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Ibn "Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, related that the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "Every Muslim must listen to and obey (his ruler) in whatever he likes and dislikes provided that this does not involve disobedience to Allah. But when he (the Muslim) is ordered to disobey (Allah), he must neither listen to nor obey (the ruler’s command)." Saheeh Muslim and Saheeh Bukhari.
Abu Juhaifah, may Allah be pleased with him, related that Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said that it is forbidden to accept the price of blood, the price of dog and the earnings of a prostitute, and he (Muhammad) cursed the persons who charged interest and gave interest, and cursed the woman who tattooed herself, and cursed the picture. Saheeh Bukhari.
Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, related that Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "There are three distinctive characteristics of a hypocrite: (1). Whenever he speaks he tells a lie. (2). Whenever he makes a promise he breaks it. (3). Whenever he is trusted he betrays it." Saheeh Muslim and Saheeh Bukhari.
Abu Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him, related that the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "Do not consider even the smallest good as insignificant, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face (is a good deed)." Saheeh Muslim.
HA MIM: "Ha Mim". Another name for Ha Mim Sahda or al-Fussilat . Surah 41 of the Holy Qur’an.
HABAL-UL-HABALAH: There were two forms of this trade called Habal-ul-Habalah. The example of the first form is to buy an offspring of an animal which is yet to be born by making the payment in advance. Second form is to sell an animal on a condition of retaining the offspring of the sold animal. Both forms of this kind of transaction are prohibited.
HADATH: This consists of two parts: (1). Minor - Passing wind, stool or urine. Impurity requires Istinja and Wudu. (2). Major- Sexual discharge, menstruation and childbirth. Requires Gushul.
HADD: Singular of Hudood. Boundary limit between the Halal (Lawful) and Haram (unlawful), set by Allah Ta’ala.
HADEED (AL): "The Iron". Surah 57 of the Holy Qur’an.
HADER: Fast recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
HADI (AL): A Cow, sheep or a goat that is offered as a sacrifice by a pilgrim during the Hajj.
HAIS: A dish made of cooking-butter, dates and cheese.
HADITH: A saying or tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Plural: Ahadeeth.
HADITH QUDSI: A saying of Allah Ta’ala narrated by the Holy prophet Muhammad , may Allah bless him and grant him peace, that is not part of the Holy Qur’an .
HAFADA: (1). Obedient service or work . (2). Descendant - son, daughter, grandchild, great grandchild, etc.
HAFADAT: Combined plural indicating all descendants - sons, daughters, grandchildren , great grandchildren , etc. Singular : Hafada . See Holy Qur’an , an-Nahl (16) :72 .
HAFSA, MAY ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HER: Daughter of Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, and wife of Muhammad, may the blessings and peace of Allah be on him and his family and his companions.
HAJAR AL-ASWAD (AL): The ‘Black Stone’, a stone some say fell from heaven, set into one corner of the Ka’bah in Makka by the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be upon him, which the pilgrim, in imitation of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, kiss, so unifying all the Muslims throughout the ages in one place.
HAJJ-AL-AKBAR: The day of Nahr (i.e. the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah).
