Book title: Fiqh Assunah
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Table of content:- 1-Introduction
- 2-Purification
- 3-Ablution (Wudu')
- 4-Ghusl, the complete ablution
- 5-Tayammum, the dry ablution
- 6-Menstruation
- 7-Prayer
- 8-Azhan, call to prayer
- 9-Prerequisites of the Prayer
- 10-Obligatory acts of prayer
- 11-Sunnah acts of prayer
- 12-Supererogatory Prayers
- 13-Nonstressed Sunnah Prayers (As-Sunan Ghair Al-Mu'akkadah)
- 14-The Witr Prayer
- 15-The Late Night Prayer, tahajjud (qiyam al-Layil)
- 16-The Special Prayers during the Month of Ramadan(Tarawih)
- 17-The Duha prayer
- 18-Salatul Istikharah
- 19-Salatul Tasbih
- 20-Salatul Hajah, the prayer for need
- 21-Salatul Taubah, the prayer of penitence
- 22-Salatul Kasuf, prayer of the solar and lunareclipse
- 23-Salatul Istisqa, prayer for rain
- 24-The Prostration During the Qur'anic Recitation
- 25-The Prostration of Thankfulness (Sajdat ush-Shukr)
- 26-Prostrations of forgetfulness during the prayer
- 27-Congregational Prayer
- 28-The Mosques
- 29-Places where offering prayer is prohibited
- 30-The Sutrah or partition in front of one who is praying
- 31-What is allowed during the prayer
- 32-Actions which are disliked during the prayer
- 33-Actions which invalidate the Salah
- 34-Making (Qada') for missed salah
- 35-The prayer of a person who is ill (Salatul Marid)
- 36-The prayer during times of fear or danger(Salatul Khauf)
- 37-The prayer of a traveler
- 38-Combining two prayers
- 39-Salatul Jumu'ah (the Friday Prayer)
- 40-Id prayers (Salatul 'Idain)
- 41-Zakah in Islamic Jurisprudence
- 42-Monetary holdings subject to zakah
- 43-Zakah on plants and fruit
- 44-Zakah on Animals
- 45-Zakah on Buried Treasure and Precious Minerals
- 46-Zakah on Wealth Extracted from the Sea
- 47-The Recipients of Zakah
- 48-Zakat ul-Fitr
- 49-Zakat ut-Tatawwu or Voluntary Sadaqah
- 50-Fasting (As-siyam)
- 51-The Fast of Ramadan
- 52-The Forbidden Days to Fast
- 53-Voluntary Fasts
- 54-The Manners of Fasting
- 55-Acts That are Permissible During the Fast
- 56-Actions that Void the Fast
- 57-Making Up Missed Days of Ramadan
- 58-Night of Qadr
- 59-I'tikaf or Seclusion in the Mosque
- 60-Sickness, Expiation of Sins
- 61-Contemplation of death and preparation for it bygood deeds
- 62-Al-Kafan (The Shroud)
- 63-Funeral Prayers (Salatul Janazah)
- 64-Burial
- 65-Azh-zhikr (remembrance of Allah)
- 66-Supplications
- 67-Pilgrimage: a general definition, its excellenceand prerequisites
- 68-The ability to perform hajj - what does it imply?
- 69-The hajj of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
- 70-Mawaquit: Fixed Times and Places For Ihram
- 71-Ihram
- 72-Talbiyah
- 73-What is permitted to a Muhrim
- 74-Restrictions of Ihram
- 75-Killing a game in the state of Ihram
- 76-Sacred precincts of Makkah and Madinah (HaramMakkah wa Madinah)
- 77-Tawaf or Circumambulation around Ka'bah
- 78-Sa'i between Safa and Marwah
- 79-Staying at Mina and Arafat
- 80-Umrah