The Path To Guidance

In the Name of Allaah, Full of Mercy, Ever-Merciful to His (Believing) Servants
(1) This is a book which the Shaikh, the Imaam, the 'Allaamah, the
Shaikh of Islaam and the Muftee of the Muslims, Aboo 'Abdullaah
Muhammad the son of Aboo Bakr -better known as Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
-may Allaah the Exalted have mercy upon him, sent to one of his
brothers. He said:
(2) “Allaah is the One I ask and for Whose reply I hope: that He is benevolent to the brother in this life and the hereafter, that He brings about benefit by him and makes him blessed wherever he may be. Verily the blessing of a man lies in his teaching of goodness wherever he may be and his giving of advice to everyone he meets. Allaah, the Exalted said, informing about al-Maseeh (i.e., Jesus) (PBUH):
And He made me blessed wherever I may be. [Soorah Maryam (19):31].
Meaning, ‘A teacher of goodness, a caller to Allaah, one who reminds (others) of Him and who exhorts them to His obedience.’ So this is from the blessing of a man.
(3) Whoever is devoid of these (characteristics) is devoid of blessing and so the blessing of meeting such a person and spending time with him is removed. In fact, the blessing of the one who meets him and spends time with him will also be removed if he should waste time in merely talking about occurrences and events, thus corrupting the heart. [refer to the chapter one: The Sound Heart]
(4) Every harm that enters upon a servant, is caused by the heart's corruption. The corruption of the heart in turn brings about the removal of the heart's right upon Allaah, the Exalted, and a diminution of its degree and rank in the sight of Allaah. For this reason, some of the shaikhs advised with their saying, “Be cautious of (the) mixing with a person which will cause wastage of time and corruption of the heart. For verily, when time is wasted and the heart is corrupted, all of the affairs of the servant will become ruined, 1 ‘and he will be of those about whom Allaah, the Exalted, said:
And obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our
Remembrance, one who follows his own lusts and whose affair has been
lost and wasted. [Soorah al-Kahf (18):28].
(5) Whoever reflects upon the nature and the state of creation will find that, excepting a very small number, all of them are of those whose hearts are unmindful of the remembrance of Allaah, the Exalted; those who have followed their desires and whose affairs and well-being have become a ruin. This means that they have neglected what will benefit them and bring about their well-being. They occupy themselves with what does not benefit them -rather, with what brings harm upon them in this life and the next.
(6) It is such people that Allaah, free from all imperfection, ordered His Messenger not to obey. Obedience to the Messenger cannot be perfected unless obedience is denied to such people, because they call only to that which causes difficulties and hardships, such as following desires and being heedless of Allaah's remembrance. When unmindfulness of Allaah's remembrance and the home of the Hereafter is coupled with following of desires, then every evil is produced thereby and very frequently one of them is found combined with the other.
(7) Whoever contemplates the corruption of the world, both the general and the specific, will find that it emanates from these two principles.
(8) Heedlessness comes between a servant and his conceiving the truth, becoming acquainted with it and having knowledge of it. Therefore, because of this he becomes of those who are astray (daalleen).
(9) Following of desires prevents him from seeking the truth, desiring it and following it. Therefore he becomes of those with whom Allaah is angry (maghdoobi 'alaihim).
(10) As for those who have been favoured (by Allaah), they are the ones to whom Allaah has been bountiful by granting them the realisation of the truth in terms of knowledge, 2 in complying with it and preferring it as a mode of conduct over whatever is besides it. These are the ones who are upon the path of safety and those besides them are upon the path of destruction.
(11) For this reason Allaah, free from all imperfection, has ordered that we say numerous times, in the day and night:
Guide us upon the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians). [Soorah al-Faatihah (1):7].
(12) The servant is in the greatest need of being knowledgeable of what will benefit him in this life and the hereafter, that he prefers and chooses what benefits him and avoids what harms him. By both of these things he is guided to the Straight Way.
(13) If the knowledge of this passes him by he will be treading the path of those who are astray. If his desiring it (i.e., the truth) and following it is lost, he will be treading the path of those upon whom is (Allaah's) anger.
(14) By this (explanation) you will realise the extent and scope of this mighty supplication, the intense need for it and the dependence of the happiness of this life and the hereafter upon it.
need of guidance, 3 at every moment and in
every breath, in everything that happens to him and passes him by, for
he is in the midst of many matters from which he cannot separate
(i) Matters in which he found himself because of ignorance, rather than guidance, so he is in need of seeking guidance to the truth with respect to these.
(ii) Matters in which he knows the guidance, but did not act upon it in the proper manner, so he is in need of repenting from them.
(iii) There are matters concerning which he did not know the aspect of guidance in them, neither in terms of knowledge nor action. Thus guidance to both knowledge and acquaintance with them, the desire for them and acting upon them has passed him by.
(iv) There are matters in which he has been guided in one aspect but not in others, so he is in need of perfect and complete guidance with respect to them. Or matters for which he has been guided to their foundations but not -to their particular details, so he is need of a specific guidance (to those particular details).
(v) There are matters to which he has been guided but he is in need of further guidance with respect to them since guidance to the path is one thing, but guidance upon the path is something else. Do we not see that a man knows the path to a certain city, that the path is such and such. However, he is not capable of traversing this path because traversing it requires specific guidance in the journey itself, such as travelling at a certain time as opposed to another, taking a certain amount of water in such and such a desert, resting at this place as opposed to that one. All of this is guidance upon the journey. The one who (merely) knows that this is the path neglects all of this, perishes and is cut off from the desired goal. 4
(vi) Likewise there are matters for which he is in need of guidance in the future, similar to (the guidance) that he obtained in the past.
(vii) Matters for which he does not have belief concerning their truthfulness or falsehood and thus he is need of guidance as to what is correct regarding them.
(viii) Matters with respect to which he believes he is upon guidance but, in reality, is upon misguidance and does not realise. He is in need of being taken away from that (false) belief by guidance from Allaah.
(xi) Matters which he has acted upon due to guidance so that he is in need of guiding others towards them, directing them and advising them. His neglect of this causes a similar level of (his own) guidance to be lost.
(16) When it is known that guiding people, teaching them and advising them opens up a door of guidance for an individual -since the reward for an action is its like -every time he guides someone and teaches him, then Allaah will (further) guide him and teach him. Therefore, he will become a guide and guided, as occurs in the supplication of the Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) which has been reported by at-Tirmidhee 5 and others, “O Allaah, beautify us with the adornment of eemaan, make us guides (for others), guided, not astray, leading others astray, peaceful to Your close friends (awliyaa), warring with Your enemies. With Your love do we love those who love You and with Your enmity do we show enmity to those who oppose You.”
