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The Jews call Ezra a Son of Allah and the Christians call the Messiah the Son of Allah from their mouths; they imitate what unbelievers used to say in the past. Allah’s curse be on them. How they are deleted away from the truth. At-Tawbah (9):30
Surely, the similitude of Jesus before is as that of Adam: He created him from dust, then said to him "Be" and he was. Aali ‘Imran (3):59
O People of the Book! Why do you dispute about Abraham, when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? Have you no understanding? Aali ‘Imran (3):67
IBADAH: Acts of worship and adoration in utmost submission and obedience and with utmost love to Allah Ta’ala. In other words, a term that indicates all that pleases Allah, including sayings and actions of the heart or limbs. Love, fear, reverence, desire (hope), trust and sincerity are some forms of worship from within the heart. Prayers, attending to someone’s needs, invocation, supplication and sacrifices are some forms of worship of limbs. Ibadah is to worship Allah as He wishes to be worshipped. See Arkan.
IBLIS: The Jinn who disobeyed Allah Ta’ala and was expelled from His mercy. It was Iblis who tempted Adam and his wife Hawwa (Eve), peace be on them, to approach the forbidden tree. He is also known as Shaitan (Satan). See Shaitan. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Baqara (2):130, 135. Surah 19 of the Holy Qur’an.
IIDDAT: Also spelled as ‘Iddat. A limited period of waiting after divorce and before re-marriage prescribed by Islamic law, so as to avoid any confusion regarding the paternity of any child born after the new marriage. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Baqara (2):231-235, At-Talaq (6 5):4-7.
IDHIKHIR: A special type of pleasant- scented grass found in the Hijaz area of Saudi Arabia. Also known as Adhkar.
IIDRIS, PEACE BE ON HIM: Enoch, A prophet of Islam and a man of truth and wisdom. See Holy Qur’an, Maryan (19):56-57, Al-Anbiyah (21):85.
IFRAD (HAJJ AL): "Single Hajj". Performance of Hajj without doing Umra. See Hajj.
IFREET: Usually spelled as ‘Ifreet. An evil Jinn. He is large, powerful and very crafty. Plural: ‘Afreet. See Holy Qur’an, An-Naml (27):39.
IFTAR: Breaking of the fast immediately after sunset. Iftar takes place at Maghreb as soon as the Adhan is called.
IHRAM:?(1). The state in which one is prohibited from doing certain things which are lawful at other times. Umra and Hajj are performed in such a state. (2). When one assumes such a state one must declare mentally and orally that he or she is assuming such a state for the purpose of Umra or Hajj. Then one must recite the Talbiyah. See Talbiyah. (3). Dress: Men. It consists of two pieces of unstitched cloth: i). Rida - worn around the upper part of the body. ii). Izar- Worn below the waist. b). Women. Any full length dress which covers the entire body except for the hands and face, and is inconspicuous, i.e. it does not attract attention in any way whatsoever (tight, colorful, etc.). (4). Behavior: Both men and women are not permitted to trim their hair or nails, wear perfume, harm or kill any living thing, including insects, or damage any plant or tree. They should avoid argument and loss of temper. Sexual intercourse between spouses is also not permitted.
IHSAN: Highest level of obedience in worship, i.e. to be aware of and sincere to Allah Ta’ala and to be eager to do all good deeds. It is to worship Allah as if you see Him, knowing that, although you do not see Him, Allah sees you.
‘IJMA: Consensus. What all the Ulamaa (the people of knowledge) from among the Muslims are agreed upon.
‘IJTIHAD: To exercise personal judgment based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah. See Qiyaas.
IKHLAS (AL): "The Complete Faith". Surah 112 of the Holy Qur’an. Sincerity of the heart in worship and purity of intention.For any worship to be accepted by Allah it must be entirely for His sake, and not for other-than-Him.
ILAA: The path taken by a husband that he will not have sexual relations with his wife for a certain period of time. If this continues for longer than four months, then it is considered a divorce.
ILHAD: Atheism. Derived from Ilhahd which means deviation. It includes: Comparing Allah to anything, or any of His Attributes to those of His Creation. Denying any of Allah’s Attributes or altering their true meanings. Using Allah’s Names to describe anything in His Creation. To label Him with a name with which He has not named Himself. e.g. "Father". To attribute any deficiencies to Him. The person who practices Ilhad is called Mulhid. See Mulhid.
ILLYOUN: A place in Jannah (Paradise). Literally means "High places", but its exact nature is known only to Allah Ta’ala. All we know about it is that it is where the record of the righteous is kept. In contrast, the record of the evil-doers is kept in Sijjin. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Mutafifeen (83):18-21.
ILM: Usually spelled as ‘Ilm. Knowledge.
