Face to Face : Masrur of Paradise & Maqrur of Fire

Read your book
While the angels were presenting the book of reckoning to Masrur, they said to him, "Read your book. You yourself are sufficient as a reckoned against you this Day."
The same words were said to Maqrur as well and to everyone else in that huge gathering. Masrur felt secure at hearing those words while Maqrur, unlike Masrur, looked terrified.
Masrur thought that since he was the one who would judge himself, then he could easily find out an outlet. He would claim innocence and invent all possible excuses to defend himself. However, Maqrur realized the heavy burden of this responsibility that had befallen him. He imagined that the statement implied an obscure concealed threat like in the case of a judge who says to the accused, "How would you judge yourself? Actually, the accused is sure that the judge will finally judge by himself.
At first Maqrur was afraid to open his book but he risked it and opened it. He searched for his past sins but he did not find any. He only perceived one major good deed that was repeated Throughout his book. He thought that he had been given a book that does not belong to him.
He bent towards the angels to inform them about the error and said to their chief, "You have given me someone else's book. It is not mine."
The angel amiably said to him, "Return back to your place. The book is yours, as we never do wrong."
Masrur said in a low voice, "The book does not contain sins. Where are the sins that I committed before?"
The angel said, "Say this to your Lord, the All forgiving, when you encounter Him."
Masrur said in astonishment, "Am I going to encounter Him?"
The angel said, "Yes, indeed."
Maqrur was extremely happy and said to everyone around him, "Look, read my book! Surely, I did believe that I should meet my Day of Account!"
Unlike Maqrur, Masrur was given his book behind his back and said to the angels of reckoning, "I have gone blind. I cannot read."
The angel said to him, "You will be reckoned several times... your sight will return to you to read and you will judge yourself and Allah too will judge you Himself."
Masrur shivered with fear and he started to read his book. He actually perceived his true abhorrent image as a brutal tyrant. The book of records had already recorded all his previous sins And offences.
He perceived his mean endeavors to gain authority and his disdainful crimes of killing, adultery, injustice, lying, and treasuring silver and gold. Like a mad man he went on turning the pages over and over searching for even one good deed that he might be able to use in defending himself. Unfortunately he did not find any. In spite of the fact that Masrur had lost his sight he gained insight within himself. After he had read his book he felt great dislike towards himself.