Information Center under the Palestinian National Authority gives the following
    table that illustrates the resolutions and their most important circumstances
    and dates:                     


    The Most Important International Resolutions Concerning Palestine

    Ser No

    No of Resolution

    Date of Resolution


    Subject of Resolution


    181 Term 2


    General Assembly

    Division of Palestine into two
    Arab and Jewish States




    Security Council

    Adjuration of all Governments and
    peoples, including those in Palestine and around it, to carry out all the
    possible measures to prevent or minimize the tense turmoil running in




    Security Council

    Call for arranging a truce between
    the Arab and Jewish Sects and Ceasing violence.




    Security Council

    Call for an exceptional General
    Assembly term to re-study the case of regime in Palestine.




    Security Council

    Call for all in Palestine to stop
    military operations and violent, terrorist and sabotage actions.




    Security Council

    Forming a truce-committee in




    General Assembly

    Request to Guardians Council to
    study the measures to safeguard Al-Qods (Jerusalem) and its population





    Recommending the appointment of a
    special municipality delegate in Al-Qods (Jerusalem)





    Appreciate Palestine Committee
    work and Select “Conte Barnadot” as an international mediator





    Appointment of International





    Founding a fund special for the
    Palestinian Refugees





    Forming a conciliation commission
    to report Jerusalem situation in a permanent international system.
    Repatriation and compensation of refugees.




    General Assembly

    The resolution states the
    formation of (UNRWA) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the
    Palestinian refugees in the Far East.




    Security Council

    Condemnation of the Israeli Attack
    on Gaza considering that as a violation of cease-fire statements and the
    commitments of true agreement.




    General Assembly

    A call for Israel to cancel the
    measures taken to alter the situation in Al-Qods (Jerusalem).




    General Assembly

    Conveying regret towards the
    measures Israel had taken to change the situation in Al-Qods (Jerusalem).




    Security Council

    Resolving the principles of just
    and lasting peace in the Middle East.


    2443 (Term 23)


    General Assembly

    Forming a special committee to
    investigate in the Israeli practices that violate Human Rights in the
    Occupied Territories.




    General Assembly

    Condemning the violation of Human
    Rights in the Occupied Territories and calling Israel to give up its
    suppressing practices.




    Security Council

    Re-calling Israel to cancel all
    the measures which alter the situation in Al-Qods (Jerusalem).




    Security Council

    Condemning Israel for desecrating
    Al Aqsa Mosque and calling Israel to cancel all measures, which may alter the
    situation in Al-Qods (Jerusalem).




    General Assembly

    Recognition to Palestinian people
    the right of self-determination and re-call Israel to take immediate steps to
    repatriate the displaced.




    General Assembly

    Calling Israel insistently to
    cancel all the measures neither to annex nor settle in the Occupied
    Territories and asking the special committee to continue its actions.




    General Assembly

    Inviting PLO, the representative
    of the Palestinian people to take part in the discussions of the General
    Assembly Concerning Palestine problem in its general sessions.




    General Assembly

    Granting PLO position of observer
    at the UN General Assembly.




    Security Council

    Regret for the disregard of Israel
    to the UN resolutions relating to its measures for changing the situation in
    Al-Qods (Jerusalem).




    General Assembly

    Situation in the Middle East.




    General Assembly

    Illegal Israeli measures in the
    Occupied Territories.




    General Assembly

    Condemning the continuation of
    Israeli occupation of the Arab territories in 1967.




    General Assembly

    Condemnation of occupying the Arab
    Territories and call for a comprehensive settlement.


    3490 A,B,C


    General Assembly

    Condemning the continuous Israeli
    violations of Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.




    General Assembly

    The Right of the Arab peoples in
    permanent sovereignty over their lands and natural resources.




    Security Council

    Settlement on the Palestinian
    Territories is unlawful.


    72 the seventh urgent exceptional


    General Assembly

    Call Israel to start its
    withdrawal before 15111980 from all the Arab Territories Occupied since
    June 1967.




    General Assembly

    Asserting the right of the Arab
    States and peoples whose territories are under the Israeli occupation to
    fully dominate their natural resources.




    General Assembly

    Condemning Insistently Israeli
    Aggression on Lebanon and the Palestinian People and Re-asserting absolute
    objection against Israeli Decision to annex Jerusalem.




    Security Council

    Calling Israel to dismantle the
    existing settlements and giving up planning and building settlements in the
    Occupied Territories including Al-Qods (Jerusalem).




