Book title: Don't be Sad
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Table of content:- 1-Inside Cover
- 2-About this Book
- 3-Publisher’s Note
- 4-Translators’ Foreword
- 5-Introduction to the First Edition (Of the Arabic Version)
- 6-O' Allah!
- 7-Contemplate and be thankful
- 8-The past is gone forever
- 9-Today is all that you have
- 10-Leave the future alone until it comes
- 11-How to deal with bitter criticism
- 12-Do not expect gratitude from anyone
- 13-Doing good to others gives comfort to the heart
- 14-Repel boredom with work
- 15-Do not be a mimicker
- 16-Pre-ordainment
- 17-Verily, with hardship, there is relief
- 18-Convert a lemon into a sweet drink
- 19-Is not He [better than your gods] Who responds to the distressed
- 20-Enough for you is your home
- 21-Your recompense is with Allah
- 22-Faith is life itself
- 23-Extract the honey but do not break the hive
- 24-Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest
- 25-Or do they envy men for what Allah Has given them of His Bounty?
- 26-Accept life as it is
- 27-Find consolation by remembering the afflicted
- 28-The prayer…..the prayer
- 29-Allah [Alone] is sufficient for us, and He Is the best Disposer of affairs [for us]
- 30-Patience is most fitting
- 31-Do not carry the weight of The globe on your shoulders
- 32-Do not be crushed by what is insignificant
- 33-Be content with that which Allah has given You and you will be the richest of people
- 34-Thus we have made you a just nation
- 35-Take a moment to reflect
- 36-Smile
- 37-Smile ----- Pause to reflect
- 38-The blessing of pain
- 39-The blessing of knowledge
- 40-The art of happiness
- 41-The art of happiness ---- Pause to reflect
- 42-Controlling one's emotions
- 43-The bliss of the Prophetic Companions
- 44-Repel boredom from your life
- 45-Cast of anxiety
- 46-Cast of anxiety - Pause to reflect
- 47-Do not be sad ---- Everything will occur According to pre-ordainment
- 48-Do not be sad ------ Wait patiently For a happy outcome
- 49-Wait patiently for a happy outcome - Pause to reflect
- 50-Do not be sad: Seek forgiveness from Allah Often, for your Lord is Oft-Forgiving
- 51-Do not be sad ----- Always remember Allah
- 52-Do not be sad ---- Never Lose hope of Allah's mercy
- 53-Grieve not over unworthy things
- 54-Do not be sad - Repel anxiety
- 55-Grieve not over being poor
- 56-D0 not feel sad over fears for what may happen
- 57-Stop to reflect
- 58-Do not be sad: overlook the actions of others.
- 59-Do not be sad --- Do good to others
- 60-Jealousy is not something new
- 61-Stop to reflect
- 62-Do not be sad from the want of ample provision
- 63-Appreciate that, compared to others, your trial is light
- 64-Do not mimic the personality of others
- 65-Isolation and its positive effects
- 66-Do not be shaken by hardships
- 67-Pause to think about hardships
- 68-Do not be sad ---The fundamentals of happiness
- 69-Why grieve when you have the six ingredients?
- 70-The fundamentals of happiness ---- Verses upon which to reflect
- 71-Your best companion is a book
- 72-The benefits of reading
- 73-Pause to reject
- 74-Do not grieve ---- There is another life to come
- 75-Do not feel overly stressed When work piles up
- 76-Grieve not and ask yourself the following questions
- 77-Do not despair when you face a difficult situation
- 78-Contemplate these verses
- 79-Depression weakens the body and the soul
- 80-Depression: A cause of ulcers
- 81-Some other effects of depression
- 82-What depression and anger do
- 83-Bear your hardships with serenity
- 84-Hold a good opinion of your Lord
- 85-When your thoughts wander
- 86-Embrace constructive criticism
- 87-Most rumors are baseless
- 88-Gentleness averts confrontations
- 89-Yesterday will never return
- 90-This life does not deserve our grief
- 91-Ponder these points
- 92-As long as you have faith in Allah, don’t be sad
- 93-Do not grieve over trivialities for the entire world is trivial
- 94-This is how the world is
- 95-Strive to help others
- 96-Do not feel deprived as long as you have a loaf of Bread, a glass of water and clothes on your back
- 97-Blessings in disguise
- 98-You are created unique
- 99-Much that in appearance is harmful is in fact a blessing
- 100-Faith is the greatest remedy!
- 101-Do not lose hope
- 102-Don‘t be sad ---- Life is shorter than you think
- 103-As long as you have life’s basic Necessities --- Don‘t be sad
- 104-Contentment repels sadness
- 105-If you lose a limb, you still have others to compensate for it
- 106-The days rotate in bringing good and bad
- 107-Travel throughout Allah's wide earth
- 108-Contemplate these Prophetic sayings
- 109-In the last moments of life….
