Don't be Sad

Follow a studied plan
Ash-Shaukani said:
"Some scholars advised me that I should never give up writing, even if that meant writing only two lines every day. I acted in accordance with this advice and I reaped its fruits."
And this is the meaning of the hadith:
"The best deed is the one that a person continues to do, even if it is something small."
And it is said that if you add enough drops of water, a flood will be the result.
When we want to do everything all at once, confusion results. These will then follow: boredom, fatigue, and worst of all, abandonment of action. If we do our work one step at a time, distributing it in stages, we will achieve so much more. Contemplate the prayer. We are ordered to perform it at five different times during the course of any given day. The intervals between the prayers allow for other activities and there is just sufficient time between one prayer and the next so that the worshipper returns enthusiastically for another prayer. However, if the prayers had been combined for one time, the worshipper would have become bored. The meaning of one particular hadith is that a person who pushes his horse to sprint during the course of a long journey will not only have wasted away his mount, but will also not arrive at his destination. Through the experiences of many. The following holds true: the one who works
Consistently for set periods of time achieves more than the one who tries to do everything at once.
That the prayer makes us organized in our time is a lesson that I learned from the people of knowledge and that has benefited me in my life. It is a lesson that is inferred from the verse:
(Verily the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours.)
(Qur’an 4: 103)
lf a person were to distribute his worldly and religious duties around each prayer, he would find his time to be blessed.
For example, if a student of Islam were to allot the time after the morning prayer for memorizing, the time after the noon prayer for reading or attending study circles, the time after the afternoon prayer for researching issues, the time after Maghrib prayer for visiting people or relaxing, and the time after the evening prayer for reading up on contemporary issues and for sitting with family, he would achieve much.
(O’ you who believe! Lf you obey and fear Allah, He will grant you Furqaan a criterion [to judge between right and wrong], or [Makhraj, i. e. making a way for you to get out from every difficulty], and will expiate for you your sins, and forgive you, and Allah is the Owner of the Great Bounty.)
(Quran 8: 29)