    Security Council

    Declaring the Nullification of the
    measures taken by Israel to alter the structure of Al-Qods (Jerusalem).




    Security Council

    Stating that the principal law
    regarding Jerusalem is not recognized.




    General Assembly

    The measures Israel has taken to
    exploit the natural man resources in the Palestinian and Arab territories are




    General Assembly

    Condemning Israel for its policy
    in the Occupied Territories and urging countries not to provide aid to


    3786 A,B,C,D,E


    General Assembly

    Regarding Palestine Problem.




    General Assembly

    Re-confirming the Right of
    Palestinian people in self-Determination and Independence.


    39136 A,B,C


    General Assembly

    The Situation In The Middle East




    General Assembly

    The Situation In The Middle East























































































































    the seventh urgent exceptional Term


    General Assembly

    Call Israel to start its
    withdrawal before 15111980 from all the Arab Territories Occupied since
    June 1967.




    General Assembly

    Asserting the right of the Arab
    States and peoples whose territories are under the Israeli occupation to
    fully dominate their natural resources.




    General Assembly

    Condemning Insistently Israeli
    Aggression on Lebanon and the Palestinian People and Re-asserting absolute
    objection against Israeli Decision to annex Jerusalem.




    Security Council

    Calling Israel to dismantle the
    existing settlements and giving up planning and building settlements in the
    Occupied Territories including Al-Qods (Jerusalem).




    Security Council

    the Nullification of the measures taken by Israel to alter the structure of
    Al-Qods (Jerusalem).




    Security Council

    Stating that the principal law
    regarding Jerusalem is not recognized.




    General Assembly

    The measures Israel has taken to
    exploit the natural man resources in the Palestinian and Arab territories are




    General Assembly

    Condemning Israel for its policy
    in the Occupied Territories and urging countries not to provide aid to




    General Assembly

    Regarding Palestine Problem.




    General Assembly

    Re-confirming the Right of
    Palestinian people in self-Determination and Independence.




    General Assembly

    The Situation In The Middle East




    General Assembly

    The Situation In The Middle East


    table that includes the UN resolutions regarding Palestine clearly shows the
    absolute defiance and disregard by which the Zionist occupying forces meet
    these resolutions and their persistence in assaulting the secure Palestinians
    on their lands and their sanctities. Resolution 2253 dated 4767, resolution
    267 dated 3769, and also resolution 476 dated 3071980, all these
    resolutions disclose Israel’s determination to alter the situation in Al-Qods
    (Jerusalem) and Judaizes it and changes its Islamic Arabic features into Jewish
    to deceive the world in the future, namely during the present days we live, and
    make them believe that Al-Qods is Jewish and accordingly destroy Al-Masjid
    Al-Aqsa and build in its place the Temple, which is one of their religious
    fabricated myths.

    reply to these resolutions that Israel never respected, the UN issued new
    resolutions by which it condemned Israel’s defiance of orders and rebellion
    against international organizations and its persistence in changing the
    landmarks of Al-Qods; these condemning resolutions numbered: 2254 dated
    14767, 271 dated 15969 and 298 dated 2591971, which were regretfully  restricted to Israel’s disregard of the
    UN resolutions. Also resolution 478 dated 2081980 that declares a
    non-recognition of the main law regarding the changes that Israel carried in

    only that, but there are also other resolutions that condemn Israel’s violation
    of human rights and unjustified aggression; these resolutions numbered: 2546,
    271, 2851, 3220, 3490 and 20735. These resolutions range between
    condemnation for violating human rights which is an Israeli hobby, and
    condemnation of attacking the secure citizens or of the expansion of Israel by
    annexing the Palestinian territories and confiscating them. Also for
    desecrating Al-Aqsa Masjid the Muslim place of worship, which Jews have no
    right to enter it ever.

    Quoting from the Palestinian National Information Center, the
    Palestinian refugees are mainly distributed over the border countries of their
    motherland, where the estimated number of the Palestinian people in 1998 was
    7788 185 persons, 54% are living outside the Palestinian borders and cluster
    varyingly in other regions of the Arab world, but the majority among them live
    in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, in other words in the neighboring regions due to
    the displacements from which they suffered in the year of the Disaster 1948 and
    the recourse of many among them to the Arab countries neighboring Palestine.


