Crucifixion Or Cruci-Fiction

Every word is a frozen picture of what it represents. If we take a
word and cogitate on it, we will be able to see or visualise it in our
minds. Try — "ship", you will see a ship in your mind.
"Handbag", you will see a handbag in your mind. "Cigarette",
you will see a cigarette in your mind. But we speak at such a rapid
rate that we apprehend words as ideas, thoughts and concepts. Words are
the tools wherewith we convey our messages. The greater the vocabulary,
the clearer and easier the communication. But wrong words can mar the
The Arabic language is very rich in conveying spiritual thoughts and
concepts, but English is richer in the field of science and technology.
Yet this latter language is letting me down. It seems to have no verbs
for incompleted or attempted actions, for example:
1. A man is taken to the gallows, the noose is put around his neck,
"he kicks the bucket" meaning the rope is pulled for him to die, but
fate intervenes and he is reprieved before he expires. Twenty years
later the same man dies by drowning. We want one verb to explain to us
what happened — was the man ''hanged" or what happened? Not
un-hanged. We want just one verb , . .?
2. Another person Is taken to the Electric-Chair for electrocution.
He is strapped to the chair. And the switch is put on. A bolt of
electricity goes through the man, but the power fails. The man revives,
and before another bolt of electricity is shot through him, he is
reprieved. A few days later the man dies in a motor-car accident. What
was his end? What happened to him on the "Chair"? Was he electrocuted
or not? One verb . . . ?
3. Josephus, a Jewish historian, records in his book of "Antiquities" about "crucifixions" in which he
intervened and as a result the "crucified" men were lowered from their
crosses. One survived! What had happened to him on the cross? was he
crucified? The one who did not die by crucifixion, but an attempt was
made to crucify him. Was he crucified? One verb . . . ?
The above are hypothetical cases one might say. But we are with
history in the making. See page 36, a reproduction from the "Weekend
World", dated August 3, 1969. Mr. Pieter van der Bergh, a barman by
occupation, was "Crucified" for "kicks!" — just for the thrill of it.
In his own words, he simply wanted to prove, "THAT MAN IS MASTER OVER
HIS BODY". He was on the cross; he went through the whole process of
the crucifixion. To out do the three of Golgotha, he had "An 18 inch
spike piercing his thigh" — (picture is reproduced earlier in the
book). This barman is still alive and kicking. Was he crucified? One
verb . . . ? There is no such verb in English.
When the Jews cried repeatedly to Pilate — "Crucify him! Crucify
him! — (Luke 23:27, John 19:6), they meant KILL him
on the cross — by crucifixion. "KILL" him! Not just "taking him for a
ride" on the cross! And, if after all the due ceremony, like that of
Mr. Van der Berg, the man did not die by crucifixion, what would you
say happened? What verb are you going to use, when you haven't got it
in your language?
A South African Englishman, and his American
counterpart, Jointly confess1: "If the word crucify only means to kill on a
cross, we are at a loss to find an alternative verb to describe the
mere act of impaling on a cross" 2 (Their own
emphasis). Shame on them. They make a mockery of me whilst the
deficiency lies in their own language and in their own inability to
coin an appropriate word.
With all their "IN -dwelling of the Holy
Ghost", the Christian world has failed to coin an appropriate verb to
describe, " the mere act of being fastened to the cross", Presently, I
will get them out of their misery, Insha-Allah! 3, before the chapter is finished.
But why the rhetoric when they still say: "IF the word crucify
ONLY MEANS to Kill. . .". Will Christendom tell us what else
crucify means? The world-renowned Oxford Dictionary simply defines crucify
as "Put to death by fastening to a cross" 4. The
"born-again" authors of "The Islam Debate" cannot solve the problem so
I will solve it for them!
From the book — "The Islam Debate," page 113.
Why does it not occur to them to write "crucify" within inverted
If Allah Wills!
See the earlier picture for a more accurate representation of "fastening".
There is always something new coming out of the East. Now in the Far
East, the Philippines have developed a new craze of getting
"CRUCIFIED"! They want to walk in the foot-steps of Jesus. — (as seen
much earlier in the newspaper clipping). A reproduction from the
"SUNDAY NEWS" of Dares-salam, dated May 3rd 1981, reports of multiple
"crucifixions" in the Philippines. 'At least seven cases of
"crucifixions" were reported in the local press.' There could have been
many more "crucifixions" in the hinterland, which the newspapers failed
to report. Among those "crucified" was one Luciana Reyes, described as
"the first woman known to have performed the ritual" of
"crucifixion"! A new addition to the fanatical elements of the
"crucifixions" is that " the penitent's hands are nailed to a wooden
Not a single person died by "crucifixion"! (i.e. was crucified). One
of the "crucified" men fainted. Another "crucified" man "was up and
smoking a cigarette as soon as his hands were bandaged". A
vendor "had gone through the ritual (of "crucifixion") for the fifth
time". This man has vowed to perform the "crucifixion" ten times! It
all sounds like a fairy tale. But there were 25,000 witnesses to four
"crucifixions" in one town alone. Some of these "crucifixions" are
shown "live on television".
The Christian world has been notorious in exploiting Jesus to make
money. The films on the life of Jesus, everyone of them, was a
"box-office" record smasher! They have their "Nativity Play",
they have their "Passison Play", why not a "CRUCIPLAY"?
Reg Gratton, the correspondent for the "Sunday News", (see
the above newspaper clipping again) has solved the problem of the "crucifixions"
by having the words in inverted commas. He has used the words
"crucifixion" and "crucifixions" five times in his article, and every
time when these words appear he has them enclosed in inverted commas.
Please check it up. In other words he is saying that it is the
"SO-CALLED crucifixion" or the "SO-CALLED crucifixions". The inverted
commas are more subtle than the words "so-called". I did not catch the
joke on my first few readings of the article. Would you have?
You will note that other alert Journalists have taken the
precautions of putting words like "DEAD", "DIED", and
"CORPSE" in inverted commas earlier on. Now Reg does the same about
the "CRUCIFIXIONS!" Since the word "crucify" is getting stuck
in the missionaries' throats, should we not use CRUCI-FICTION instead?
We can now say without any mental reservation
that Pieter van der Bergh went through the process of the crucifixion
with all severity and seriousness, but he was not crucified (verb of
crucifixion) as the newspaper proclaimed BUT that he had been
crucificted (verb of cruci-fiction),
Further, we can say that the Christians in the
Philippines are not undergoing crucifixions, but that they are
undergoing CRUCIFICTIONS in all sincerity. No Passion PLAYS or
Play-acting with them as they do in films, it is the real thing, being
only short of death! Hence, any performance with the cross, where the
victim tries to emulate the alleged experience of Jesus, but does not
actually die the "ACCURSED DEATH" on the cross, we will rightly
call it by its appropriate terms —
CRUCIFICT instead of
This simple and natural use of the right words
will break the "CROSS" of Christianity which finds itself at the
"CROSSROADS", not knowing which way to turn. And if we use the words
frequently enough, we will soon find them in the English dictionaries
of the world.
To this end, we have published a hundred
thousand copies of this publication for FREE distribution as a first
print. Read it, study it and share it with friends and foes alike for
the glory of Truth.
"After more than 1,000 hours of studying . . ."
the "crucifixion", the author of A CAMPUS CRUSADE publication,
"The Resurrection Factory invents another posture for his "lord"
and "saviour".
1. FROGI - FICTION as illustrated here.
2. STAKI - FICTION as you see on Page
3. CRUCI - FICTION as it appears on
Page 33