HAJJ (AL): "The Pilgrimage", which commences on the 8th of Dhul’l-Hijjah. There are three types of Hajj:
Hajjat-Tamata’a (interrrupted). Umra followed by Hajj, but taking off the Ihram in between these two stages. Hajj al-Qiran (combined). Umra then Hajj without taking off the Ihram. Hajj al-Ifrad (single). Hajj without Umra. A pilgrimage to Makkah in the twelfh month of the Islamic calendar is known also as Hajj al-Ifrad. The performance of Hajj consists of ten steps:
(i) Put on the Ihram at the appointed station, then recite the Talbiyah. Recitation is done aloud by men and quietly by women. Depending on what type of Hajj you are doing, perform the necessary rites at Ka’bah upon arrival in Makkah. See Talbiyah. (ii). Go to Mina (on the 8th of the month). Pray the Duhr, ‘Asr, magreb, Isha and Fajr prayers at their proper time, but shortening the four Rak’at to two, as if doing travelling prayers. (iii). When sun rises (on the 9th of the month), go to ‘Arafat and combine the Dhur and ‘Asr Salat. (iv). After the sun sets, go to Al-Muzdalifa, reciting the Talbiyah. Combine the Magreb and the Isha Salat. After the Fajr prayer, raise your hands and do Du’a (After midnight, women and the weak may proceed to Mina if they wish. (v). In Muzdalifah (or Minah), pick up small stones (eighter 49 or 70) to throw at the Jamra (stone pillars) of ‘Aqaba. (vi) Go to Mina (on the 10th of the month): a). Throw seven stones, one stone at a time, at the largest of three Jamras (the stone pillars that represent Shaitan). b). Sacrifice your animal. You must eat some of its meat, but give the bulk of it to the poor and hungry. (Do this step only if it is required of you. It is not required for Hajj al-Ifrad. If you are doing either of the other two types of Hajj, but cannot afford an animal, then fast three days after you first put on Ihram and seven days after you have returned home.) c). Shave your head. Women only need to cut off a lock of hair. The rules of Ihram are now lifted, except for sexual intercourse with one’s spouse. (vii). Go to Makkah and to Tawaf al-Ifada. Go to the hills of Safa and Marwa and do Sa’i. Now the rules of Ihram are completely lifted. (viii). Return to Mina and stay there for the remainder of the 10th and on the 11th, 12th and the 13th. (You may, if you wish, leave Mina after Asr on the 12th or after Asr on the 13th. You must leave Mina before the sun sets.) (ix). Each day, stone each of the three Jamras (the stone pillars) with seven pebbles. (x). If you wish to return home, you must do the Tawaf al-Wida’. No-one is excused, except for the menstruating women or women in the period of discharge after childbirth. See Tawaf al-Wida.’ See Surah 22 pf the Holy Qur’an. Performing the Hajj if you are able is one of the Arkan of Islam. See Arkan.
HAJJ AL-ASGHAR: Another name for 'Umra. See 'Umra.
HAJJ AL-WIDA: The last farewell Hajj of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, before his death. During that Hajj, Muhammad gave an immortal Khutba called "Khutbatul Wida". This sermon is still remembered word for word, for it confirmed that the deen of Islam had been completed, transmitted and established by the Messenger of Allah, may the blessings and peace of Allah be on him and his family and his companions and all who follow him and what they are able, with sincerity, until the Last Day.
HAJJ MABRUR: Hajj accepted by Allah for being perfectly performed according to the Prophet's Sunnah and with legally earned money.
HAJJAM: One Whose profession is cupping (Hejjam).
HALAL: Lawful as defined by Allah the Almighty. See Ahkam.
HAMAM: Minister of Fir’aun (Pharoah) who tried to have all the newborn babies killed at the time when the Prophet Musa (Moses), peace be on him, was born.
HAML: "To carry". Words from the same root: Hamaa, he carried; Yahmilou, they carried.
HAMU: Brother-in-Law to wife, i.e. her husband’s brother.
HANAFIA: A school of Islamic jurisprudence named after Imam Abu Hanifa.
HANIF: Upright and true to faith in the Unity of Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala. Worshipping Allah Ta’ala alone, without associating anything or anyone with Him.
HANNAH (MAY ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HER): Grandmother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus, Son of Mary), peace be on them, and wife of ‘Imran, may Allah be pleased with him. Since the Prophet Isa had maternal grandparents, how can the Christians claim him to be Allah? Since Allah is the creator of all that there is, and was not created, do the Christians claim that Allah has a family tree? (Since they acknowledge the immaculate conception and the virgin birth, why do they trace the lineage of Jesus through Joseph the carpenter? See Matthew 1:6-16, Luke 3:23-31.) Glory be to Allah, the Most High. Cursed are those who ascribe partners to Him. The punishment of Hellfire awaits those who do not desist from the blasphemy.
HAQQA (AL): "The reality". Another name for the Last Day. Surah 69 of the Holy Qur’an.
HANIF: Pure Islamic Monotheism (worshipping Allah alone and nothing else).
