Don't be Sad

Stop to reflect
Do not be sad, for Allah defends you and the angels ask forgiveness for you; the believers share with you their supplications in every prayer; the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) will intercede for the believers; the Qur’an is replete with good promises; and above all is the mercy of He Who is the Most Merciful.
Do not be sad: the good deed is increased so that its value is multiplied tenfold or seven hundred fold or even much, much more.
Meanwhile, the evil deed is valued without increase or multiplication, and your Lord can forgive even that. How many times do we witness Allah’s generosity, generosity that is unmatched by any! And benevolence from anyone else cannot reach even near His Benevolence.
If you do not associate partners with Allah, if you believe in the true religion, and if you love Allah and His Messenger (bpuh), do not feel sad. lf you feel regret for your bad deeds and you rejoice when you do a worthy act, do not feel sad. You have much good with you that you do not perceive.
lt, in your life, you are able to establish the state of balanced harmony that is referred to in the following hadith, do not feel sad:
"How wonderful is the state of the believer. All of his affairs are good for him! And that is not so, except for the believer. lf he has cause to be happy, he is thankful, and that is good for him. And if he is afflicted with hardship, he is patient, and that is good for him."
Do not be sad: forbearance in times of distress is the path to both success and happiness.
(And endure you patiently your patience is not but from Allah?)
(Quran 16: 127)
(So [for me] patience is most fitting. And it is Allah [Alone] Whose help can be sought against that which you assert)? (Qur’an 12: 18)
(So be patient, with a good patience.) (Quran 70: 5)
(Peace be upon you for that you persevered in patience!) (Quran 13: 24)
(And bear with patience whatever befalls you.? (Qur’an 31: I7)
(Endure and be more patient [than your enemy], and guard your territory by stationing army units permanently at the places from where the enemy can attack you..) (Quran 3: 200)
‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
"Through patience we have now achieved a good life."
For the people of the Sunnah, there are three things that they resort to when faced with calamity: patience, supplication, and waiting with expectation for a good outcome.
A poet said:
"We have poured them a glass and they have similarly poured one for us (alluding to the blood enemies draw from each other in battle),
But in the face of death, we were the more patient."
ln an authentic hadith, the Prophet (bpuh) said:
"There is none who is more patient when he hears something offensive than Allah. They claim that He has a child and a wife, yet He gives them health and provision. "
The Prophet (bpuh) also said:
"May Allah have mercy on Moosa (Moses). He was tested with more than this (i.e. than what I have been tested with), and he was still patient."
And he (bpuh) said:
"Whoever is patient, Allah will give him further strength to continue to be patient."
A poet said:
"l have crawled my way to distinction, and those who have striven have reached it, With the toil of labor, and the sparing of no small effort, Many have tried to reach it, and most became bored or tired during their journey, And they embrace distinction that remain true and are patient, Do not consider distinction to be an apple that you eat, You will not achieve distinction until you beat hardship with your patience."
Higher goals are not achieved through dreaming or fantasizing, they can only be reached through dedication and commitment.
Do not grieve over how people treat you. And learn this lesson by observing how they behave with Allah.
Imam Ahmad reported a hadith in the book of Zahd, in which the Prophet (bpuh) relates the following saying from Allah:
"Strange are you, O’ son of Adam! I have created you and you worship other than me. I have provided for you and you thank those besides me. I show you love by giving you blessings and I do not need you. While you show me animosity through your sins and you are to me poor. My good is descending to you and your evil is rising to me."
It is mentioned in the biography of Prophet Eesa (Jesus) (may peace be upon him) that, by the permission of Allah, he healed thirty sick people and cured many who were afflicted with blindness.
Afterwards they turned on him as enemies.