    1-The Refugees in Jordan: the
    percentage of Palestinian refugees is (31.4%) from the total population of
    Jordan and more than (42%) from the total of all Palestinian refugees. The
    census of Palestinian refugees in Jordan is about one million refugees, 18% of
    them live in ten camps, the number of their inhabitants reached 280 000 as
    registered by UNRWA in Jordan. The number of refugees living in Jordan
    increased since the disaster, as their number reached 100 000 approximately by
    1948; they are those who crossed Jordan River and lived in camps. After the
    Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967 the new influx of
    displaced immigrants flowed in, whose number reached about 240 000.

    Refugees in Syria:
    the percentage of Palestinian refugees in Syria
    represents (10.2%) from the total registered refugees, and (2.3%) from the
    total population of Syria. More than (30%) from the total of Palestinian
    refugees in Syria live in these camps. Al-Yarmok camp that shelters more than
    100 000 Palestinians is not counted in the list of official camps under the
    UNRWA, in spite of the spread of its different services in it. The refugees in
    Syria belong to the northern regions in Palestine especially in Safad and
    Haifa, and constitute (62%) from the total refugees, but the rest came from
    and other cities. In 1967 more than 100 000 persons
    migrated from Golan Heights – among them Palestinian refugees – to other Syrian
    parts. Moreover, thousands of Lebanese people resorted to Syria during the
    civil war that tore Lebanon in 1982. 

    Refugees in Lebanon
    some Palestinian refugees moved to Lebanon after the
    Disaster in 1948, and they constitute (10%) from the overall total of
    Palestinian refugees, and (10.5%) from the total Lebanese population. Now there
    are twelve Palestinian camps on the Lebanese lands and the refugees there
    suffer from many problems, the most important are: the weak infrastructure of
    the camps, overcrowdedness and unemployment. In Lebanon there is the highest
    percent of Palestinian refugees who live in extreme poverty and are registered
    in the program of straitened circumstances. Also, the refugees in Lebanon
    suffer from the absence of social and civil rights and the lack of the relief
    agency services in the domains of education, health, and social services. Also
    during the years that followed the civil war the UNRWA totally gave up offering
    the free educational insurance, which led to the emergence of some problems
    like school failure, the rise of illiteracy percentage which amounted to (48%)
    from the total camp population based on recent statistics, whereas the percent
    of university graduates sank to (4.2%).

    In the end of discussing the Palestinian refugees
    problem we are to examine some of the details stated in the map of UNRWA
    operation zone. These details tackle the distribution of refugees registered
    with this agency, bearing the date 30 June 2001.




    Outside Camps














    West Bank




    Gaza Strip




    Regions Total





    This table exhibits the dispersion of these refugees
    over different parts after one land gathered them in the past, namely
    Palestine. It also shows that the refugees outside the camps are twice those
    present inside, which means double suffering and miserable living conditions
    that day after day grow severer.   

    The Zionist terrorism is as old as its presence in the Middle
    East region and the greatest proof on this is the horrible bloodbaths and
    massacres which the Zionists have perpetrated and still perpetrate against the
    true landowners to force them to evacuate their land for the  new Jewish incomers.


    The resources that the Palestinian National Information
    Center has used in the documentation of the Palestinian History:

    Dr. Haitham Al-Kilany: the Arab Islamic Palestinian wars – Palestinian
    encyclopedia, fifth volume, 1990.

    Dr. Hindy Al-Bidary – the Palestinian lands between Zionist claims and historical
    facts – Cairo, the Arab League Printing House, 1988. 

    Arab institute for practice and statistical researches. The demographic
    characteristics of the Palestinian people, Beirut, Anidâl publishing house, 1985.

    Mustafa Ad-Dabagh, Our Country Palestine – first part, At-Tali‘ah publishing house,
    Beirut, 1965.

    Araf Al-Araf, The Disaster, p. 952.Bayan
    Nuwayhad Al-Hût, Palestine: the Problem and the People, Al-Istiqlal publishing
    house, 1991.

    Al-Yas Shofany, compendium of Palestine History, Palestinian studies institute – 1998.

    Dr.Abdul-Wahab Al-Kialy, compendium of Modern Palestine History – Beirut, Arab
    institute, 1975.

    Asmaa Abdul-Hady Fa‘ur, Palestine and the Jewish claims, Al-Ummah publishing house,

    of the Palestinian studies instituteLebanon defense ministry. Palestinian
    problem and Zionist danger – Beirut studies series, 1973.           



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