In the Early Hours (Reflections on Spiritual and Self-Development)
In the Name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful
The process of change always starts with postulation of fresh ideas to challenge the status quo. It is only through innovative thinking that problems can be solved and progress can be made. The hallmark of the Islamic Movement has always been to produce stimulating literature covering all aspects of life- social, political, economic and legal as well as moral, spiritual and religious. This dynamic literature has inspired and motivated a large section of the Muslim Umma and prepared them to struggle to bring about change in the society.
There is no doubt we require literature for the Islamic Movement that reflects the needs of this country. It should take into account the problems faced by the society in the West. The launching of Revival Publications is to meet these needs. We will endeavour to publish literature by the pioneers of the Islamic Movements as well as by young intellectuals and scholars so that a forum of discussion can be initiated to portray the message of Islam to society at large.
It is appropriate to launch this programme of publications by a collection of inspirational advice on the subject of spiritual and seIf-development by the late Brother Khurram Murad.
We are grateful to Allah (Subhanu wa Tala,) for His help and guidance in enabling us to undertake this task. Without His Help and Mercy we cannot accomplish anything.
We also very gratefully acknowledge the moral and financial support provided by the Islamic foundation and the UK Islamic Mission. We pray that may Allah accept our humble efforts and reward all those who are working in His cause.
The Editorial Board,
Leicester, October 1999