Where Is Allah

1- Abdel-Rahman As-Sunguri, Where is God.
2- Abdel-Latif Mushtuhuri, Belief and Believers.
3- Abdel-Ghani Aush, Science and Belief.
4- Mustafa Mahmoud, A Discourse with An Atheist Friend.
5- Ali Tantawi, Introduction to Islam.
6- Khalis Kango, Medicine is the Mihrab of Belief.
7- Wahid Ad-Din Khan, Islam Challenges.
8- Afif Abdel-Fatih Tabbarah, The Spirit of Islam.
9- Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Belief and Life.
10- Ibn A1-Qayyim A1-Jawziyyah, The Key for the House of Happiness.
11 - Anwar Al-Jindi, The Problem of Contemporary Thought in tileLight of Islam.
12- Ahmad Zein, To The One Who Asked Where is God.
13- Muhammad Khalifa Al-Tunsi, Protocols of Zionist Wise Men.
14- Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Worship.
15- Taha Afifi, Some Commandments of the Prophet.
16- Rushdi Alyan and Qahtan Ad-Dawn, Principles of Islam.
17- As-Suyuti, The Flower of Literature.
18- Muhammad Hasan Humusi, Belief in Allah.
19- Abdel-Halim Mahmoud, The Tenderness of Bounties.
20- Muhammad Mutwali As-Sha`rawi, Islamic Lectures.
21 - Abu Bakr A1-Jaza’ri, The Creed of the Believer.
22- Abdullah Azzam, The Effect of Belief in Establishing the Generation.
23- Ihsan Haqqi, Creation Not Evolution.
1 See the honorablescholar Ali Tantawi, Introduction to Islam
2 These bases are quoted from the book of Sheikh Ali Tantawi, Introduction to Islam. They are eight bases and we chose the first, second, third and sixth. Whoever wants more details, should return to the previous source.
3 See Sheikh MuhammedMutwali As-Sha’rawi, Islamic Lectures
4 See Ali Tantawi,Introduction to Islam
5 See Abdullah Azzam,Creed and its Effect in Establishing the Generation.
6 See Al-Hashimi, AlMufrad Al-Alam Fi Rams Al Qalam
7 See Al-Suyuti, ZaherAl-Adab
8 Quoted from the bookof “Belief in Allah” by Muhammed Hasan Al-Humusi, p.21-22
9 Taha Afifi, TheProphet’s Maxims