Don't be Sad

'O' Allah, Who is full of Majesty and Honor….'
In an authentic hadith, the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) advised us to repeat this phrase often:
"O' (Allah) Who is full of Majesty and Honor."
He (bpuh) also advised us to say:
"O' Ever Living, O' One Who sustains and protects all that exists."
Therefore, for one's own well being, one should invoke Allah and seek His help with these phrases, and the answer will surely then follow.
([Remember] when you sought help of your Lord and He answered you) (Qur'an 8: 9)
ln the life of a Muslim, there are three truly joyful days:
- The day that he abjures sinning and performs his obligatory prayers in congregation.
(Answer Allah [by obeying Him] and [His] Messenger when he calls you…) (Qur'an 8: 24)
- The day that he repents from a sin, forsakes it, and returns to his Lord.
(Then, He accepted their repentance, that they might repent [unto Him].)
(Quran 9: 118)
- The day that he dies to meet his Lord, having performed a final deed that is both good and pure.
"Whosoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him."
After having studied the life of the Prophet's Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all), l found in them five characteristics that distinguish them from others:
- They led simple lives that were free from ostentation and extravagance.
(And We .shall make easy for you [O'Muhamn1ad] the easy way [i.e. the doing of righteous deeds].) (Quran 87: 8)
- Their knowledge of religious matters was as blessed as it was profound. And more importantly, they accompanied that knowledge with practical application.
(lt is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah.) (Quran 35: 28)
- They gave precedence to deeds of the heart over deeds that others could see. Thus, they had sincerity; they depended upon Allah; they loved Him; they hoped from Him only; and they feared none save Him. Furthermore, they assiduously performed voluntary acts of worship, such as prayer and fasting.
(He knew what was in their hearts…) (Quran 48: 18)
- They did not seek the world and its pleasures. They turned their backs in disdain on material possessions, and they reaped the fruits of this noble stance: happiness, peace of mind, and sincerity.
(And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it, with the necessary effort due for it [i.e. do righteous deeds of Allah Is Obedience] while he is a believer…)
(Qur'an 17: 19)
- Jihad was a priority for them over other good deeds until it became a banner by which they were recognized. And through Jihad, they annihilated their worries and troubles, because all of the following are a part of Jihad: remembrance, striving, effort, and activity.
(As for those who strive hard in Us [Our Cause], We will surely guide them to Our Paths [i.e. Allah Is Religion---- Islamic Monotheism]. And verily; Allah is with the good doers.) (Qur'an 29: 69)
ln the Qur'an, truths and realities that are constant and do not change are mentioned concerning this life. Here are the ones that are related to the subject matter of this book.
Whoever works for Allah, He will help him:
(If you help [in the cause of] Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm.) (Qur'an 47: 7)
Whoever asks of Allah, He will answer him;
(And your Lord said: invoke Me, I will respond to your [invocation].) (Qur'an 40: 60)
When one asks Allah for forgiveness, He will forgive him:
(He said: 'My Lord! verily [ have wronged myself so forgive me'. Then He forgave him. (Qur'an 28: 16)
(And He it is Who accepts repentance from His slaves...)
(Qur'an 42: 25)
Whoever places his trust in Allah, He will be sufficient for him:
(And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him.)
(Qur'an 65: 3)
There are three kinds of people whose punishment is certain:
Those who are rebellious against Allah, those who break their pledges, and those who plot evil deeds:
(Your rebellion [disobedience to Allah] is only against your ownselves) (Qur'an 10: 23)
(Then whosoever breaks his pledge, breaks only to his own harm)
(Qur'an 48: 10)
(But the evil plot encompasses only him who makes it.)
(Qur'an 35: 43)
Oppressors will not escape from Allah's punishment:
(These are their houses in utter ruin, for they did wrong.) (Qur'an 27: 52)
The fruits of righteousness are harvested both in the short and long term:
(So Allah gave them the reward of this world, and the excellent reward of the Hereafter)
(Qur'an 3: 148)
Whoever obeys Allah, He will love him and provide sustenance for him:
(Verily Allah is the All-Provider…) (Quran 51: 58)
Allah will punish the enemies of his obedient slaves:
(Verily we will exact retribution.) (Qur'an 44: 16)
Shaykh 'Abdur-Rehmaan ibn Sa'di wrote a valuable book called Practical Means to a Happy Life. In it he said,
"By enumerating Allah's blessings, one will realize that he is better off than a great number of people and that he should truly be thankful for Allah's favors upon him."
Even in matters of religion, one finds that in spite of the negligence we are all guilty of; some of us are better than others in performing the obligatory congregational prayers regularly, in reading the Qur'an, in remembering Allah, and so on. These are all favors for which we should be thankful. Allah, the Exalted, said:
)Allah has perfected His Graces upon you, [both] apparent [i.e. Islamic Monotheism, and the lawful pleasures of this world, including health, good looks, etc.] and hidden [i.e. Ones Faith in Allah (of Islamic Monotheism) knowledge, wisdom, guidance for doing righteous deeds, and also the pleasures and delights of the Hereafter in Paradise, etc.] ?)
(Qur'an 3 I : 20)
Adh-Dhahabi mentioned that the great scholar of hadith, Ibn 'Abdul Ba'qi, observed the people as they were leaving the central Mosque of Baghdad. He was looking for someone who in all respects he wished to change places with in life, yet he reported that he found no one:
(And we have preferred them above many of those whom we have created with a marked preference.) (Qur'an 17: 70)