Muwatta' Imam Malik (the well-trodden path)

- 1-The Times of Prayer
- 2-Purity
- 3-Prayer
- 4-Forgetfulness in Prayer
- 5-Jumu'a
- 6-Prayer in Ramadan
- 7-Tahajjud
- 8-Prayer in Congregation
- 9-Shortening the Prayer
- 10-The Two 'Ids
- 11-The Fear Prayer
- 12-The Eclipse Prayer
- 13-Asking for Rain
- 14-The Qibla
- 15-The Qur'an
- 16-Burials
- 17-Zakat
- 18-Fasting
- 19-I'tikaf in Ramadan
- 20-Hajj
- 21-Jihad
- 22-Vows and Oaths
- 23-Sacrificial Animals
- 24-Slaughtering Animals
- 25-Game
- 26-The 'Aqiqa
- 27-Fara'id
- 28-Marriage
- 29-Divorce
- 30-Suckling
- 31-Business Transactions
- 32-Qirad
- 33-Sharecropping
- 34-Renting Land
- 35-Pre-emption in Property
- 36-Judgements
- 37-Wills and Testaments
- 38-Setting Free and Wala'
- 39-The Mukatab
- 40-Hudud
- 41-The Mudabbar
- 42-Drinks
- 43-Blood-Money
- 44-The Oath of Qasama
- 45-Madina
- 46-The Decree
- 47-Good Character
- 48-Dress
- 49-The Description of the Prophet, may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace
- 50-The Evil Eye
- 51-Hair
- 52-Visions
- 53-Greetings
- 54-General Subjects
- 55-The Oath of Allegiance
- 56-Speech
- 57-Jahannam
- 58-Sadaqa
- 59-Knowledge
- 60-The Supplication of the Unjustly Wronged
- 61-The Names of the Prophet, may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace