Al-Hajj Al-Mabroor

‘Arafah [The area that surrounds Mount Rahmah, southeast
of Mecca; Standing at ‘Arafah on the 9TH of Dhul-Hijjah and staying
there from mid-day to sunset is the essence of the Hajj]
Al-Baitul-Ma‘mûr (The Oft-frequented House) [The
house in the seventh firmament directly above the Ka‘bah at
Mecca; everyday it is visited by seventy thousands angels, who never revisit it
until the Day of Judgment]
Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah [Medina, The Lightened City]
Al-Mash‘ar Al-Haram [The Sacred Monument: the hill
in Muzdalifah where pilgrims should supplicate Allah after they have
spent the night at Muzdalifah, and after which they should go to Mecca to throw
Jamarat Al-‘Aqabah (the closest stone pillar to Mecca) on the morning of
the tenth of Dhu’l–Hijjah]
As-Safâ and Al-Marwah [Two hillocks near the Ka‘bah
between which Hagar ran in search of water for her son]
As-Safâ [Name of the hillock where a
Muslim begins Sa‘y. It is about 200 meters southeast of the Ka‘bah]
Al-Marwa [Name of the hillock where a Muslim ends his
last lap of Sa‘y. It is 250 meters northeast of the Ka‘bah]
Barzakh [The grave as the barrier or the intermediate
realm that separates between this world and the other world from the time of
death till the time of Resurrection]
The Day of Tarwaiyah [The 8th day of Dhul-Hijjah,
signifying the start of Hajj. The pilgrim proceeds to Minâ on this day]
The Day of ‘Arafah [The 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah,
standing at ‘Arafah on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah and staying there from
mid-day to sunset is the essence of the Hajj]
The Day of Nahr [The 10th day of the
Dhul-Hijjah on which pilgrims slaughter their sacrifices]
Days of Tashreeq [The 11th, 12th,
and 13th days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. On these days, the
pilgrim throws pebbles at the stone pillars, a ritual known as Rammy, in
Dhikr [Remembrance of Allah through verbal or mental
repetition of His Divine Attributes or various religious formulas, such as ‘Subhân
Allah,’ meaning ‘All Glory be to Allah’]
Eidul-Adhâ [A four-day festival that
completes the rites of pilgrimage and takes place on the 10th-13th of DhuI
Hijjah (the 10th is the day of Nahr and 11th-13th are the days of Tashriq).
Literally means ‘the feast of the sacrifice.’ This feast commemorates the Prophet
Ibrahim's obedience to Allah by being prepared to sacrifice his only son
Ismâ‘îl, peace be on both of them]
Farewell Hajj [The first and the last Hajj
performed by the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace]
Hady [An
animal (a camel, a cow, a sheep or a goat) offered as a sacrifice by the
Al-Hajarul-Aswad (The Black Stone)
[A stone from Paradise. It was set into one corner of the Ka‘bah in Mecca by
Prophet Ibrâhîm (peace be upon him). The Black Stone was personally installed
in the wall of the Ka`bah by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon
him) himself during its reconstruction following its destruction by a flash
flood. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also kissed it during his
Farewell Hajj. Thus, touching and kissing Al-Hajarul-Aswad during
‘Umrah and Hajj is considered Sunnah and an act of obedience. Muslims do not
worship the Black Stone. The only reason to kiss the Black Stone is that our
beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) kissed it]
Al-Hajj Al-Mabrûr [A Hajj that is accepted by
Allah because of its perfection in both inward intention and outward observance
of the traditions of the Messenger Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him
Hajjul-Ifrâd [Single form of Hajj: Performing
Hajj without making ‘Umrah]
Hajjul-Qirân [Combined form of Hajj:
Performing ‘Umrah and Hajj with one Ihrâm during the months of
Hajj i.e., the 10th month, the 11th month and the first ten days of the 12th
month of the Islamic calendar]
Hajjul-Tamatt‘u [Interrupted form of Hajj: Performing ‘Umrah followed by Hajj during the
months of Hajj, but it involves ending the state of Ihrâm for
‘Umrah and then reassuming it for Hajj]
Hatîm [The area adjacent to the Ka`bah on its west side,
enclosed by a low semi-circular wall. Tradition has it that Hajar (wife of
Prophet Ibrâhîm [peace and blessings be upon him]) is buried in this enclosure.
