Chapter Introductions to the Qur'an

15. Hijr
This Sura takes its name from v. 80.
Period of Revelation
It is clear from its topics and style that the period of its revelation is about the same as that of Sura Ibrahim for two things are quite prominent in its background. First it appears from the repeated warnings in this Sura that in spite of the fact that the Holy Prophet had been propagating the Message for many years his people in general had not shown any inclination towards its acceptance nay they had become more and more obdurate and stubborn in their antagonism enmity and ridicule with the passage of time. Secondly by that time the Holy Prophet had begun to feel a little tired of making strenuous efforts to eradicate disbelief and opposition of his people. That is why Allah has consoled and comforted him over and over again by way of encouragement .
Topics and the Central Theme
Though the main topics of the sura are :
- warning to those who rejected his Message opposed it tooth and nail and ridiculed him and
- comfort and encouragement to the Holy Prophet
it does not mean that this Sura does not contain admonition and instructions. As a matter of fact the Quran never confines itself to mere warning; rebuke and censure but resorts to precept in every suitable place. Accordingly this Sura contains brief arguments for Tauhidon the one hand and admonition in the story of Adam and Satan on the other.