(17) Allaah, free from all imperfections, praised his believing servants who ask Him to make them leaders who are sought as examples upon guidance. Allaah, the Exalted, said regarding their description:
And those who say, “Our Lord! Bestow on us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes 6 , and make us an Imaam (leader/guide) for the pious (Muttaqoon).” [Soorah al-Furqaan (25):74].
(18) Ibn Abbaas said (in explanation of this aayah), “Following our example upon goodness.” Aboo Saalih said, “Being guided by our example.” Makhool said, “Scholars in (delivering) verdict, the pious guide themselves by our example.” Mujaahid said, “Make us follow the example of the pious, guiding ourselves by them.”
(19) This explanation (of Mujaahid) has caused difficulty for the one who does not know the greatness of the understanding of the Salaf and the depth of their knowledge and who says, “It is necessary for this aayah with this saying to be turned around, in agreement with the meaning, ‘Make the pious (muttaqoon) our leaders.’
(20) Refuge is from Allaah that something should be turned on its face. But this is from the perfect understanding of Mujaahid, for no man can be an Imaam (leader) for the pious until he (himself) follows the example of the pious (in their taqwaa). So Mujaahid made an indication to this aspect (of the meaning) by which they obtain this desired goal (of being leaders) -and that is by seeking the pious (muttaqoon) of the Salaf before them as (models of) guidance so that Allaah (in turn) will make them leaders (of guidance) for the pious after them. This is the most excellent and most delicate of meanings in the Qur'aan, and it has nothing to do with turning (the meaning) around whatsoever.
(21) So the one who follows the example of the Ahlus-Sunnah who were before him, will be one whose example is followed after him, or by those who are with him.
(22) Allaah, free from all imperfections, made the word ‘Imaam’ singlular (in the aayah) and did not say, “And make us leaders (A‘immah) for the pious.” Then it is said, ‘Imaam in this aayah is the plural of ‘aam,’ similar to ‘sihaab’ the plural of ‘saahib,’ and this is the saying of al-Akhfash, and it is far (from what is correct) and is not from (what is) well-known and famous from the language, such that it should be used to interpret the Qur'aan.
(23) Others have said, ‘Imaam’ here is a verbal noun, not a proper noun. It is said, ‘He led with a leadership,’ (amma imaaman), similar to, ‘He fasted a fast,’ (saama siyaaman) and ‘He stood a standing,’ (qaama qiyaaman) and so the meaning would be, ‘Make us possessors of leadership,’-but this saying is weaker than the previous one.
(24) Al-Farraa‘ said, “He said, ‘As a leader (Imaaman)’ and did not say, ‘As leaders (A'immatan),’ just like in His saying:
Verily, we are a messenger of the Lord of the Worlds. [Soorah Shu’araa (26):16].
He did not say, ‘... two messengers of the Lord of the Worlds.’ And this is in the singular by which the plural form is meant, such as in the saying of the poet:
O my (female) rebukers! Do not increase
in censuring me
Verily, the rebukers are not my leader
meaning, ‘they are not my leaders’ and this is the best of the sayings save that it is in need of further clarification. That is, the muttaqoon, all of them, are upon a single way, their deity is one, they are followers of one Book, one Prophet and they are the servants of one Lord. Therefore, their religion is one religion, their Prophet is one prophet, their Book is one book and their deity is one deity.
(25) So it is as if they were all a single leader (Imaam) for whoever comes after them. They are not like the opposing leaders (at variance with one another), those whose ways, schools of thought and beliefs are at variance. Therefore, following their example occurs by following what they (the Allaah-fearing from the Salaf) were upon, and that is but a single thing, and that is the leader (Imaam) in reality. 7
(26) And He, free from all imperfections, has informed us that this leadership is obtained by patience (sabr) and certainty (yaqeen) for He, the Exalted said:
And We made from among them, leaders, giving guidance under Our Command, when they were patient and believed with certainty in Our Signs. [Soorah as-Sajdah (32):24]
Therefore, it is by patience and certainty that leadership in the religion is obtained.
(27) It is said that it is ‘Patience (in keeping) away from the world (by being occupied in worship),’ and it is said, ‘Patience in the face of trials,’ and it is also said, ‘Patience in keeping away from the forbidden things.’ ‘However, what is correct is that leadership is obtained by patience in all of this, patience in fulfilling the obligatory duties of Allaah, patience in avoiding His prohibitions and patience over the decrees (of Allaah).
(28) Allaah put both patience and certainty together since they are both (the source of) the happiness of the servant. Losing them both makes him lose his happiness. The heart is invaded by the various calamities of desires and lusts (shahawaat) which are in opposition to the command of Allaah, and also by the calamities of doubts which are in opposition to His goodness.
(29) Therefore, by patience, the desires and lusts are repelled and with certainty, the doubts are repelled. The desire (shahwah) and the doubt (shubhah) are in opposition to the religion from every single aspect. None will be saved from the punishment of Allaah except the one who repelled his desires with patience and his doubts with his certainty.
(30) This is why Allaah, free from all imperfection, informed about the loss and ruin of the actions of the people of doubts, lusts and desires:
Like those before you, they were mightier than you in power, and more abundant in wealth and children. They had enjoyed their portion awhile, so enjoy your portion awhile as those before you enjoyed their portion awhile ... [Soorah at-Taubah (9):69].
This enjoyment is their enjoyment of their share of lusts and desires, then He said:
...And you indulged in play and pastime (and in telling lies against Allaah and His Messenger Muhammad) as they indulged in play and pastime... [Soorah at-Taubah (9):69].
And this is arguing with falsehood about the religion of Allaah and it is the argument and fooling around of the people of doubts. Then He said:
...Such are they whose deeds are in vain in this world and in the Hereafter. Such are they who are the losers. [Soorah at- Taubah (9):69].
(31) So Allaah, free from all imperfections, attached the wastage and ruin of ones actions and loss with the following of desires, which is taking enjoyment from one's share of desires, and with the following of doubts, which is arguing by falsehood.
(32) Just as He, free from all imperfections, has linked leadership in the religion with patience and certainty, the aayah' also contains two further principles:
(i) The first: Calling to Allaah and to the guidance of His
creation. (ii) The second: Guiding them with what He has commanded,
upon the tongue of His Messenger, not what is demanded by their
intellects, opinions, political manoeuvres, tastes and the
blind-following of their predecessors, without any proof from Allaah.
