He is Allah

‘Ones’ can be four types:
First: the one that is delineated, can be divided, and needs a space to occupy; that is the body.
Second: the one that is delineated, cannot be divided, and needs a space to occupy; it is something that has essence, such as the mind and the spirit.
Third: the one that is not delineated, cannot be divided, andneeds a space to occupy, it is something that has no essence and is temporal, such as sorrow and grief.
Fourth: the One that is not delineated, cannot be divided, and does not need a space to occupy; He is the ONE and Only, unexampled in His Self, His Attributes and His Divine Acts.
Allah can never be compared to anything and nothing can be compared to Him. He is the ONE in His Divine Acts, no partner has He in any of them; He is the First and everything save Him is recent; He isthe Everlasting and anything save Him is perishable; He is the ONE. Allah, Praise and Glory be to Him, says, “And of everything We have created pairs, that ye may receive instruction.” (ZARIYAT, 49). The Creator of pairs is the ONE, and we can not attributeto Him motion or rest, light or darkness, sitting or rising, beginningor end, He says, “there is nothing whatever like unto Him.”(SHURA, 11).
Everything, save Him, has a counterpart or a peer, the sun and the moon, night and day, heaven and earth, male and female, Jinn and man,good and evil, sitting and rising, sleep and wakefulness, death and life,sweet and bitter, disease and medicine, sanity and insanity, fidelity andinfidelity, stinginess and extravagance, length and breadth, north andsouth, and so on infinitely.
The only one who that has no peer, no resemblance, no opponent, is not composed of parts, and cannot be divided is the ONE and Only,Praise and Glory be to Him, He is Allah.