ILM ‘LLAH: Knowledge of Allah Ta’ala. No created being has any knowledge except what Allah permits him to know. Therefore, all that man possesses is a gift from?Allah, but most of mankind and the Jinn are unthankful. However much you know, you only know a little.
ILYAS, PEACE BE ON HIM: Elijah. A prophet of Islam. See Holy Qur’an, Al-An’am (6):85, ‘As-Saffat (37):123-132.
IMAM: A person who leads the prayer. A Muslim Khalifah. A famous Muslim scholar in Fiqh.
IMAMUL MURSALEEN: The leader of all the messengers. One of the titles of the Holy prophet Muhammad, may the blessing and peace of Allah be on him and them.
IMAN: Trust, faith and acceptance. Having faith and believing in: Allah Ta’ala. To affirm with the tongue, believe in the heart and confirm through action the following: a). His Existence b). his Lordship c). His Worship d). His names and Attributes.
Belief in His angels. Belief in His revealed Books. Belief in His messengers, without making any distinction between them. Belief in the last Hour and the judgment and the Fire and the Garden. Belief in the Divine decrees of Allah Ta’ala, both the good and the evil. See Holy Qur’an, al-Baqara (2):285.
IMLAS: See Aali ‘Imran.
IMSAAK: Start of the fasting time. Imsaak begins when the first light of dawn becomes visible, at Fajr when the Adhan is called.
INGEEL: This is mistakenly understood, by some, to be The New Testament that the Nasara (Christian) have today. The Ingeel that is referred to in the Holy Qur’an is the original scripture that was revealed to the Prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be on him, by Allah through the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), peace be on him, and not the New Testament which was written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, and others.
INS WAL JINN: Mankind and Jinn. See Jinn.
INSAN (AL): "Human". Another name for Ad-Dhar. Surah 76 of the Holy Qur’an.
INSHA-ALLAH: "If Allah wills". It is forbidden to say "I will do such and such tomorrow," without saying afterwards, "Insha-Allah".
INSHIQAQ (AL): "Reading Asunder". Surah 84 of the Holy Qur’an.
INSHIRAH (AL): "The Expanding". Surah 94 of the Holy Qur’an. also known as Al-Sharah .
IQAMA: The call which announces to the congregation that the obligatory prayer is just about to begin. The statements are the same as the Adhan, but in a shortened form, such that if a statement is repeated four times during the Adhan, then it is repeated twice during the Iqama.
IQAMAT AS-SALAT: Performing the Salat in a perfect manner. This is understood by most Muslims as having only one meaning, but it has two: 1). Performing the prayer in exactly the same manner as the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to pray. Sahi Bukhari, Hadith 737, Vol. 1. 2). Establishing the prayer. Every person in a Muslim society who is seven years or more must pray - women in their house and men in the Masjid (mosques). Every head, be he head of the family or chief of the town, will be held responsible for the missed prayers of those under him, as well as his own.
IQRAA: "Read". Another name for Suratul Al-’Alaq . Surah 96 of the Holy Qur’an.
IRAAD (KUFR AL): A major act of Kufr. Knowingly turning away from and rejecting or covering up the Divine Truth. See Kufr.
IRAM: Capital city of the ancient people of ‘Ad in the Yemen. It was famous for its lofty pillars. Some scholars say Iram was a hero of the people of ‘Ad who built a lofty statues of him. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Fajr (89):6-8.
ISA, PEACE BE UPON HIM: One of the greatest prophets and messengers of Islam. He is also known as Isa ibn Mariam (Jesus, Son of Mary) ad isa al-Maseeh (Jesus the Messiah, Jesus Christ). The Jews and the Christian have both blasphemed against the Prophet Isa, peace be on him. The jews reject him completely, while the Christians have elevated him to the level of Allah and or Son of Allah. The concept of such divinity is rejected in the Bible by the Prophet Isa himself (in parts of the Bible which have not yet been altered)
1). According to 1 Timothy 2:5, There is One God, and one mediator between God and men, the ‘MAN’ Christ Jesus." Notice the words "man" and "mediator". Are the Christians trying to say that Allah is the mediator and that the Bible is wrong? Do they not realize that Allah is so supreme in glory that He does not mediate? Ask the Christian how else they can explain this verse. Warn them that Allah’s wrath will be on those who knowingly hide or void the Divine Truth. 2). According to Matthew 24:36, Jesus, peace be on him, has no knowledge of the time of the Hour. Are the Christians trying to say that Allah lacks knowledge. 3).According to Matthew 14:23, Jesus, peace be on him, went into hills to pray. Are the Christians trying to say that Allah needs to pray, and if so, then to whom? 4). "But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matthew 15:9. Isa himself confir?ed the prophecy of Isaiah that the people would worship him in vain and believe in doctrines made by men. The truth is that Jesus, peace be on him, spoke the truth, but it is the Christian who, in his name, have invented lies against him. Allah is one. He did not beget nor was He begotten.