Because He said:
... giving guidance under Our Command, when they were patient ... [Soorah as-Sajdah (32):24].
(33) So these are the four principles that the aayah
The First Principle: Patience-and that is restraining the soul from the prohibitions of Allaah, keeping it confined to the commandments of Allaah and preventing it from complaining about and becoming angered with His decrees.
The Second Principle: Certainty-and that is firm, established and unshakeable faith in which there is no doubt and (the faith) which does not hesitate, suspect or doubt in the five fundamentals that Allaah, the Exalted, has mentioned in His saying:
It is not Al-Birr (piety, righteousness and obedience to Allaah) that you turn your faces towards east and (or) west (in prayers); but Al-Birr is (the quality of) the one who believes in Allaah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book and the Prophets. [Soorah al-Baqarah (2):177].
and in His saying:
And whosoever disbelieves in Allaah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers and the Last Day-then indeed he has strayed far away. [Soorah an-Nisaa (4):136].
and His saying:
The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allaah, His Angels, His Books and His Messengers. They say, ‘We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers.’ [Soorah al-Baqarah (2):285].
And having faith in the Final Day is included in having faith in the
Books and Messengers.
(i) The Messenger (sallallahu alaihiwasallam) combined them all in the hadeeth of Umar in his saying about eemaan, “That you believe in Allaah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers and the Final Day.” [reported by al-Bukharee (1/20) and Muslim (1/37) from Umar ibn al-Khattaab]. Whoever does not believe in these five is not a believer.
(ii) Certainty is that a (person's) faith in these fundamentals is strengthened until they become visible to the heart, evident to it, their relationship to keen insight (baseerah) being like the relation of the sun and the moon to the sight (i.e., clearly visible). It is for this reason that one from the Salaf said, “Verily faith (eemaan) is (but) certainty (yaqeen), all of it.”
The Third Principle: Guiding the creation and calling them to Allaah and His Messenger . The Exalted said:
And who is better in speech than he who invites (men) to Allaah (Islamic Monotheism), does righteous deeds and says, ‘I am one of the Muslims.’ [Soorah Fussilat (41):33].
Al-Hasan al-Basree said, “This is the beloved of Allaah, this is the Friend (waliyy) of Allaah. He submitted to Allaah, acted in obedience to Allaah and called the creation to Him.”
(i) These types of people are the most-excellent of all the types of people, the highest of them in rank on the Day of Judgement in the Sight of Allaah and those whom Allaah has excluded from the losers (mentioned) in His saying:
By Al-'Asr (the time). Verily man is in loss. Except those who believe, do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth and recommend one another to patience. [Soorah al-Asr (103):1~3].
(ii) So He, free from all imperfection, swore an oath over the ruin and loss of mankind, but excepted the one who perfected himself with faith and righteous actions and who perfected others by advising them with both of these things (faith and righteous actions). This is why Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee (may Allaah have mercy on him) said, “If all of mankind were to reflect upon Soorah al-Asr, it would suffice them.” 8
(iii) No one can be from among the followers of the Messenger in reality except the one who calls to Allaah with clear insight and evidence (baseerah):
Say (O Muhammad (PBUH)), ‘This is my way. I invite unto Allaah with keen insight and sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me.’ [Soorah al-Yoosuf (12):10]
(iv) His saying, “... I invite unto Allaah ...” explains his way, which he is upon, since his way and the way of his followers is calling to Allaah. Therefore, whoever does not call to Allaah is not upon his way.
(v) And His saying, “... with keen insight and sure knowledge (baseerah) ...” (regarding this) Ibn al-A'raabi said, “Al-Baseerah: (meaning) firmness in the religion.” And it is said, “Al-Baseerah is keen insight, just as it is said to an intelligent person, ‘You have baseerah in this,’ meaning keen insight. A poet said:
In those who first departed among the
Are insights (of sure knowledge) for us
(vi) What is correct is that keen insight is a fruit of sure knowledge. So when one has sure knowledge he has keen and perceptive insight. Whoever lacks sure knowledge lacks insight, and it is as if he has no sure knowledge. The root of this word (baseerah) is from ‘dhuhoor’ (visibility) and ‘bayaan’ (elucidation). The Qur'aan consists of basaa'ir (pl. of baseerah), meaning evidences, guidance and elucidation which lead to the truth and guide to right conduct. This is why it is said about the trail of blood which gives evidence to the game animal (that has been shot), that it is ‘baseerah.’
(vii) So this aayah indicates that the one who is not upon sure knowledge is not one of the followers of the Messenger whose followers are the ones who possess sure knowledge and keen insights. This is why He said, “... I and whosoever follows me ...”
(viii) If the meaning was, “I call upon Allaah, I and whosoever follows me ...” and “... whosoever follows me ...” refers back to the nominative pronoun in “I invite unto ...” and this conjunction has been made for the purpose of clarification, then this is a proof that the followers of the Messenger are the ones who call to Allaah and His Messenger (PBUH).
(ix) If the wording “... and whosoever follows me ...” is in conjunction with the genitive pronoun in “... my way ...” then the (meaning) is, “This is my way and the way of those who follow me.” In both considerations (of the meaning) his path and the path of whoever follows him is calling to Allaah.
The Fourth Principle: (Which is in) His saying:
“... giving guidance under Our Command...” [Soorah as-Sajdah (32):24].
In this is an evidence for the obligation of (their) following what Allaah has revealed to His Messenger and of (their) guidance by it alone, as opposed to the other sayings, opinions, sects and methodologies. 9 Rather, they do not guide (themselves and others) except by His command, specifically.
(34) So from this (it is gathered) that the leaders of the religion who are sought as (models of) guidance, are the ones who have combined patience, certainty and calling to Allaah with the Sunnah and the Revelation, not with opinions and innovations. They are the vicegerents (successors) of the Messenger in his ummah -and they are his special ones and close friends (awliyaa). Whoever shows enmity to them or fights against them has shown enmity to Allaah, the One free of all imperfections, and has waged war against Him.
(35) Imaam Ahmad said in the initial address of his book ‘Ar-Radd 'alal-Jahmiyyah,’
“All praise is for Allaah Who, in every age and interval between the
Prophets, raises up a group from the People of Knowledge who call the
misguided to guidance and patiently bear ill-treatment and harm. With
the Book of Allaah they give life to the dead, and by Allaah's light
they give sight to the blind. How many a person killed by Iblees have
they revived. How many people astray and wandering have they guided.