It is highly recommended that the pilgrim offer Sunnah Prayer and supplications
to Allah in this area. However, this is not a part of the official rites of
Ihrâm [The sacred state of practicing
great self-denial into which a Muslim must enter before performing Hajj or
‘Umrah, during which certain actions are forbidden (like having conjugal
relations, shaving, cutting one’s nails, and several other actions) nor commit
sin, nor dispute unjustly. In this sacred state the dress of Muslim pilgrims
consists of two lengths of white cotton, one wrapped around the loins, the
other thrown over the left shoulder. Ihrâm clothes for women
should fully cover the body except the face, hands and feet]
Ijtihad [Term designating the intellectual effort of Muslim
scholars to employ reason and analysis of the authoritative sources (Qur’an and
Sunnah) for the purpose of finding legal solutions to new and challenging
situations or issues]
Al-Isrâ’ (the Night Journey) [The miraculous night journey
during which the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was taken
from Al-Masjid Al-Harâm (at Mecca) to the farthest masjid (in Jerusalem)]
Jamarat [The three stone pillars in Minâ that
symbolically represent the locations where the devil (Shaitan) tried to tempt
Prophet Ibrahim (peace and blessings be upon him) away from the path of
Allah. The pilgrim stones these pillars on the 10th through the 13th of
Dhul-Hijjah in commemoration of the rejection of the devil by Prophet Ibrâhîm
and of his steadfastness to the cause of Allah. The Jamarat are located within
a few hundred feet of one another in a line and are named as follows:]
Al-‘Aqabah or Al-Jamrah Al-Kubrâ [The last stone pillar in the line]
Al-Ulâ [The
first stone pillar in the line]
Al-Jamrah Al-Wustâ [The second (middle) stone
pillar in the line]
Lailatul-Qadr [The night of Al-Qadr is either
indicative of the honor and station of that night, thus meaning ‘An honorable
night’, or the word ‘Al-Qadr’ may also refer to the ordainment and disposal of
affairs. So it would mean ‘the night in which all that will occur in the
following year will be decreed,’ following the Qur’anic Statement of Allah
saying (what means), ‘Therein (on that night) is decreed every matter of
ordainment.’ (Ad-Dukhân, 44:
4) Lailatul-Qadr is concealed in one of the odd nights in the last ten
days of Ramadan; the Noble Qur’an was sent down in the Night of Al-Qadr
and the Qur ‘an itself describes as ‘Better than a thousand months’]
Maqâm (Station) of Ibrâhîm [The step-stone used by Prophet
Ibrâhîm during the original construction of the Ka‘bah. The stone carries the
imprints of his feet, and is housed in a glass enclosure on the north side of
the Ka‘bah]
Minâ [An area close to Mecca on the road to ‘Arafah where
pilgrims spend the Tashreeq days. It is the place of throwing pebbles at
Jamarat and ritual slaughter of the sacrificial animal]
Miqât [An imaginary boundary around Mecca. A prospective
pilgrim cannot cross this boundary without first assuming Ihrâm.
This boundary is anchored by different townships and localities in different
directions (Dhul-Hulaifah in the north, Yalamlam in the southeast, Dhatu-‘Irq
in the northeast, Al- Juhfah in the northwest, Qarnul-Manazil in the east). The
pilgrim assumes Ihrâm at or before the miqât and
pronounces his intention to perform ‘Umrah or Hajj. For people permanently
living inside the miqât, their place of residence is their miqât]
Al-Mi‘râj (the Ascension to Heaven) [The miraculous ascension of
the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, from Jerusalem to the
Heavens to meet his Lord]
Months of Hajj [The months of Shawwal, Dhul-Q‘idah
and the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, i.e. two months and ten days]
Muzdalifah [A desert location approximately midway between
Minâ and ‘Arafah. The pilgrim spends the night of the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah
Nahr [To slaughter a camel, sheep, goat or cow in the name
of Allah, for the pleasure of Allah. This act is performed to commemorate
Prophet’s Ibrâhîm act of sacrificing his son - Prophet Ismâ‘îl - on the command
of Allah. But Allah ransomed him with a great sacrifice (i.e. a ram)]
Niyyah [Intention. When a person is performing pilgrimage,
he/she has to set the intention. All acts of worship are preceded by an
appropriate niyyah]
Rak‘ah [The prayer of Muslims consists of Rak‘ât or Rak‘ahs
(singular-rak‘ah). Rak‘ah represents a unit of the Prayer and consists of one
standing, one bowing and two prostrations with a sitting in between]
Rammy [The act of symbolically stoning the devil (shaitan)
in Minâ on the 10th through to the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah.
