Highlights On the meaning of Al-Fatiha

I first would like to thank Allah for helping me write this little book on the great 'Sura Al-Fatiha'. I pray that He will forgive me for whatever mistakes l might have made. It is a modest attempt to approach a great task. I wish my readers will correct me where they find me wrong.
I would like to thank Professor Muhammad Ibrahim, Department of African languages, at Faculty of Languages and Translation, Al-Azhar University for reading and putting some useful remarks on the first draft of this booklet. He also loaned me some books on the subject. May Allah bless and reward him.
I would like also to thank Sheikh Amr Khalid for motivating me to do something that I can carry on the Day of Judgment and say "Here is my humble work to prove my love of God".
My thanks also go to my family for being patient with me at the time of researching the topic and of writing this work. May Allah bless them all.