How beautiful their effect has been upon the people, and how vile
people have been towards them. They repel from the Book of Allaah the
alterations of those going beyond bounds, the false claims of the liars
and the false interpretations of the ignorant ones-those who uphold the
banner of innovation and let loose the trials and discords. Who differ
about the Book, oppose the Book and agree to oppose the Book. Those who
speak about Allaah and His Book without knowledge, argue about what is
ambiguous in the Book and deceive the ignorant with such ambiguities.
We seek refuge in Allaah from the trials of the misguided ones.”
[‘Ar-Radd ‘alal-Jahmiyyah waz-Zanaadiqah (p.2) of Imaam Ahmad].
(36) Amongst the things with which it is desirable to be concerned and occupied in terms of knowledge, acquaintance, intent and desire, is the knowledge that every person -rather every living creature -strives for that which will bring about pleasure, bliss and a good life and which will repel the opposite of that. This is a correct and proper need which comprises six matters:
The first: Knowledge of that which is beneficial to the servant, favourable to him and which will attain pleasure, joy, happiness and a good life for him.
The second: Knowledge of the way which will take him to that. The third: Traversing upon this way. The fourth: Knowledge of that which is harmful, injurious and repelling and which makes his life harsh and miserable.
The fifth: Knowledge of the way which, if he adopts, will lead aim to that.
The sixth: Avoiding this way. (37) So these are six matters and the pleasure of a servant, his joy, happiness and welfare cannot be perfected except by their perfection and any deficiency in them will bring back his bad state and miserable life.
(38) Every intelligent person strives in these matters. However, most people err in attaining this beloved and beneficial need. Either due to lack of knowledge and proper conception or due to not knowing the path which will lead him (to this need). The cause of these two errors is ignorance, and this can be removed with knowledge.
(39) However, sometimes he may have attained knowledge of this need and of the path that will lead him to it, but there are wants and desires in his heart which come between him and his yearning for this beneficial need and traversing its path. Whenever he desires this path, these wants and desires obstruct him and come between him and his desire for this beneficial need.
(40) He will not be able to abandon them (the desires) and give precedence to the beneficial need except by one of two things:
(i) Either a love that perturbs (shakes him) or a fear that discomforts, (as a result of which) Allaah, His Messenger, the home of the Hereafter, Paradise and its bliss all become more beloved to him than these desires and lusts. He (also) realises that he can never combine both of these things together (in his heart) so he prefers the higher of the two beloved things (to him) over that which is lower.
(ii) Or he attains knowledge of what (unresting) fears and harms he would gather by choosing these lusts and desires, (fears and harms) which are more severe and lasting than the mere pain of missing out on them.
(41) So when these two types of knowledge take root in his heart he will choose what is desirable and will put it ahead of everything that is besides it, because the special characteristic of intelligence can only be realised by giving preference to the greater of two beloved things over the lesser of the two, and bearing the lesser of two dislikeable/harmful things to escape from the greater of them.
(42) By this principle you will know the minds of people and
be able to differentiate between the intelligent person and other than
him, and the diversity in the (levels of) intelligence of people will
become apparent. Where then, is the intelligence of the one who prefers
the worldly, exciting (but) troublesome pleasures which are like
confused dreams or like an apparition by which he entertains the one
who visits him in his dream over the pleasure which is of the greatest
of (all) pleasures, and a rejoicing and a delight which is of the
greatest of (all) delights, which is everlasting, never ceases, nor
perishes and is never cut off? He sells this for a pleasure which fades
and perishes, one which is filled with harms and which is only obtained
by (undergoing) harms and whose consequences are (but) harms.
(43) If the intelligent person were to compare between the pleasure and harm, pain and benefit of the two, he would become ashamed of himself and of his intelligence. How can he strive to seek it and waste his time by occupying himself with it, let alone preferring it over that which no eye has seen, no ears have heard and has never been conceived of in the heart of man?
(44) Allaah, free from all imperfections, has purchased the souls of the Believers and has made Paradise their price. He put this covenant into effect upon the hand of his Messenger and close friend, the best of His creation. So it is a commodity (i.e., the souls of the Believers) which the Lord of the Heavens and the earth is a purchaser of. The pleasure of looking at His Noble Face and listening to His Speech in His home (of the hereafter) is its price (in return).
(45) How can it befit the intelligent person that he should waste and neglect it, and to sell it for an insignificant price, in a ceasing, wasting, perishing place. Is this but the greatest of frauds? This senseless and foolish fraud will become manifest on the Day of Resurrection, when the scales of those having taqwaa of Allaah will be heavy (with good deeds) and the scales of the falsifiers will be light (devoid of good deeds).
(46) When you have known (and understood) this introduction, (then you will realise) that perfect pleasure, rejoicing, happiness, a goodly life and bliss -all of that lies in (having) knowledge of Allaah, in His Tawheed, in being at ease with Him, fondness in meeting with Him and combining one's heart and making one's (sole) concern for Him. For the most troublesome life is the life of the one whose heart is scattered and whose concerns are diverse so that there is no resting place upon which his heart can settle nor any beloved one in whom he can find refuge and comfort. As the poet has explained in his saying:
(He) does not taste the sweetness of
The one for whom there is no beloved
In which he can find comfort and serenity
(47) A goodly living, a beneficial life and the pleasure of the eye (all) lie in being tranquil and serene with the first (original) beloved (i.e., Allaah) and if the heart were to wander and traverse to all (other) beloved things, it would never be tranquil nor serene. Nor would it find the pleasure of the eye until it was tranquil and serene with its Deity, Lord and Protector, the One besides Whom there is no protector or intercessor. The (heart) does not have any self-sufficiency from Him (even) for the blinking of an eye. As the poet has said:
Take your heart wherever you wish
amongst the desires
There is no (real) love except for the first beloved
To how many places in the earth has a youth traversed
(Yet) his everlasting desire is always for the first
(48) Therefore be eager that your concern is only one (concern) and that that is Allaah, alone, because this is the objective of the servant's happiness and the one who is in this condition is in a paradise of this world before the Paradise of the hereafter, and in a present state of bliss. As some of them have said, “Verily, there pass over the heart times about which I say, ‘If the people of Paradise are in the likes of these (feelings), then they are certainly in a good life.’” Another one has said, “Verily, there pass over the heart times in which it dances with joy.” And another one said, “The paupers of this world depart from it and they do not taste the best of what can be found in it.” So it was said, “And what is the best of what can be found in it?” He replied, “Knowing Allaah, loving Him, finding ease and pleasure in nearness to Him and being fond of meeting Him.”
