Don't be Sad

Bliss versus the Fire
News agencies around the world reported the suicidal death of a French minister during the rule of mitterand. The reason behind the suicide was that French newspapers waged an unmitigated war against the minister by besmirching his name and reputation. Having found no faith or sanctuary to resort to, or in which to seek support, he destroyed his own life.
This wretched man, who sought refuge in self-destruction, was not guided by the divine guidance that is epitomized in the following verses:
(And be not distressed because of what they plot.) (Qur'an 16: 127)
(They will do you no harm, barring a trying annoyance) (Quran 3: 111)
(And be patient with what they say and keep away from them in a good way.) (Qur'an 73: 10)
It was because he was lost and was far away from the path of truth.
(Whosoever Allah sends astray none can guide him…) (Qur'an 7: IS6)
There are some who suggest that every person who is downtrodden or who is in a hapless situation should go on a nature expedition, listen to music, go skiing, or play chess or backgammon.
But the adherents of Islam lay claim to a cure that is more effective: it is to sit in the Mosque between the call to prayer and the actual commencement of prayer in order to remember Allah and to submit to and be contented with the divine decree. And it is of equal importance that one places his total trust in Allah.