Priorities of The Islamic Movement in The Coming Phase

Ahl alDhimma |
[Lit. the people under protection covenant the NonMuslim subjects of a Muslim government, belonging to the Jewish, Christian or Sabean creed, who, for the payment of a polltax, enjoys security of their persons and property in a Muslim country. |
Ahl alKitab |
[Lit. the people of the Scripture] Jews & Christians. |
Awqaf |
Religious trusts or endowments |
Dar alHerb |
[The Land of Warfare] a country in which peace has not been proclaimed between Muslims and unbelievers. |
Dar alIslam |
[The Land of Islam] territories in which Islam and Islamic religious law prevail |
F'arida |
An enjoined duty; a compulsory act of worship. |
Fatwa |
A legal Islamic opinion |
1. Fiqh |
[In the literal sense]: a framework of understanding |
2. Fiqh |
[In the terminological sense]: provisions of Islamic law |
Ghusl |
Major ablution; ceremonial washing of the body. |
Halal &Haram |
[Respectively] what is lawful and what is forbidden in Islam |
Hijra |
The migration of Muslims to Medina |
Jahiliyya |
(1) The preIslamic era. (2) The adoption of the pagan practices of that period. |
Janaba |
A ceremonial impurity (that necessitates ghusl) |
Jihad |
Striving in the cause of Allah. |
Masaleh Mursala |
Public interests |
Mawali |
NonArab Muslims |
Nafila |
An optional, supererogatory practice of worship, in contrast to farida |
Ribat |
Guarding Muslims from infidels |
Sadagat |
Supererogatory spending for charity. of Zakat |
Tahlil |
Uttering the formula of faith: "La ilaha illa Allah", i.e. (No god but Allah) |
Takbir |
Uttering the formula "Allahu Akbar", i.e. (Allah is the Greatest) |
Takfir |
Judgment of someone as unbeliever |
Tasbih |
Uttering the formula: "Subhan Allah", i.e. (Glory be to Allah) |
Usul alFiqh |
Principles of jurisprudence |