(49) There is no pleasure in the world which resembles the pleasure of the People of Paradise with the exception of this one, and for this reason the Prophet said, “(Two things) from your world have been made beloved to me: women and scent (perfume), and the prayer has been made the pleasure of my eye.”
(50) So he informed that two things from the world have been endeared to him: women and scent and then he said, ”And the prayer has been made the pleasure of my eye.”
(51) “The pleasure of the eye ...” is above (the level of) love, for the eye does not find pleasure with every beloved thing. The eye only finds pleasure in that beloved thing which is loved as (something) in itself, and that is none but Allaah, besides Whom there is none deserving of worship. As for everything that is besides Him, then it is loved (with a love) that follows from His love, so it is loved for His sake and it is not loved along with Him, for loving (something) along with Him is shirk (associationism) and loving (something) for His sake is Tawheed. [Refer to Chapter Three: Ways to Bring About the Love of Allaah].
(52) A pagan takes as equals and rivals others besides Allaah, loving them as only Allaah should be loved. However, the muwahhid (the one who believes in Tawheed) only loves whomever Allaah loves, and he hates whomever Allaah hates. He does whatever he does for the sake of Allaah and he leaves whatever he leaves for the sake of Allaah.
(53) The central core of the religion is based upon these four principles, which are: Love and hate, and resulting from these two are doing and leaving, giving and withholding.
(54) So whoever perfects all of this, so that it is all for Allaah -then such a one has perfected eemaan and whatever is deficient in that which should be for Allaah, then that comes back as a deficiency in the eemaan of the servant.
(55) The intent here is that, that by which the eye finds pleasure is loftier than that which he (merely) loves. The prayer is the pleasure of the eye of those who love, in the life of this world, due to what it contains of secret and intimate conversations with the One besides Whom the eyes do not find pleasure and (besides Whom) the souls do not find tranquillity and serenity, (and what it contains of) comfort and enjoyment by His remembrance, great pleasure on account of submission, nearness to Him -especially in the state of sujood (prostration) -and it is in this state that the servant is the closest to His Lord.
(56) And from this is the saying of the Prophet , “O Bilaal! Let us find rest and comfort by the prayer.” So know from this, that his comfort and pleasure lies in the prayer, since he has informed that the pleasure of his eye is in the prayer. Where is this compared to the saying of the one who says, “Let us pray and so be at ease from the prayer.” 10
(57) The comfort and rest of the lover and the pleasure of his eye lies in the prayer but the unmindful one who turns away has no share of this. Rather the prayer is too great and burdensome for him. When he stands (for prayer) it is as if he is standing on hot coals, until he finishes from the obligatory section of the prayer. He hastens it and speeds (his performance of it). Thus, there is no pleasure of the eye for him in it and there is no rest and comfort for his heart in it.
(58) Yet the servant, when his eye finds pleasure in something and his heart finds comfort in it, then the hardest thing for him is to separate from it. But the pretender, whose heart is empty of Allaah's remembrance and the home of the hereafter and who is put to trial by the world, the hardest thing for him is the prayer and the most hated thing to him is it's lengthiness, even though he is sound in health, idle and unoccupied.
(59) Amongst those things that it is necessary to know is that the prayer by which the eye finds pleasure and by which the heart finds comfort and rest, is the one that combines six matters:
The First-Sincerity of Purpose (60) And this is that the reason behind the prayer and the thing which calls to it, is the servant's aspiration for Allaah, his love of Him, his seeking His pleasure, nearness to Him, frequently calling upon Him and fulfilling His orders. Such that nothing from the shares of this world constitute a motive for the prayer, ever. Rather, a person comes to the prayer whilst seeking the Face of the Lord, the Most High, out of love for Him, fear of His punishment and hoping for His forgiveness and reward.
The Second-Truthfulness and Sincerity of Action
(61) This is when a person vacates his heart for Allaah and strives his utmost in turning himself towards Allaah during the prayer. That within the prayer he gathers his heart together for the prayer and performs it in the best of ways and the most perfect amongst them, both outwardly and inwardly. For the prayer has an outward appearance and an inner one.
(62) Its outward appearance are the observable (physical) actions and motions and the audible sounds. Its inner appearance is humility and submissiveness of the heart (khushoo’), carefully observing oneself, knowing that Allaah is in fact observing the servant (muraaqabah), emptying the heart for Allaah, turning the heart wholly and fully towards Allaah during the prayer and not turning it away from Him to something else. All of these (inner appearances) are like a soul (for the prayer) and the outward actions are like a body (for the prayer). Therefore, when the prayer is lacking a soul, it is like a body without a soul.
(63) Does the servant not feel ashamed then, that he faces his Master with the likes of this? Because of this the prayer is coiled and twisted like the shabby, worn-out garment, and the face of its owner (i.e., performer) is struck with it and it says, “May Allaah waste you as you have wasted me.”
(64) The prayer whose outward and inner appearance has been perfected rises (to the heavens) while it has light and manifest proof, just like the light of the sun, until it is brought to Allaah and He is pleased with it and accepts it, and it says, “May Allaah guard you as you have guarded me.” 12
The Third-Following and Imitating the Messenger and Guiding One's Actions by Him
(65) This is that the servant has great zeal in guiding himself by the Prophet with respect to his prayer, and that he prays as he used to pray whilst turning away and leaving what the people have innovated both with respect to adding and taking away things from the prayer as well as the various fabrications, none of which have been narrated from the Messenger nor from any of the Companions.
(66) Do not give consideration to the sayings of those who make allowances, those who stop and pause (only) at the least of that which they believe to be obligatory even though someone else will have contested with them regarding it, and would have made obligatory that which they have abandoned and dropped. Perhaps the hadeeth are established and the Prophetic Sunnah is right next to them, but they will not turn towards that and will (instead) say, “We are the blind-followers of the madhhab of so and so.” 13
(67) This is not pure and correct in the sight of Allaah, the Exalted, and it is not an excuse for the one who opposes what he knows from the Sunnah, for Allaah, the Exalted, ordered obedience to His Messenger and following and imitating him alone. He did not command the following of others besides him. Others besides the Messenger are only obeyed when they command only that which the Messenger commanded, and everyone besides the Messenger -his speech can be taken (and accepted) or refused (and rejected).(68) And Allaah, free is He from all imperfections, the Exalted, has sworn upon His own Noble Self that we do not truly believe until we make the Messenger the sole judge in all disputes that occur between us and until we comply with his judgement and submit to it perfectly and completely. 14
(69) Referring judgement to someone besides the Messenger will not benefit us and will not deliver us from the punishment of Allaah. The answer (i.e., ‘We are the blind followers of the madhhab of so and so ...’) will not be accepted from us when we hear His Call, free is He of all imperfection, on the Day of Judgement:
How did you respond to the Messengers? [Soorah Qasas (28):65].