HANTAH: An expression used when you don't want to call somebody by her name. (It is used for calling a female).
HARAM: Any act or deed which is prohibited by Allah and which will incur His wrath and punishment. See Ahkan. Sanctuary or boundary of any Masjid (mosque), but usually used with regard to the sanctuaries of the masjid al-Haram in Makkah and Masjid al-Rasool, may Allah give him light and peace in his grave, in Madinah. This is why they are referred to as "Al-Haramain al-Shariffain", the two Holy Sanctuaries.
HANUT: A kind of scent used for embalming the dead.
HARAM AL-SHAREEF (AL): See Masjid al-Haram (Al).
HARAMAIN AL-SHARIFFAIN (AL): "The two Holy Sanctuaries". The Santuary of the Ka’ba at Makkah and the sanctuary of al-Masjid al-Rasool, may Allah bless and grant him peace, in Madinah.
HARBAH: A short spear.
HARJ: Killing.
HARRAH: A well-known rocky place in Al-Madinah covered with black stone.
HURURIYAH (AL): A special unorthodox religious sect.
HASBA (AL): A place outside Makkah where pilgrims go after finishing all the ceremonies of Hajj.
HAROON, PEACE BE ON HIM: Aaron. A prophet of Islam. He was the brother of the Prophet Musa (Moses), peace be on them. See Holy Qur’an, Ta Ha (20):29-36, 90-94.
HARRA: Land covered with black stones in Madinah.
HARUT AND MARUT: Two angels who, by the permission of Allah Ta’ala, taught magic to the people of Babylon. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Baqara (2):102.
HASAD: Jealousy. Hasad is forbidden in Islam, except for two specific reasons: Being jealous of a person for memorizing Qur’an by Heart. Being jealous of a wealthy person for expending his wealth in the path of Allah Ta’ala.
HASANAAT: Good deeds committed in the path of Allah Ta’ala. These are the deeds by which Allah Ta’ala will judge man and Jinn when deciding whether or not they will enter Janna. Singular: Hasana.
HASBA: A place just outside Makkah where the Hujjaj go after completing the Hajj.
HASHIR (AL): "The Exile". Surah 59 of the Holy Qur’an. Another name for the Day of Judgment, Yaumal al-Hashr, "Day of the Gathering".
HAWALA: Transfer of debt from one person to another by the agreement of both parties.
HAWAZIN: A Quraish tribe. An Arabian tribe that always gave trouble to the new-born Islamic nation before their conversion to Islam.
HAWD: The watering-place of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, whose pure drink will refresh those who have crossed the Siraat before entering the Garden on the Last Day.
HAWIYAH: The sixth level of Nar (Hellfire). This will be the home of the Christians. See Jahannam.
HAWWA: Eve, wife of Adam, peace be on them. She bore many children. Everytime she gave birth, they were twins, one male and one female. Each twin married the twin of the other. The two most famous ones of her offsprings were Habil (Abel) and Qaabil (Cain).
HAYA: This has a wide range of meanings which falls into two categories: (1). Good. i.e. bashfulness, self-respect, good standard of ethics, modesty, etc. In other words, being ashamed to do anything of which Allah the Almighty disapproves or forbids. (2). Bad. Person having the opposite traits to the above. See Bukhari, Hadith 139, Vol. 8.
HIBAH: It means to present something to someone as a gift for Allah's sake.
HIDANAH (AL): The nursing and care- taking of children.
HIJAB: Any kind of veil - it could be a curtain, a facial veil, etc. The facial Hijab is divided into two types: (1). Niqab - Full facial covering (2). Khimar - Partial facial covering, i.e. it covers the face, but leaves the eyes exposed. It is said that the Universe is what veils the creators from the creation. If you find the veil awe-inspiring, how much more awe-inspiring is the One behind the veil?
HIJAZ: The region along the western seaboard of Arabia, in which Makka, Medina, Jeddah and Ta’if are situated.
HIJR (AL): "Al-Hijr". Name of a rocky place and its people. Surah 15 of the Holy Qur’an.
HIJRA: Migration in the path of Allah.