This commemorates the tradition that Prophet Ibrâhîm (peace and blessings be
upon him) was tempted three times by the devil but rejected all three of the
devil’s attempts by stoning him and driving him away. These three locations are
symbolized by three stone pillars (Jamarat) in Minâ]
Rammy of Jamarat [Stoning of the specified
pillars in Minâ]
Sa‘y [The devotional act of walking seven times between the
knolls of As-Safâ and Al-Marwah, which are located some distance
from the Ka‘bah inside Al-Masjidul-Haram; starting at As-Safâ and
ending at Al-Marwa]
Shahâdah [The testimony of Faith: Lâ ilâh illâ Allah wanâ
Muhammadan rasûl Allah, There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah]
Shawt [One complete circuit around the Ka‘bah constitutes a
shawt (pl. ashwaat), and seven ashwaat complete one Tawâf]
Syrian Corner [The north corner of the Ka‘bah]
Talbiyah [A formula of answering Allah’s Call for Hajj by
saying: Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik. Labbaik, La Shareek Laka, Labbaik. Innal
Hamdah, Wan Nematah, Laka wal Mulk, La Shareek Laka Labbaik Here I am at
Your service O Allah, here I am. Here I am at Your service, You have no
partner, here I am. Yours alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Yours alone
is The Sovereignty. You have no partner]
Tawâf [The devotional act of circumambulating (i.e., walking
around) the Ka‘bah seven times while reciting prayers and supplications. Tawâf
should begin and end at the Black Stone]
Tawaful-Qudum [Arrival Tawaf: Pilgrim’s first
circumambulation of the ka‘bah upon their arrival at Mecca. It is the first of the three mandatory
Tawâf in Hajj.]
Tawaful-Ifada [Pilgrim’s circumambulation of the ka‘bah upon
their return from Muzdalifah. This Tawaf is a pillar of Hajj and Hajj is
not accomplished without it. It is the second of the three mandatory Tawâf in
Tawaful-Wada‘ or Tawaful-Sadr [Farewell Tawâf: Pilgrims’ last
circumambulation of the Ka‘bah directly before leaving Mecca, This Tawaf is for
taking leave and it signifies the completion of Hajj. It is the last of the
three mandatory Tawâf in Hajj]
Tawaful-Nafl [Supererogatory Tawâf: A
devotional Tawaf you may perform any time, and as many times as, you wish. No Ihrâm
is required for this Tawaf]
Tawaful-‘Umrah [The Tawaf performed as a rite of
‘Umrah ['Umrah (Minor Pilgrimage) is an Islamic rite and
consists of pilgrimage to the Ka‘bah. It consists essentially of Ihrâm, Tawâf
(i.e. circumambulation) around the Ka‘bah (seven times), and Sa‘y (i.e.
running) between As-Safâ and Al-Marwah (seven
times). It is called minor Hajj since it need not be performed at a particular
time of the year and its performance requires fewer ceremonies than the Hajj
Yamani Corner [The southern corner of the
Yathrib [The old name of Medina]
Zamzam [The spring of water that sprang forth
miraculously under the feet of the infant Isma`il (peace and blessings be upon
him) during his mother's frantic search for water between As-Safâ and
Al-Marwah. Zamzam is now enclosed in a marble chamber in the Ka`bah]