Muhammad the Prophet of Mercy

8. Allah did not reveal
to a human being
The Mushrikin, with vague and
vain arguments designed to overthrow the truth and a stubborn refusal to see
it, claimed: (Nothing did Allah send down to any human being),1 although close to them in the Arabian Peninsula lived People of Scripture, the Jews,
whom they acknowledged to be followers of a Divine Book, the Torah.
a claim – in the past or present – could only be made by those who do not
esteem Allah as is due to Him, nor understand the Generosity of Allah, His
Kindness, Mercy, and Justice.
Allah, the Most Kind,
Ever-Merciful, and All-Wise, would not leave man alone when He created him. He
knows his innermost secrets and outward deeds, strengths and weaknesses,
abilities and inabilities, and his need to resort to a just balance to weigh
with it his words and deeds, beliefs and ideals, systems and laws to see
whether they prove right or wrong, true or false.
Allah U knows that the mind He has given man will be
subject to internal pressures from wants, cravings, and inclinations. To man is
entrusted the powers of the earth, over which he is given authority to make use
of, having been subjected to him by Allah. Yet it is not entrusted to man to
form independent beliefs about existence or lay the basic laws of life.
This belongs in the
domain of the creed sent down by Allah to provide the correct beliefs that must
be held about existence and life.
Therefore, Allah does not
entrust man to his mind alone, or to the Fitrah (innate pure nature) He
has placed in him through which he naturally knows his Lord, loves Him, yearns
for Him, and beseeches for His Help in times of calamity. This Fitrah may
become distorted because of internal and external pressures, and under forces
of temptation and desire.
Rather, Allah entrusts
mankind to His Revelations, His Messengers, His Guidance, and His Books, to restore to their inborn nature its
purity and uprightness, to their minds its righteousness and soundness, and to
remove the coverings from within and outside their souls which mislead them
from the path.
This is what befits the
Generosity of Allah, His Kindness, Mercy, Justice, Wisdom, and Knowledge. He U would not create mankind then leave them
neglected, and then bring them on the Day of Judgment to account for their
deeds without having sent among them a Messenger. (And We never
punish until We have sent a Messenger (to give warning).)2
In the face of the fact that
both the Message of Musa (Moses r) and its followers were acknowledged among the
Arabs in the Peninsula, Allah U commanded His Messenger r to contradict the Mushrikin who denied
any message or revelation with the following truth:
(Say (O Muhammad), “Who then sent down the Book which Musa (Moses) brought, a light
and guidance to mankind.”)3
Confront them with this
truth and leave the answer4:
(Say, “Allah (sent it down).” Then leave them to play in their vain discussions.)5
<![if !supportFootnotes]>
1 Translated meanings of Al-An‘am 6: 91.
Translated meanings of Al-Isra’ 17: 15.
Translated meanings of Al-An‘am 6: 91.
4 “Allah did not reveal
anything to a human being” is adapted from Sayyid Qutb, In the Shade of the
Qur’an, interpretation of Surat
Al-An‘am [6: 91], thirty-sixth edition, Dar Al-Shorouk.
Translated meanings of Al-An‘am 6: 91.