The Sunnah: A Source of Civilization

The Sunnah and Civilized MannerThe Prophet's Sunnah - along with the Qur'an - clarified the characteristic traits of Civilized Fiqh. Moreover, it complements this Fiqh for us by elucidating those characteristic of Civilized Manner which befits a civilized person in a civilized nation. Civilized Fiqh is meaningless without Civilized Manner. If Fiqh or any field of knowledge did not bear fruit, then it would be worthless. Our ancestors used to say knowledge without benefits like a tree without fruit. The Qur'an states the worst example of the human being whom Allah has bestowed knowledge on yet he abandons it and does not act upon it, and even chooses to go astray and do the opposite of it. Allah says:
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) sought refuge in Allah from the knowledge which is of no benefit, and the very fruit of knowledge is to elevate one's manners and refine his morals. The Prophet said:
Civilized Manner represents all the things that elevate the individual as well as the society. It elevates the soul through worship, the intellect through knowledge, the financial status through work, manners through virtue, the body through exercise, social status through cooperation and abilities through the construction of the land. Such refined manners built upon a number of strong holds or characteristics, the most important of which are: