Don't be Sad

D0 not feel sad over fears for what may happen
In the Torah, the following has been related:
"Most of what is feared to occur, never happens!"
This means that most apprehensions and fears of impending difficulty fail to take shape in reality. Conjectures of the mind are far greater in number and in scope than the things that actually happen in life.
An Arab poet said:
"I said to my heart when it was attacked by a fit of anxiety, Be happy, because most fears are false."
This implies that if you hear of an impending calamity, or hear of oncoming disaster, don't be overly alarmed, especially since the majority of predictions about impending harm are false.
(…'And my affair I leave it to Allah. Verily, Allah is the All-Seer 0f [His] slaves. 'So Allah saved him from the evils that they plotted [against him]..). (Quran 40: 44-45)
Grieve not over criticism from the
Jealous and the weak-minded
You will be rewarded if you show forbearance to their criticism and to their impertinent remarks. The more they criticize you, the more you are increased in worth, because only someone who is unaccomplished has no one who is jealous of him, and according to the Arab saying,
"People do not kick a dead dog."
One poet said:
"They are jealous of he who has surpassed them, People show him enmity and opposition, Just like spiteful women, who speak of the fair maiden, With jealousy and malice e that she is of a low and base character. "
Zuhayr said:
"They are jealous of that which he has been blessed with, Allah will not take away from him the cause of their resentment. "
Another said:
"They will envy my death, what wretchedness is this, Even in my death, I am not spared from their jealousy."
Another poet said:
"I complained about the injustice of gossip-mongers, and you will not find,
The honorable and successful person who has escaped from jealousy,
You remain, O` honorable and worthy friend, the victim of it,
Yet no one begrudges the one who is miserable and wretched. "
In another poem:
"If a person reaches the sky with his nobleness,
Then his enemies will be the numbers of the stars in the sky,
They shoot at him using a bow with every kind of persecution,
Yet their abuses will never bring them to the level of his nobility."
Prophet Moosa (Moses) asked his Lord to prevent people from abusing him with their tongues. Allah said, "O' Moosa, I have not done so for myself I have created them and provided for them and they blaspheme and curse me!"
It has been authentically narrated that the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) said,
"Allah says: 'The son of Adam curses me and blasphemes Me, and he has no right to do so. As for his cursing me, he curses the time, and I am the time: I alternate the day and night as I please. As for their blaspheming me, they say that I have a wife and a child, and I have neither a wife nor a child."'
You may not be able to prevent people from attacking your honor, but you are able to do well, and ultimately, to ignore and turn away from their criticism and scorn.
Another poet said:
"l move past the fool who curses me, And I continue on my previous course saying: he does not refer to me!"
And yet another said:
"When the fool speaks, then do not respond to him, For better than to answer him is silence."
Idiots and fools clearly feel insulted by those who shine, those who are noble, and those who display genius.
"If the strengths and good points that I possess, were my sins, then pray tell me, how can I make amends."
(Woe to every slanderer and backbiter who has gathered wealth and counted it. He thinks that this wealth will make him last forever! Nay! Verily he will be thrown into the crushing Fire.) (Qur'an 104: 1 -4)
A well-known western writer said,
"Do what is right, and then turn your back to every vulgar criticism."
Do not respond to an injurious statement that is made about you. Forbearance buries faults, tolerance is superior. silence conquers the enemy, and forgiveness is honor for which you shall be rewarded. If defamatory remarks are printed about you, know that half of those that read such things quickly forget them while the other half are uninterested in the first place. S0 do not create further noise and fuss by refuting what has been said.
A wise person said,
"People are oblivious of you and me, and are busily striving for their bread. And if one of them is thirsty, he will forget my death and yours."
A poet said,
"Do not broadcast your affairs to your sitting companions, because they are jealous and will rejoice at your misfortune."
A house that has within it serenity and bread is better than a house that is replete with many kinds of expensive foods, yet is a place of trouble and unrest.