ISHA: Night. The fifth and last Fard Salat (Prayer). It's time starts about one and a half hours after sunset, when the redness has disappeared from the night sky and the stars have appeared, and ends a little before dawn.
ISHAQ, PEACE BE UPON HIM: Isaac. A prophet of Islam. He was the second son of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be on him. He was thirteen years younger than his brother, Prophet Ismael (Ishmael), peace be on him. Mary, mother of Jesus, peace be on them, was a descendant from Ishaq. See Holy Qur’an, al-An’am (6):84, As-Saffat (37):112-113.
ISHTIMAAL AS-SAMMA’: Wearing of clothes in two ways: 1). covering one shoulder and leaving the other bare. 2). Wrapping oneself (white sitting) in such a way that one’s garment do not entirely hide the private parts.
ISLAM: Literally means "Submission to the will of Allah." It is for this reason that Allah Himself names His life transaction "al-Islam" and described all the followers of this way of life, in every age, as "Muslim". The life transaction of Allah has five pillars , all of which must be strictly adhered to in word, deed and sincere belief. The five pillars of Islam are as follows:
1). Shahadatain. Bearing witness. All Muslims must believe in and utter Shahadatain. First Shahada: Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa l’lah. (I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.) Second Shahadah: Ash-hadu anna Muhammad Rasoolullah. (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.) 2). Salat. Prayers. To do all the five compulsory daily prayers regularly in the exact manner as was practiced by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. 3). Seeam. Fasting also spelled as Saum. To fast in the Month of Ramadan. 4). Zakat. Wealth tax. To pay 2.5 of one’s yearly savings above a certain amount to the poor and needy Muslims. the Zakat is compulsory on all Muslims who have saved (at least) the equivalent of 85g of 24 carat gold at the time when the annual Zakat payment is due. Zakat payment is due. Zakat refer to the relevant books written on the subject. 5). Hajj. Pilgrimage. To perform the pilgrimage to the Holy City of Makkah at least once in one’s lifetime (if one is able to afford it). See Holy Qur’an, Al-Maidah (5):3.
ISMAEL, PEACE BE ON HIM: Ishmael. A prophet of Islam. The first son of Ibrahim (Abraham), peace on him, thirteen years older than his brother, the Prophet Ishaq (Isaac), peace be on him. It was through the lineage of Ismael that the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was born. He helped his father Ibrahim to raise the foundations of the Holy Kaaba, Al-Baqara (2):125-129, Maryam (19):54-55.
ISRA (AL): "The night Journey". Another name for Bani Israel. Surah 17 of the Holy Qur’an.
ISTIGHFAR: Seeking Allah Ta’ala's forgiveness for one’s own misdeeds, and his protection from the misdeeds of others.
ISTIKHARA: Asking Allah the Almighty to guide one to the right decision and action regarding a particular problem. The Istikhara Salat consist of two Rak’as. A special invocation See Sahi Bukhari, Hadith 263, Vol.2.
ISTINJA: Cleaning the privates parts after urinating or passing stool, preferably using water.
ISTISQA: Invoking Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala for rain at the time of a drought. The Istisqa Salat consist of two Rak’as. See Bukhari, Hadith 119, Vol. 2.
ITABAA (TAWHEED AL): 1). Unity in following the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. To believe in and a recite the words "Ashadu anna Muhammadar Rasoolullah" (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) and to follow the way of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, as much as one is able, in life and worship. 2). Full belief in any matter proven to be authentic about the Holy Prophet Muhammad. 3). Obedience and following. 4). To give priority to the Sunnah above any other way of life. See Tawheed.
‘ITIKAF: Usually spelled as ‘Itikaf. Being secluded in a Masjid while fasting for the sole purpose of worshipping Allah. The person who is in the state of ‘Itikaf must not leave the Masjid unless it is absolutely necessary, e.g. answering the call of nature or to alleviate the problems and burdens of a fellow Muslim. There are two types of ‘Itikaf:
1). Fard. Compulsory when one promises Allah to do ‘Itika if Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala answers his invocation, e.g."I promise to do ‘Itikaf for seven days if my son is cured." If Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala answers his du’a, then the ‘Itikaf of seven days becomes a Fard. 2). Sunnah.Voluntary. Voluntary practice. Following the tradition of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and doing the ‘Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadan. See Bukhari, Hadith 242, Vol.3.
IZAR: A cloth worn by men (below the waist).
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