(70) It is definite that He will ask us about that and will request from us an answer. He, the Exalted, said:
Then surely, We shall question those (people) to whom it (the Book) was sent and verily, We shall question the Messengers. [Soorah al-A’raaf (7):6.]
(71) The Prophet said, “It has been revealed to me that you will be put to trial through me and that you will be questioned about me,” 15 meaning the questioning in the grave.
(72) Therefore, if the sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah
comes to someone and he abandons it for the saying of anyone amongst
people, it will be rejected (from him) on the Day of Resurrection and
he will come to know (the truth).
The Fourth-Observing Ihsaan
(73) This is (observing) muraaqabah, which is that you worship Allaah as if you are seeing Him. This observance begins with and emanates from perfect faith in Allaah, His Names and His Attributes such that a person sees Allaah, free is He from all imperfection, the Most High, above His heavens, ascending His Throne, speaking with His commands and prohibitions, controlling the affairs of the whole creation, the command coming down from Him and ascending to Him, and actions and the souls (at the point of death) of the servants being presented to Him.
(74) So he witnesses all of that with his hear. He witnesses His Names and His Attributes and he witnesses a Qayyoom (Self- Sustainer and Protector of all that exists), a Hayy (Ever-Living), a Samee' (All-Hearer), a Baseer (All-Seer), an-'Azeez (Mighty), a Hakeem (Most-Wise), one who commands and forbids, loves and hates, there being nothing hidden from Him of the actions of the servants, their statements or their inner condition and realities. Rather, He knows the deception of the eyes and what the hearts conceal.
(75) And this level of Ihsaan is the foundation of all the actions of the heart, for it necessitates veneration and magnification (of Allaah), awe and love, repentance and reliance, submission to Allaah, free is He from all imperfection, and humbling oneself to Him. It also cuts off the whisperings and murmurings of the soul and unites the heart and the concern (together) for Allaah.
(76) Therefore, the servant's share of nearness to Allaah is
in accordance with his share of observing Ihsaan, and it is with
respect to Ihsaan that the prayer (of each individual) differs such
that there may be a difference in excellence between the prayer of two
men-the difference between their standing, bowing and prostrating being
equivalent to the difference between the heavens and the earth.
The Fifth-Seeing that the Blessing is from Allaah
(77) This is that a person witnesses that the favour and blessing belongs to Allaah, free is He from all imperfections, in that He made the person and his family stand in this position, and He also granted them successes in making their hearts and bodies stand in service to Him. Therefore, if it had not been for Allaah, free is He from all imperfections, nothing of this would have occurred. As the Companions used to say, whilst in front of the Prophet :
By Allaah, if it had not been for Allaah
We would not have found guidance
And we would not have given charity
And nor would we have prayed
(78) Allaah, the Exalted, said:
They regard as a favour upon you (O Muhammad (PBUH)) that they have embraced Islaam. Say, “Count not your Islaam as a favour upon me. Nay, but Allaah has conferred a favour upon you, that He has guided you to the Faith, if you indeed are true.” [Soorah al-Hujuraat (49):17].
For Allaah, free is He from all imperfections, is the One who made a
Muslim a Muslim and the one who prays to be one who prays, as
al-Khaleel (i.e., Ibraaheem) said:
“Our Lord! And make us Muslims (submissive unto You) and of our offspring a Muslim nation (submissive unto You), and show us our Manaasik (all the ceremonies of pilgrimage, Hajj and 'Umrah, etc.,)...” [Soorah al-Baqarah (2):128].
(79) And he said:
“O my Lord! Make me one who performs Salaah and (also) from my offspring...” [Soorah Ibraaheem (14):40].
So (granting) the blessing and favour belongs to Allaah alone in that He made His servant to be obedient to Him. This is of the greatest of His blessings over him, and the Exalted said:
“And whatever of blessings and good things you have, it is from Allaah.” [Soorah an-Nahl (16):53].
(80) And He said:
But Allaah has endeared the faith to you and has beautified it in your hearts, and has made disbelief, wickedness and disobedience (to Allaah and His Messenger (PBUH)) hateful to you. These! They are the rightly guided ones. (This is) a Grace from Allaah and His Favour. And Allaah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. [Soorah al-Hujuraat (49):7~8].
This matter (seeing that the blessing is from Allaah) is one of the greatest of observances and the most beneficial of them for the servant. Every time the servant is greater and stronger in his tawheed, his share of this observance is more perfect and complete.
(81) It has a number of benefits: That it comes in between
the heart and becoming amazed with the action and looking at it (with
admiration). When a person sees that it is Allaah who favoured him with
it, who granted him success in performing it and who guided him to it,
this will keep him from looking at his own self, becoming amazed with
his action and assailing the people (with this action he did). So he
removes this from his heart and does not become amazed with it, and (he
removes it) from his tongue and does not show it (to others) and nor
does he start demanding things for it. This is the sign of an action
that is raised (to Allaah).
(82) And amongst its benefits is that he attributes the praise to the One who deserves it and its (true) owner. He does not see any praise for himself, but in fact he witnesses it, all of it, for Allaah, just as he witnesses that the blessing and favour is all from Allaah. That the bounty is all from Allaah, and that all goodness is in His Hand. This is from the completion of Tawheed.
(83) His heart will not be established upon Tawheed except with this knowledge and witnessing of this knowledge. When he knows this and it becomes firmly rooted in him, it will become a marvel to him and when it becomes a marvel to his heart, it will produce for him -from (the fruits of) love and intimacy with Allaah, fondness of meeting Him, enjoying His remembrance and obeying Him -that for which there is no comparison in the greatest pleasure of the world, ever.
(84) There is no goodness for any man in his life when his heart is hindered from this and when the path towards it is obstructed, but he is as Allaah, the Exalted, has said:
Leave them to eat and enjoy, and let them be preoccupied with
(false) hope. Soon will they will come to know! [Soorah al-Hijr
The Sixth-Seeing Deficiency in Oneself
(85) This is that even when the servant strives his utmost in fulfilling an order and sacrifices (himself) in abundance, he is still negligent and the right of Allaah over him is much greater (than his striving). That which should be given (to Him) of obedience and servitude is many times more than that. His Might and Grandeur, free is He from all imperfections, requires such servitude that is necessitated by these two (qualities of Him).