- 110-Do not let calamity shake you
- 111-Do not grieve ---- This world is not worth your
- 112-Don't be sad: Remember that you believe in Allah
- 113-Pause to reflect
- 114-Despair not --- Handicaps do not prevent success
- 115-If you embrace Islam, there is No reason for you to be sad
- 116-Things that bring about happiness
- 117-The ingredients of happiness
- 118-You will not die before your appointed time
- 119-'O' Allah, Who is full of Majesty and Honor….'
- 120-Pause to reflect
- 121-Steps to take if you are fearful of a jealous person
- 122-Good manners
- 123-Sleepless nights
- 124-The evil consequences of sinning
- 125-Strive for your sustenance, but don't be covetous
- 126-The secret of guidance
- 127-Ten gems for a good and noble life
- 128-Don't be sad ---- Learn to deal with your reality
- 129-Don't be sad ---- Sooner or later everything in this world perishes
- 130-Depression leads to misery
- 131-Depression may lead to suicide
- 132-Asking Allah for forgiveness opens locked doors
- 133-People should depend on you, and not you on them
- 134-Prudence
- 135-Do not cling to other than Allah
- 136-Doing those things that bring you peace
- 137-Preordainment
- 138-The sweet taste of freedom
- 139-Do not pay attention to the tell-tale
- 140-The curses of the foolish are of no consequence to you
- 141-Appreciate the beauty of the universe
- 142-Avarice is of no avail
- 143-Allah [Alone] is sufficient for us, and He Is the best Disposer of affairs (for us]
- 144-The ingredients of happiness
- 145-The fatigue and stress that come with an important position
- 146-And come to the prayer
- 147-Charity brings peace to the giver
- 148-Don't be angry
- 149-Supplications of the morning
- 150-Pause to reflect
- 151-The Qur'an: The blessed book
- 152-Don't aspire to fame, or else you will be taxed with stress and worries
- 153-The good life
- 154-Bear trials patiently
- 155-Worship Allah by surrendering your will to Him
- 156-From being a governor to becoming a carpenter
- 157-Mixing with people whose company is Heavy and dull ruins a person's peace
- 158-For the calamity-stricken
- 159-The positive effects of having true Monotheistic faith in Allah
- 160-Take care of your outside as well as of your inside
- 161-Seek refuge with Allah
- 162-I place my complete trust in Him
- 163-They agree on three points
- 164-The wrongdoing of the transgressor
- 165-Khosrau and the old lady
- 166-A handicap in one area can be compensated For by excellence in another
- 167-A few words about the foolish
- 168-Faith in Allah is the way to salvation
- 169-Even the disbelievers are at different levels
- 170-An iron will
- 171-The inborn disposition upon which we were created
- 172-Whatever is written for you will unerringly come to you
- 173-Work hard for the fruitful end
- 174-Your life is replete with priceless moments
- 175-Pause to reflect
- 176-Performing noble deeds is the way to happiness
- 177-Beneficial knowledge and fruitless knowledge
- 178-Read more, but with understanding And contemplation
- 179-Take account of yourself
- 180-Three mistakes that are common In our everyday lives
- 181-Plan your affairs and take proper precautions
- 182-Winning people over
- 183-Travel to different lands
- 184-Perform the late-night voluntary prayers
- 185-Your reward is Paradise
- 186-True love
- 187-The shari'ah is made easy for you
- 188-Tranquility and peace
- 189-Beware of ardent love
- 190-Some cures for ardent, unbridled love
- 191-The rights of brotherhood
- 192-Two secrets regarding sinning (Even if you know them, don't sin)
- 193-Seek out sustenance but don't be covetous
- 194-Pause to reflect
- 195-A religion that is full of benefits
- 196-Fear not! Surely, you will have the upper hand
- 197-Stay away from the following four….
- 198-In order to find peace, turn to your Lord
- 199-Two great words of solace
- 200-Some of the positive effects of experiencing hardship
- 201-Knowledge
- 202-Happiness is a Divine gift that does not Distinguish between the rich and the poor
- 203-Being remembered after death is a second life
- 204-Invoke Allah with the following
- 205-A Lord who wrongs not
- 206-Write your own history
- 207-Listen attentively to the words of Allah
- 208-Everyone is searching for happiness, but….
- 209-Prepare for bad times by being Thankful when all is well
- 210-Bliss versus the Fire
- 211-Have we not opened your breast for you [O' Muhammad]?
- 212-A good life
- 213-What then is happiness?
- 214-To Him do the good words ascend
- 215-Such is the Seizure of your Lord
- 216-The supplication of the wronged
- 217-The importance of having a good friend
- 218-Fleeting glory
- 219-Performing virtuous deeds is the crown On the head of a happy life
- 220-Everlastingness and Paradise Are there, and not here!
