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Abu Umara al-Bra’a, may Allah be pleased with him, related that Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, enjoined upon us the following seven acts:
Visiting the sick. Following the funeral procession. Invoking the Mercy of Allah upon one who sneezes (by saying Yarhamuk-Allah). Supporting the weak. Helping the oppressed. Spreading the Salaam (greetings of peace). And honouring vows. Saheeh Bukhari and Sahi Muslim.
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, related that the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "On the Day of Judgment people will be gathered together barefoot, unclothed and uncircumcised." I said, "O Messenger of Allah, will men and women be together looking at each other?" He said, "O Aisha, the occasion will be too grave and terrifying for them to be at ease to look at each other. Saheeh Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim.
Jarir ibn Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, related that the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "He who shows no mercy to others, Allah have no mercy upon him." Saheeh Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim.
DA’WA: Propagation of Islam through words and actions, calling people to follow the commandments of Allah Ta’ala.
DHAALEEN: "Those that have gone astray" (Surah 1:7). Refers to the Nasara (Christian), because they have forgotten much of Allah Ta’ala’s message and started to worship a human (the Prophet Isa’ Jesus, son of Mary’), peace be on him, mistaking him for a divine being and thus placing themselves in the same category as those who worship created objects, such as stars, fire, idols, various animals, etc. See Holy Qur’an, al-Maida (5):15.
DABAAH: (1). The Beast. The beast that will come out of the earth and will speak to man. His appearance will be one of the major signs of the coming of the Last Day. (2). In general, every living creature that moves on this earth. See Holy Qur’an, an-Naml (27):82-83.
DABOUR (AD): A great westerly windstorm. Type of storm that destroyed the people of ‘Ad.
DAHR (AD): "The Time". Another name of Suratul Insan. Suratul 76 of the Holy Qur’an. Ad-Dhar indicates the space/time continuum.
DAGHABIS: Snake cumbers. It is a plural of Daghabus.
DAJJAL (AD): Anti-Christ. Also known as Maseeh ad-Dajjal. See Ahadeeth regarding "the Final Hour" in both Sahi books. Sahi Bukhari, Hadith 649, 650, Vol. IV. Sahi Muslim, kitab al-Fafitan wa Isharat as-Say’ah.
DANIQ: A coin equal to one-sixth of a Dirham.
DAR-AL-QADA: Justice House (court).
DAYYAN: Allah; it literally means the One Who judges people from their deeds after calling them to account.
DAWOOD, PEACE BE ON HIM: David. A prophet of Islam. The prophet to whom the Zabour was revealed, and who fought Jaluth (Goliath) and killed him. See Holy Qur’an, Saad (38):17-26.
DEEN: (1). Usually translated as ‘Religion’, but in fact meaning ‘life transaction’, the transaction being between Allah and each of his created beings. The life-transaction, or religion, of Allah Ta’ala is universal. It is the way of Islam (submission of will to Allah Ta’ala). He sent the same message to Nooh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and all the other Prophets, peace be upon them all, but mankind, through ignorance or intentional misguidance by others has altered that religion of Allah again and again. Allah Ta’ala sent the Holy Qur’an as the final revelation and guidance for mankind and the Jinn who will be judged on the Day of Resurrection. (2). Also indicates the Judgment itself, i.e. "Yaum al-Deen". (Judgment Day).
DHAREYAT (AL): "The wind that scatters". Surah 51 of the Holy Qur’an.
DHAHIR: The seen or the visible. The thing or feeling that is made known or visible. Antonyms: Baatin. See Baatin.
DHAHIR (AD): "Ad-Dhahir", The Outwardly Manifest. One of the ninety-nine Attributes of Allah Ta’ala. It means the One Who is above everything and nothing is above Him.
DHAT-IRQ: Miqat for the pilgrims coming from Iraq.
DHAT-UN-NITAQAIN: Asma', the daughter of Abu Bakr (ra). It literally means a woman with two belts. She was named so by the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
DHAWI-AL-ARHAAM: Blood relative, especially parents, brother and sisters, uncles, sons and daughters, and grandparents.