HIJRI: Name of the Islamic lunar calendar. It took its name from the early Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madinah, and commences from the date of the Prophet Muhammad’s Hijra, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, which he made with Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, in 622 AC. The months of the Islamic calendar are:
(1).Muharram, (2).Safar, (3).Rabi’il al-Awal, (4).Rabi’il al-Akhira, (5).Jumada al-Awal, (6).Jumada al-Akhira, (7).Rajab, (8).Sha’ban (9).Ramadan (10).Shawal (11). Dhul Qi’da . (12). Dhul Hijjah.
HIRA: A famous cave in the jabal an-Nur in Makkah where Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, first received the divine message through the Holy Spirit, the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), peace be on him.
HILAB: A kind of scent.
HINNA: A kind of plant used for dying hair etc.
HIQQAH: A three-year-old she-camel.
HIZB: Party. Allah Ta’ala divides all the parties into two groups; "Hizb Allah"(the Party of Allah) and "Hizbal-Shaitan" (the Party of Satan). It is irrelevant to Allah how one labels one’s party, whether it be "Democratic Party", "Labour Party", "Communist Party" or whatever. What matters is whether or not it follows the path of Allah Ta’ala.
HOORIYAT: Plural of Hooriah. See Hooriah.
HOORIAH: A Female virgin created by Allah Ta’ala, but not a descendant of Adam, peace be on him. She is created in Jannah (Paradise) and is the perfect companion of man in Akhira (Hereafter). Her beauty is insurpassable and unimaginable. She has intensely black irises and the whites of her eyes are pure whites . Also spelled as Houriah. Plural: Hooriyat.
HUBAL: The name of an idol in the Ka'bah in the Pre-Islamic Period of Ignorance.
HUBLA: A kind of desert tree.
HUDA: Chanting of camel-drivers keeping time of camel's walk.
HOUD , PEACE BE UPON HIM: A prophet sent to the tribe of 'Ad. 'Ad Surah 11 of the Holy Qur'an.
HUDAIBIYA (AL): A Famous plain ten miles from Makkah on the way to Jeddah. Site of the peace pact between the Muslims and the pagan Quraish in the year 6AH. This treaty paved the way for the spread of Islam. Surat al-Fath (Surah 48 of the Holy Qur’an) commemorates this victorious event. Allah Ta’ala called it "Fathan Mubeena" ( Manifest Victory). See Holy Qur’an, Al-Fath (48):1-4.
HUDOOD: The Boundary limits between what is Halal (Lawful) and what is Haram (Unlawful), set by Allah Ta’ala. Whoever transgresses these limits may be punished or forgiven by Allah.
HUJJAJ: Pilgrims. Persons who have been on pilgrimage to Makkah during the Hajj season in the month of Dhul Hijjah. Singular: Hajj = a male pilgrim, Hajah = a female pilgrim.
HUJRAH: Courtyard or a room.
HUKM: The closest equivalent in the English is "Verdict". It usually applies to a judgement on legal issues, especially with regard to religious matters.
HUMAZA (AL): "The Scandalmonger". Surah 104 of the Holy Qur’an.
HUMS: The Quraish tribe, together with their offsprings and allies, were called "Hums". The word was meant to be taken as meaning "strictness and enthusiasm", because they thought themselves to be Allah’s people, thus regarding themselves as being superior to other.
HUNAIN: Valley on the road from Makkah to Taif. Site of a famous battle that took place immediately after the conquest of Makkah in 8AH, between the Muslim army consisting of about 10, 000-12,000 men and the combined forces of the Hawazin and Thaqeef which amounted to 4,000 men. After a surprise attack and a near defeat, the Muslims managed to completely crush the enemy. See Holy Qur’an. At-Taubah (9):24-25.
HUTAMA: The seventh and deepest level of the Nar (Hellfire). This is where the religious hypocrites will spend eternity. The worst of Allah’s creation are the Munafiqeen(hypocrites), whether they be mankind or Jinn, because they ‘accept’ Allah and His Messenger with their tongues, but deny this ‘acceptance’ by their actions. See Jahanam.
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