(86) When the aides of the kings and their servants serve in obedience to them whilst honouring them, aggrandizing them, showing them respect and reverence, displaying modesty, having fear and awe of them and being sincere (in advice to them) -such that they empty their hearts and single out their limbs for (service) to these kings -then the King of all kings, the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth is more deserving of being served with multiples of (all of) that.
(87) So when the servant sees in himself that he has not given to His Lord, with regard to His servitude, His due right, not even close to His due right, he will come to know of his negligence and shortcoming and failure to fulfil that which is fitting for Allaah, from His due right (upon His servant), and that he is in greater need of Allaah's forgiveness and His pardon (with respect to the shortcoming in servitude to Him) than that he should request reward from Him for his servitude.
(88) If he had fulfilled his servitude (to Allaah) truly and properly, that would have been as was due of him because of the requirement of servitude ('uboodiyyah) to Allaah. For the servant's serving of his master is a duty upon him because he is his servant and subject. So if he were to request some recompense for his actions and his service (to his master), the people would consider him foolish, stupid. Yet this is when he is not in reality his (master's) servant and subject. In reality, he is the servant of Allaah and His subject, from every single aspect. Therefore, his work and his service is a right due from him because he is His servant. If Allaah were to reward him for that, then that would be a mere blessing, favour and benevolence towards the servant, which he does not deserve.
(89) It is from this (perspective) that the Messenger said, “None of you shall enter Paradise on account of his actions (alone).” It was said, “Not even you, O Messenger of Allaah?” He replied, “Not even me, unless Allaah covers me with His mercy.” 16
(90) And Anas ibn Maalik said, “Three scrolls will be brought out for the servant on the Day of Judgement. A scroll of his good deeds, a scroll for his evil deeds and a scroll containing the favours and blessings that Allaah bestowed upon him. The Lord, free from all imperfections, will say to His favours and blessings, ‘Take your due right from the good deeds of My servant.’ He will say to the smallest favour (ever bestowed upon him), ‘Take your due right from the good deeds of My servant.’ So the smallest favour will stand (to take its due right) but the good deeds of the servant will be exhausted. Then (this smallest favour) will say, ‘By your Might-my due right has not been fulfilled.’ Then when Allaah wishes to show mercy to His servant, He bestows blessings upon him, forgives his sins and multiplies his good deeds.”
(91) This is amongst the clearest of evidences of the perfect knowledge of the Companions concerning their Lord and His rights over them, just as they are the most knowledgeable of the ummah concerning the Prophet , his compassion and his Religion. There is contained in this narration such knowledge and cognisance which none but those of keen insight and those having knowledge of Allaah's Names, Attributes and His due right, can grasp.
(92) It is from this that the saying of the Prophet can be understood, in the hadeeth which is reported by Aboo Daawood and Imaam Ahmad, from the hadeeth of Zaid bin Thaabit and Hudhaifah ibn al-Yaamaan and others, that, “If Allaah were to punish the inhabitants of His Heavens and the inhabitants of His Earth, then He would certainly punish them and this would entail no injustice on His part (ever). And if He was to show them mercy, then His Mercy would be better for them than their own actions.” 17
(93) And (finally), the chief and fundamental issues of this whole affair are four:
(i) a correct intention
(ii) overwhelming strength which is accompanied by (both)
(iii) aspiration (raghbah) and
(iv) awe (rahbah)
(95) Therefore, let the wise person contemplate over these four things and let him make them (as the road upon which he) travels and traverses. (And let him) construct (all of) his knowledge, actions, sayings and states (of being) upon them. No one who progresses does so except by them and no one who falls behind does so except by losing them.
(96) Allaah is the One from whom aid is sought, upon Him is the placing of trust and to Him is (one's) longing and hope. He is the One requested to grant us and all of our brothers from Ahlus-Sunnah success in actualising these four principles, in knowledge and action, indeed He is capable of that and the One who bestows it. Sufficient is He for us and He is the best disposer of affairs.
(97) The treatise has been completed by the blessing of Allaah and His praise, there is no partner to Him. The dominion belongs to Him as does the praise and He has power over all things. May Allaah send prayers and many salutations upon our chief, Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet, and upon his family and his Companions, till the Day of Judgement.
1 Refer to Chapter Thirteen: Ibn
al-Qayyim on Making Use of One's Time in Changing Evil into Good.
2 Refer to
Chapter Two: The Ways of Attaining Knowledge.
3 Ibn al
Qayyim said, “Guidance) hidaayah) is:
a) Elucidation
(bayaan) and Indication (dalaalah) (to the path), then
b) Success
(tawfeeq) and Inspiration (ilhaarn) (in following the path), and this
comes after (the guidance of) elucidation and indication. There is no
way to elucidation and indication except by means of the Messengers. So
when elucidation, indication and acquaintance (of the path) has been
obtained, there will occur, as a result of this the guidance of success
(in following the path), the placing of faith (eemaan) in the heart and
its beautification and endearment to it, making it (the heart) prefer
eemaan, be pleased with it and aspire for it. There are two independent
and distinct (types of) guidance. Success and prosperity cannot be
gained except by them. They both contain the knowledge and acquaintance
of that which we do not know of the truth, in both a general and
specific sense, as well as our being inspired to the truth and being
made to desire following it inwardly and outwardly. Then (they contain)
the creation of the capability for us (by Allaah) to perform the
requirements of this guidance with respect to speech, action and firm
resolution. (Then after all of this), being made to remain firm and
established upon it until death. It is from the above that this extreme
need of the servant for making this supplication is above every other
need.” Madaarijus Saalikeen, p.32.
4 The Messenger
of Allaah (PBUH) said, “Indeed the Children of
Israa'eel split up into seventy-one sects and my Ummah will split up
into seventy-three, all of them are in the Fire except one. ‘It was
said, What is the one?’ He said, “That which I and my Companions
are upon.” Reported by at-Tirmidhee (no. 2792),
al-Haakim (1/128~129), al-Laalikaa'ee (no. 147) and others from
'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'Aas . Abul-'Aaliyah (d. 90H) said, "Allaah
has bestowed upon me two favours, I do not know which of them is more
superior. That He guided me to Islaam or that He did not make me a
Harooree (one of the sects of innovation)." Reported by
al-Laalikaa'ee (no. 230). And Yoosuf ibn Asbaat said, "My father
used to be a Qadaree and my (maternal) uncles used to Raafidees-then
Allaah saved me through Sufyaan." Al-Laalikaa'ee in Sharh
Usoolul-I'tiqaad (no. 32).