DHIHAR: A type of divorce which was common in pre-Islamic Arabia, but was made Haram (unlawful) by Islam. It was a way when the husband wanted to divorce his wife he would selfishly say to her, "You are like my mother". This way she would not have conjugal rights, but at the same time she would still be bound to him like a slave. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Ahzab (33):4 Mujadilah (58):1-5.
DHI’L-KHALASA: Also known as ka’aba al-Yamaniyah. A place where a pagan idol called Daus used to be worshipped in Yemen in the pre-Islamic period of ignorance.
DHIKRUL-LLAH: Remembrance of Allah Ta’ala. Refers to every deed or action, intended or carried out, that is aimed at gaining Allah Ta’ala’s pleasure. The five pillars of Islam are its foundation. Recitation of Qur’an is its heart, and invocation of single Name of Allah, it's end.
DHIMMI: A Non-Muslim living under the protection of Islamic rule.
DHUL-FARA'ID: Those person whose share of inheritance described in the Qur'an are called Dhul-Faraid, and the rest are Asabah.
DHU’L-KIFEL, PEACE BE ON HIM: Ezekiel. A prophet of Islam. See Holy Qur’an: Al-Anbiyaa (21):85, Sad (38):48.
DHU’L-NOON, PEACE BE UPON HIM: The Companion of the Fish. This is a title of the Prophet Yunus (Jonah), peace be upon him. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Qalam (68):48 See Yunus.
DHU’L-HIJJA: The 11th month of the Islamic Calendar. See Hijri.
DHUL-KHLASAH: Al-Kahbah Al-Yamaniyah. (A house in Yemen where idols used to be worshipped. It belonged to the tribe of Khat'am and Bujailah).
DHU’L QARNAIN: One of the greatest rulers of ancient history. He was a true believer in Allah Ta’ala. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Kahf (18):83.
DHUL-MAHRAM: A man, whom a woman can never marry because of close relationship (e.g. a bother, a father, an uncle); or her own husband.
DHU-TUWA: It is one of the valleys (district) of Makkah and there is a well-known well in it. In the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be upon him), Makkah was a small city and this well was outside its precincts. Nowadays MAkkah is a Larger city and the well is within its boundary.
DHULM: Usually wrongly spelled as Zulm. It means injustice, harm, wrongdoing or transgression either against oneself or someone else. (1). Against oneself. Doing deeds or saying words which will bring the displeasure of Allah Ta’ala. These deeds may be physical or spiritual that will ultimately harm the soul. (2). Against others. In any form whatsoever, whether they be physical or mental. Its opposite id Nur, Light.
DHULUMAAT: Darkness In the sense of lurking danger. See Holy Qur’an, Al-An’aam (6):63. This is where the word Dhulm (Injustice) is derived, for injsutice in whatever form is an evil darkness.
DIBAJ: Pure silk cloth.
DINAR: An ancient gold coin.
DIRHAM: A silver weighing 50 grains of barley with cut ends. It is equal to 1/12 of one Uqiyyah of Gold in Value.
DIYA: Blood money, paid as compensation for killing, wounding, etc. Plural: Diyat.
DU’A: Supplication: Invoking Allah for whatever one desires.
DU’A (SHIRK AL): Invoking or supplicating to a false deity other than Allah Ta’ala, is a major Shirk. See Shirk.
DUHA (AD): "Forenoon": The mid-morning hours. Surah 93 of the Holy Qur’an.
DUHR: Noon. the Second obligatory Salat (Prayer) of the day. It can be prayed at any time between noon and mid-afternoon.
DUKHAN (AD): "The Smoke". Surah:44 of the Holy Qur’an. One of the signs of the proximity of the Last Day.
DUNK: Raising of the kafir in the state of blindness on the Yaum al-Qiama (Day of Resurrection).
DUNYA: "World". It refers to this existing world. In English it may imply both worlds, i.e. "this world, referring to the hereafter. Islam preaches that the real success is not in the Dunya (this world), but in the Akhira (Hereafter). The true value of this world does not lie in worldly success, but in how much success one has achieved in gaining the pleasure of Subhana wa Ta’ala.
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