- 221-Enemies of the Divine way
- 222-The reality of this life
- 223-The key to happiness
- 224-Pause to reflect
- 225-How they used to live
- 226-What the wise say about patience
- 227-The importance of a positive attitude
- 228-A few words on patience
- 229-Pause to reflect
- 230-Don’t grieve you are poor, for your true Value is not determined by your bank balance
- 231-A word on reading
- 232-Don’t be sad, and study Allah’s Signs in the creation
- 233-O’ Allah! O’ Allah!
- 234-Don’t grieve, for change must take place
- 235-Do not give pleasure to your Enemy by displaying grief
- 236-Be fair
- 237-Optimism versus skepticism
- 238-O’ son of Adam, do not despair
- 239-Pause to reflect
- 240-T he Mutual rivalry for piling up Of worldly things diverts you
- 241-Blessings in disguise
- 242-The fruits of contentment
- 243-Being pleased with Allah
- 244-For the malcontented there is wrath
- 245-The benefits one reaps by being contented
- 246-Do not challenge your Lord
- 247-A just decree
- 248-Resentment yields no return
- 249-Safety is in contentment
- 250-Dissatisfaction is the door to doubt
- 251-Satisfaction is richness and safety
- 252-The fruit of contentment is thankfulness
- 253-The fruit of discontentment is disbelief
- 254-Dissatisfaction is a trap of the devil
- 255-Another word on contentment
- 256-Overlooking the faults of one’s brothers
- 257-Take advantage of health and free time
- 258-Allah protects those who believe
- 259-Signposts on the seeker’s highway
- 260-Being blessed with honor is also a test
- 261-The enduring treasures
- 262-Determination can overcome Insurmountable barriers
- 263-Reading in order to learn wisdom
- 264-And when I am ill, it is He who cures me
- 265-Take your precautions
- 266-Verify the facts yourself
- 267-Resolve to do something and then do it
- 268-The life of this world
- 269-Hiding from evil is a temporary solution
- 270-Remember that you are dealing With the Most Merciful
- 271-Optimism
- 272-Life is toil
- 273-Pause to reflect
- 274-Treading the middle path saves one from destruction
- 275-One is judged by one‘s dominant characteristics
- 276-One’s inborn character
- 277-It is not enough to be merely intelligent: One needs true guidance as well
- 278-If one has inner beauty, he will Discern beauty in the universe
- 279-Relief after hardship
- 280-You are above jealousy
- 281-Pause to reflect
- 282-Knowledge is the key to serenity and ease
- 283-The wrong way to go about things....
- 284-The noblest human being
- 285-One step at a time
- 286-Whether you have a little or a lot, Learn to be thankful
- 287-Three plaques
- 288-Pause to reflect
- 289-Be free from worry and fear
- 290-Deeds of charity
- 291-Recreation and relaxation
- 292-Pause to reflect
- 293-Contemplate the universe
- 294-Follow a studied plan
- 295-Do not be disorderly: in your affairs
- 296-Your value is determined by Your faith and character
- 297-The bliss of the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them)
- 298-Pause to reflect
- 299-A smile every morning
- 300-An obsession for revenge is poison That flows through a diseased soul
- 301-Pause to reflect
- 302-Do not melt into someone else’s personality
- 303-Waiting for relief from Allah
- 304-Pause to reflect
- 305-Guidance: A natural consequence of belief
- 306-The middle course
- 307-Avoiding extremes
- 308-Pause to reflect
- 309-Who are the righteous ones?
- 310-Allah is Most Kind to His slaves
- 311-And He will provide him from [sources] He never could imagine
- 312-An early: recompense
- 313-When you ask, ask Allah
- 314-Precious moments
- 315-Divine pre-ordainment
- 316-Death
- 317-Allah Alone is Ail-Powerful
- 318-Unexpected relief
- 319-Allah allows miracles to occur For His righteous slaves
- 320-Allah is All-Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs
- 321-Everything in the universe glorifies Allah
- 322-Be pleased with Allah
- 323-A call from the Nakhlah valley
- 324-The First generation of Muslims
- 325-Contentment even after being ruined
- 326-Be resolute in making a decision
- 327-The believer is firm and resolute
- 328-The tax on being an eloquent speaker
- 329-Perfect comfort and rest are in Paradise
- 330-Gentleness helps you achieve your goals
- 331-Anxiety does not help
- 332-Peace of mind is in having The basic necessities of life
- 333-Be prepared for the worst-case scenario
- 334-You are doing well you are healthy and have enough food
- 335-Don't belittle another person's efforts
- 336-Deal with others as you would Have them deal with you
- 337-Avoid being artificial
- 338-If you really cannot do something, leave it
- 339-Do not be chaotic in your life
- 340-Conclusion