5 Its wording
in Tuhfatul Ahwadhee (9/370) is , " O
Allaah! Make us guides (for others), guided, not astray leading others
astray, peaceful to Your close friends (awliyaa), warring with Your
enemies. With Your love do we love those who love You and with
Your enmity do we show enmity to those who oppose You." At-Tirmidhee
said, "This is a ghareeb hadeeth, we do not know the likes of this from
the hadeeth of Ibn Abee Laylaa except from this route."
Al-Mubaarakfooree said (9/367) about Ibn Abee Laylaa, "He is Muhammad
ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Abee Laylaa al-
Ansaaree, al-Koofee, al-Qaadee. He is truthful, but has very poor
memory." Shaikh al-Albaanee declared it Da'eeful-Isnaad,' (weak) Da'eef
Sunanit-Tirmidhee (678/3659).
6 At-Tabaree
said, ‘Upon that which is a
comfort to our eyes in that You cause us to see them performing actions
of obedience to You.’
7 i.e., they
were all upon one and the same way. So even though they were numerous
in number, they are leaders upon one and the same thing and so are like
a single (unified) leader upon that way.
8 Ibn
al-Qayyim said, “And an explanation of this is that by the
completion and perfection of the four levels, an individual attains the
limit in his perfection. The first: Knowing the truth; the second:
acting upon it; the third: teaching it to the one who is not conversant
with it and the fourth: having patience in learning it, acting upon it
and teaching it.
So Allaah, the Exalted, mentioned the four levels in this soorah and
He, free from all imperfection, swore an oath in this soorah, by time,
that every person is certainly in loss and ruin save those who have
faith and do righteous actions. They are the ones who act upon whatever
they know of the truth, and this is (yet another level). They recommend
each other to the truth. They advise one another by teaching and
directing -this is the third level. They recommend each other to
patience. They remain patient upon the truth and they advise each other
to have patience upon it and to be firm upon it -this is the fourth
level.And this is the limit of perfection, for perfection is that a
should be perfect in his self, as well as one who strives to perfect
others. His perfection is achieved by correcting his two strengths,
knowledge and action. The correctness of the strength in knowledge is
due to faith (eemaan) and the correctness of the strength in action is
by righteous actions. His perfecting others is by teaching them, having
patience in this and recommending them to have patience upon knowledge
and to act upon it. This soorah, despite its brevity, is one of the
most comprehensive of the soorahs of the Qur'aan in gathering goodness
in its entirety. All praise is due to Allaah who made His Book
sufficient (free of need) from everything besides it, a healing for
every disease and a guide to every good.” Miftaah Daarus-Sa'aadah
9 Refer to
Chapter Eleven: The Methodology of a Muslim.
10 i.e. let us get the Prayer out
of the way so that we can relax.
11 Refer also to Chapters Four
to Ten, related to khushoo (humility and submissiveness) within the
12 Ibn al-Qayyim said in
Al-Fawaa'id (p.258), “The servant has
two standings in front of Allaah. A standing in front of Him during the
prayer and a standing in front of Him on the Day of meeting with Him.
Whoever stood for the first standing, giving its due right, the other
meeting will become easier for him. And whoever took this
standing lightly and did not perform it with its due right, the other
standing will become hard and severe for him. The Most High said: “And
during the night, prostrate yourself to Him (i.e., the
offering of Maghrib and Ishaa prayers), and glorify Him a long night
through (i.e., Tahajjud prayer). Verily! These (disbelievers)
love the present life of this world, and put behind them a heavy Day
(that will be hard). [Soorah
al-Insaan (76):26~27].
13 Ibn al-Qayyim may Allaah have
mercy on him,
said in I'Laamul-Muwaqqi'een, (4/177) “Let the muftee beware, the one
who fears standing in front of Allaah, free is He from all
imperfections, that he answers the questioner with a verdict from his
madhhab of which he is a blind follower, while he knows that in this
matter, a madhhab other than his own is stronger and is more sound in
its evidence. But leadership teaches him to embark boldly in giving a
fatwaa with something about which he knows, overwhelmingly, that the
truth is in opposition to it. As a result he is a deceitful and
dishonest to Allaah, His Messenger and to the questioner. Allaah does
not guide the plan of the deceitful and He has forbidden Paradise to
the one who meets Him while he has been dishonest to Islaam and its
people. And the religion is but giving sincere advice. Dishonesty is an
opposite to the religion, just like the opposition of lying to
truthfulness and falsehood to truth. And when a matter arises in which
we hold an opinion which opposes (our own) madhhab, then we cannot give
a verdict in opposition to what we believe (to be correct), therefore
we quote the strongest madhhab (in that matter) and give it preference,
and we say, ‘This is what is correct and it is more deserving of being
accepted,’ and Allaah grants success.” Refer to Chapter Twelve: Ibn
al-Qayyim on Following a Madhhab.
Imaam at-Tahaawee may Allaah have mercy on him , said, “None blindly
follows except an ignorant person or a bigoted partisan,” reported from
him by Ibn ‘Aabideen in Rasm al-Muftee (1/32). It is also reported from
him by Ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee in his biography in Al-Lisaan (1/305),
that Aboo 'Ubayd ibn Jurthoomah was
revising some questions with him, so he responded to one matter and
Aboo 'Ubayd said, “This is not the saying of Aboo Haneefah.” So he
replied, “O Qaadee! Do I hold everything that Aboo Haneefah said?!” So
he said, “I did not think that you were anything but a blind-
follower.” So he said, “Does anyone blindly follow except a bigoted
partisan?” So he said, “Or an ignorant person.”
14 And this due to the
saying of Allaah, the Exalted: But no, by your Lord, they can have
no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad ) judge in all
disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against
your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission. [Soorah
an-Nisaa (4):65].
15 Reported by Imaam Ahmad with the
wording, “As for the trial of the
grave, then by me you will be put to trial and about me will you be
questioned.” Declared hasan by Shaikh al-Albaanee in Saheehul-Jaami',
no. 1361.
16 Reported by Bukhaaree (7/ 157)
and Muslim (4/2170) with his wording, “None
of you will have his actions enter him into Paradise.” They said, “Not
even you, O Messenger of Allaah?” He said, “Not even me, unless Allaah
covers me with
blessing and mercy.”
17 He
said in 'Awnul-Ma'bood, “And in its chain of narration is Aboo
Sinaan ash-
Shaybaanee whom Yahyaa ibn Ma'een and others declared trustworthy and
Imaam Ahmad and others spoke about him.” (12/467). This hadeeth is
declared authentic by Shaikh al-Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood,
no. 3932 and researched in Zilaalul-Jannah (no. 245).